the very underrated vst thread

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Misterguywick, Feb 2, 2020.

  1. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
    Likes Received:
    They only have one plugin in 64 bit format and the last news entry is from 2016… doesn't feel much like "still in business" to me. ;)
    Who would buy these plugins nowadays? You can't use them in modern DAWs, you can't use them on current macOS, just on PC and an older versions of Cubase. I wonder how you keep a business that abondoned afloat…
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2020
  2. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Pretty much the same story than the Alchemy one. I guess both Alchemy and Kore 2 were "too good" for the money-making goals of the big companies.
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  3. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I said he (bobby nathan) is still in business. I didn't say the company was still in business. Although it is, in principle.

    Originally these plugins were developed for TDM systems, and on these systems they still run without problems.

    i wonder why a one-man business should burn a lot of money for updating plugins when the majority of potential users are crackers.
    the target audience (professional studios with avid hd/tdm) doesn't need an update.
  4. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
    Likes Received:
    there are x64 bit versions....uncracked

    Joanne and Bobby Nathan
    Joanne and Bobby Nathan have over 26 years experience in the professional recording industy
    In 1978 Joanne and Bobby Nathan founded
    Unique Recording Studios
    in the heart of Times Square NYC
    and churned out Grammy winning
    Multi Platinum and Gold recordings
    until they opted to close the studios in 2004
    and pursue developing plug-ins.

    Many of today's top enigineers
    learned their skills
    and became world famous while working at Unique Recording Studios!
    Chris Lord Alge, Tom Lord Alge, Bob Rosa

    Joanne and Bobby Nathan circa 1986
    receiving the Ampex Golden Reel Award for
    Steve Windwood's "Back In the Highlife" LP

    Unique Recording Software
    debuted at the 2003 AES show and
    was nominated for Outstanding Achievement Signal Processing Technology Software in 2004
    Unique Recording Studios
    was nominated for
    Outstanding Recording Studio Facility

    Bobby was the first to sample James Brown's screams on the Emulator I and debuted them at the 1983 AES show for
    EMU Sytems.
    Check out Bobby Nathan's
    Sample This web page


    Bobby Nathan has been a leading design consultant
    since 1982 for the following:

    Akai (S900, S950 and MPC60)
    Dr. Click
    Digidesign Sound Designer - Digidesign's first product
    EMU (Drumulator, Emulator, Emulator II, SP12 and SP1200)
    Fairlight (Fairlight II and Fairlight III)
    Forte Midi Piano
    JL Cooper
    Korg (M1, 01W and Trinity)
    Kurzweil (Kurzweil 250)
    Mark of the Unicorn (Performer 1.0)
    Octave Plateau (Voyetra 8)
    PPG Wave and Wavestation
    Publison Infernal 90
    Roland (SBX-80)
    Roger Linn (Linn 9000)
    Sequential Circuits (Prophet5, Prophet 600)
    Southworth Total Recall
    Yamaha (DX1, DX5, DX7, DX711, RX11, TX816, REV1 and REV7)
    plus Midi development with JL Copper for the following :
    Arp 2600, Minimoog, Oberheim OSX, OB-8, Oberheim 8 voice modular

    Joanne and Bobby Nathan's
    Unique Recording Studios
    has recorded 100's of
    Platinum and Gold records
    between 1978 - 2004.
    Read the article at Mix Online
    Unique Recording Studios
    August 2000

    Jack Douglas behind our Dual Neve 8068

    [​IMG] In January 1983 we opened "Midi City", the world's first Midi recording studio.
    Midi City was home to many electronic musicians including :

    Arthur Baker, Bob James, C&C Music Factory,
    Jeff Lorber, John Robie, Kid Creole, Patrick Moraz,
    Phillipe Saisse, Robie Kilgore, Stuart Copeland,
    Steve Winwood, The System and Vangelis.

    Read the October 2003
    Mix Magazine TEC Awards
    20 year aniversary article
    Reflections on 20 Years of Audio Technolo

    plugin news
    December 15, 2016

    URS announces all 32-bit individual plugins are now $49.99 and the URS Strip Pro is $99.99!

    January 22, 2015

    URS announces Saturation 64-bit !

    The URS Saturation plug-in v3.0 is now currently available for 64-bit hosts.

    The first platforms to be supported will be AAX, Audio Units, VST3 and VST for Mac OSX Maverick and Yosemite only (Windows support to follow).

    Saturation 64bit v3.0 fully supports ProTools 10, 11 and 12, Logix X and many other 64bit hosts.

    Saturation 64bit v3.0 does not include 32bit support and only runs on 64bit hosts.

    Currently there is no Demo of Saturation 64bit v3.0. Please Demo Saturation 32bit v2.5.


    [​IMG] Macintosh Native $249.99 Special $99.99
    AAX, AU, VST3 and VST
    Mac OSX

    Previous URS Saturation 1.0 through v2.5 may upgrade for a limited time for $49.99, requiring your previuos license # to purchase the updated license.

    You can find your license number by logging into the URS web Site and from the Welcome Page select Register Products.

    [​IMG] Macintosh Native $124.99 Special $49.99
    AAX, AU, VST3 and VST
    Mac OSX

    More Info here

    October 24, 2011

    URS announces 64-bit support coming soon!

    The entire platform range of URS plug-ins is currently in development for 64-bit hosts.

    The first platforms to be upgraded will be Audio Units and VST (Mac OSX and Windows 7).

    The next platforms to be upgraded will be RTAS and TDM to the AAX platform for ProTools 10 and 11.

    All URS 64-bit upgrades will be a paid upgrade.

    What is currently supported?

    • All URS plug-ins currently support Mac OSX Lion and Snow Leopard and Windows 7.
    • All URS AU plug-ins currently support Logic Audio in 32-bit mode.
    • All URS VST plug-ins currently support your host in 32-bit mode.
    • All URS RTAS and TDM plug-ins are fully supported in ProTools 10.
    There will be an intro price for the 64-bit upgrades. Please watch our news page for details.

    January 10, 2010

    URS announces Public Beta of Phat C plug-in


    The URS Phat C is a multi purpose analog sounding compressor for individual tracks and buses. It replicates characteristics of not one but many hardware compressors . It's Input Stage adds saturation to color and effect the compressor's response to different program material. The six saturation models recreate vintage harmonics and soft clipping that effect transients before compression. Our combination of saturation and compression produces a fat sound with attitude! Phat C.

    We have included a Spank mode for those that need to spank their transients even harder!

    The six saturation models are as follows:

    • VCA
    • Opto
    • Fet
    • Transformer
    • Tape
    • Tube
    A Saturation Wet/Dry Mix slider let's you blend just the right amount of saturation.
    Selectable Ratios offer soft knee for 1.2:1 and 1:5.1 and normal knee for 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, 6:1, 8:1, 10:1.

    Two different Attack algorithms - Fast and Normal.

    Adjustable Release time from 50ms to 3 seconds.

    The URS Phat Compressor features a Wet/Dry mix slider to allow you to add back the untouched transients to the mix.

    A built in hi-pass filter with three frequencies - 20Hz, 25Hz and 30Hz.

    Native license includes:
    RTAS - AU - VST for Mac OSX Snow Leopard - Leopard - Tiger
    RTAS - VST for Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP

    [​IMG] $249.99 Introductory Public Beta Offer $99.99 expires January 31, 2010

    10 day demo available - iLok required


    December 1, 2009

    URS announces the URS Strip Pro V2.0 for TDM, RTAS, AU and VST


    • Input Stage bypass
    • Updated Input Stages
    • Compressor Fast Attack
    • Compressor Wet/Dry Mix
    • Windows 7 and and Snow Leopard Support

    The URS Strip Pro v2.0 update combines powerful modern features with vintage analog sound to enhance the mixing experience.

    All 30 Input Stages have been upgraded to add a more weighted effect with improved vintage odd and even harmonics.

    The Input Stage Bypass makes it easy to keep your settings and A/B the Input Stage effect.

    The Compressor section gets a lightning Fast AttackAlgorithm that recreates the fast attack range of vintage Fet and Opto compressors.

    The Compressor's Wet/Dry mix control allows adding just the right amount of source material dynamics to the Compression mix.


    Free Upgrade for all existing registered users
    The updated URS Strip Pro v2.0 Software installers can be downloaded from our web site.

    Macintosh users should install the Intel UB (Universal Binary) versions even if they are running a PPC.

    Supports WinXP. Vista, Windows7 - MacIntosh Tiger Mac OSX 10.4.x or greater, Leopard and Snow Leopard.

    10 day demo available - iLok required

    More info here:

    July 1, 2009

    URS announces URS N4 series EQ


    Digitally recreates the sound of a vintage British Six Band Equalizer (4 bands plus HP/LP Filters).

    The URS N4 series equalizer is very broad banded and musical.
    It is a must have tool for recording and sweetening drums and bass.
    It is smooth and silky and a little goes a long way.

    It has a hi-pass filter with four frequencies- 27Hz, 47Hz, 82Hz, 150Hz and 270Hz.
    It has a lo-pass filter with five frequencies- 3.9k, 5.6k, 8.2k, 10k, 12k, and 18k.
    The Low Band is selectable peak or shelving and is selectable with five frequencies- 33 Hz, 56 Hz, 100 Hz, 180 Hz, and 330 Hz.
    The Low Mid band has ten frequencies - 220Hz, 270Hz, 330Hz, 390Hz, 470Hz, 560 Hz, 680 Hz, 820 Hz, 1k and 1.2k.
    The High Mid band has ten frequencies - 1.5k, 1.8k, 2.2k, 2.7k, 3.3k, 3.9k, 4.7k, 5.6k. 6.8k and 8.2k.
    The "Hi-Q" button on the mid bands selects a narrower bandwidth.
    The High band is selectable peak or shelving and is selectable with six frequencies- 10k, 3.3k, 4.7k, 6.8k,10k, and 15k.

    Note * Supports ProTools 7.x.x or greater and 8.x.x ProTools 6.x.x not supported.

    TDM license includes - TDM - RTAS for PPC and Intel Mac OSX and WinXP/Vista

    Native license includes - RTAS for PPC and Intel Mac OSX and WinXP/Vista

    Upgrade path for Everything EQ Bundle and Everything EQ and Compressor Bundle owners
    URS Everything EQ and URS Everything EQ and Compressor Bundle owners who purchased on January 1, 2009 or after can upgrade for free.

    URS Everything EQ and URS Everything EQ and Compressor Bundle owners who purchased prior to January 1, 2009 and have upgraded their Everything EQ and URS Everything EQ and Compressor Bundle to include the URS M series EQ Bundle can upgrade as follows:

    Add a URS N4 series EQ TDM license to URS Everything EQ Bundle TDM $99.99
    (Requires surrender of all URS Everything EQ Bundle TDM Licenses present on your iLok)

    Add a URS N4 series EQ Native license to URS Everything EQ Bundle Native $49.99
    (Requires surrender of all URS Everything EQ Bundle Native Licenses present on your iLok)

    10 day demo available - iLok required

    January 15, 2009

    URS announces URS Saturation Plug-in v2.5


    The URS Saturation plug-in v2.5 includes ten vintage analog algorithms

    The URS Saturation plug-in digitally recreates six different and distinct pre amplifier algorithms, non linear tape head saturation and transformer core saturation. Each features a different type of input stage saturation, even and odd ordered harmonics and soft clipping.

    The six Pre Amplifier Saturation algorithms include:

    • Class A Tube Mic Pre Amplifier - Vintage Motorcity
    • Class A Tube Mic Pre Amplifier - German
    • Class A Discrete Pre Amplifier - British
    • Class A Discrete JFet Pre Amplifier - Modern
    • Class A Tube Mic Pre Amplifier - 1951
    • Class A Tube Mic Pre Amplifier - Tape Deck

    The Two Mono Tape Head algorithms add Analog Tape saturation. This non-linear saturation produces a smoothing effect on high frequency transients.

    • 15ips Tape
    • 30ips Tape
    The Transformer Core Saturation algorithm adds non linear transformer core saturation as found on vinatge consoles, tape machines and outboard gear.
    • Transformer American
    • Transformer British

    Try the different URS Saturation algorithms on all your favorite tracks - Drums, Guitars, Bass, Keyboards and Vocals. Hear the added warmth!

    URS Saturation v1.0 upgrade info
    The URS Saturation v2.5 update is free for
    all registered URS Saturation licenses.

    You do not have to update your iLok license.
    Please Login and download/install
    the updated v2.5 software installer.

    Price $249.99
    Introductory offer price $199.99

    10 day demo available - iLok required

    January 15, 2009
    URS announces complete ProTools 8 compatibility

    All URS TDM and Native plug-ins are fully Pro Tools 8 and m-Powered 8 compliant for Mac OSX Tiger / Leopard
    and Windows XP / Vista.

    Please check our Current Versions page
    to make sure you have the latest versions installed.

    The updates are free!
    Please Login to download the most updated installers

    10 day demo available - iLok required

    October 1, 2008
    URS announces URS Saturation Plug-in v2.0


    The URS Saturation plug-in v2.0 includes nine vintage analog algorithms

    The URS Saturation plug-in digitally recreates six different and distinct pre amplifier algorithms, non linear tape head saturation and transformer core saturation. Each features a different type of input stage saturation, even and odd ordered harmonics and soft clipping.

    The six Pre Amplifier Saturation algorithms include:

    • Class A Tube Mic Pre Amplifier - Vintage Motorcity
    • Class A Tube Mic Pre Amplifier - German
    • Class A Discrete Pre Amplifier - British
    • Class A Discrete JFet Pre Amplifier - Modern
    • Class A Tube Mic Pre Amplifier - 1951
    • Class A Tube Mic Pre Amplifier - Tape Deck

    The Two Mono Tape Head algorithms add Analog Tape saturation. This non-linear saturation produces a smoothing effect on high frequency transients.

    • 15ips Tape
    • 30ips Tape
    The Transformer Core Saturation algorithm adds non linear transformer core saturation as found on vinatge consoles, tape machines and outboard gear.
    • Transformer American

    Try the different URS Saturation algorithms on all your favorite tracks - Drums, Guitars, Bass, Keyboards and Vocals. Hear the added warmth!

    URS Saturation v1.0 upgrade info
    The URS Saturation v2.0 update is free for
    all registered URS Saturation v1.0 licenses.

    You do not have to update your iLok license.
    Please Login and download/install
    the updated v2.0 software installer.

    Price $249.99
    Introductory offer price $199.99

    10 day demo available - iLok required

    September 26, 2008


    The URS Classic Console Strip Pro Audio Units version has been updated to v1.1.1

    URS Strip Pro v1.1.1 Audio Units adds improved side chain functionality for Logic Audio 8.x and Digital Performer 6.x as well as all other Audio Units hosts.
    The URS Strip Pro v1.1.1 update is free for all registered URS Strip Pro users.

    The URS 1970, 1975 and 1980 Compressors for Audio Units have been updated for to v1.1.2
    for improved side chain functionality for Logic Audio 8.x and Digital Performer 6.x and also other Audio Units hosts. The v1.1.2 updates are free for all registered URS 1970, 1975 and 1980 Compressors users.

    To update your software,
    please login to the URS web site and download and install the current Audio Units installers

    Current versions of all URS plug-ins can be found here:

    May 21, 2008

    The URS Classic Console Strip Pro has been nominated for a 2008 Technical Excellence & Creativity Award in the category of Outstanding Technical Achievement, Signal Processing Technology/Software. This is the second nomination for Unique Recording Software. The URS Classic Console EQ Bundle was nominated in 2004 in the category of Outstanding Technical Achievement, Signal Processing Technology/Software.

    The TEC Awards, presented by the Mix Foundation for Excellence in Audio was established by Mix magazine in 1985 to honor outstanding achievement in the professional audio production and product innovation. The nominations are made by a panel of approximately 114 audio industry professionals. Qualified Mix subscribers will determine the winners via an online ballot beginning August 1.

    The winners of the 24th Annual TEC Awards will be announced at a ceremony to be held Friday evening, October 3 at the Westin St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco, on the second night of the Audio Engineering Society (AES) Convention.

    The Mix Foundation will be producing a special TEC Awards Voter's Guide in the August issue of Mix.
    more info here:

    March 9, 2008

    URS announces the URS Saturation Plug-in for WinXP/Vista VST and Mac OSX AU and VST

    URS Saturation Plug-in

    • Four Vintage Pre Amplifier Algorithms
    • Even and Odd Ordered Harmonics
    • Tube and Discrete Analog Saturation
    • Soft Clipping
    • Native Support Only - Audio Units and VST
    The URS Saturation plug-in digitally recreates four different and distinct pre amplifiers each featuring: a different type of input stage saturation, even and odd ordered harmonics and soft clipping.
    The initial four Pre Amplifiers models include:

    • Class A Tube Mic Pre Amplifier - Vintage Motorcity
    • Class A Tube Mic Pre Amplifier - German
    • Class A Discrete Pre Amplifier - British
    • Class A Discrete JFet Pre Amplifier - Modern
    Native Support only
    The URS Saturation plug-in currently supports Audio Units and VST for both Mac OSX and WinXP/Vista.
    *RTAS is currently supported with a VST to RTAS Wrapper only (not included).
    Watch for the RTAS, TDM release announcements here.

    MacIntosh, Mac OSX 10.3.9 or greater.

    10 day demo available - iLok required

    More info here:

    January 17, 2008
    URS Announces the URS Classic Console Strip Pro v1.1 update
    for Macintosh OSX - TDM, RTAS, AU and VST

    The URS Classic Console Strip Pro is our multi-console in the box professional solution
    designed for the next generation of digital recording engineers.


    The URS Classic Console Strip Pro v1.1 update is free for all registered owners.
    All Mac OSX Intel UB installers will install v1.1

    What's New?

    Input Stage Lock Function
    The Input Stage Lock Function allows the Input Stage to be Locked from being changed by the Compressor Starting Points.

    Seven Selectable Auto Release Algorithms
    The Seven Auto Release algorithms digitally recreate the most popular Vintage Compressor Program Dependent Release and Auto Releases modes. The Seven Auto releases range from fast to slow.

    • A1 - 1970 Fast Auto Release
    • A2 - Opto3a Program Dependent Release
    • A3 - 1970 Slow Auto Release
    • A4 - Opto2a Program Dependent Release
    • A5 - 1980 Auto Release
    • A6 - Fet Program Dependent Release
    • A7 - Tube Child Auto Release
    Updated Compressor Starting Points with Auto Release
    We have updated 19 of the Compressor starting points with Program Dependent or Auto Release including:
    1970C3, 1970C4, 1980C2, Fet, Opto2a, Opto3a, Tube Child and XTC.
    10 day demo available iLok required

    More info here:

    October 1, 2007
    URS Announces the URS M series EQ Bundle for Macintosh OSX

    The URS MotorCity 7 Band Equalizer

    The URS M series MotorCity Equalizer digitally recreates the legendary 7 band passive equalizers used exclusively by Motown staff engineers during the Motown era. I heard it thru the grapevine that the sliders on the early units were unreliable. Motown's cheif technical engineer Mike McLean built "Brick House" custom modified clones using stepped rotary switches on each band for added reliability and a variable gain booster amplifier for gain level matching. It has been our Pride and Joy recreating this classic.

    The seven bands that defined an era of American Music!
    We're not talking about the Supremes, Jackson Five, Temptations, Four Tops, Smokey Robinson & The Miracles, Stevie Wonder and Marvin Gaye. We're talking about the seven bands of equalization that were used to sculpt and define the sound of the Motown era. Don't forget the Motor City!

    Rarer than Hen's Teeth!
    Aint nothing like the real thing baby! But finding one won't be easy as only 38 units were known to be built. In 1965 Motown built their own eight track tape recorder and first six Motown EQs. Motown artists were recoding eight track years before the Beatles and Beach Boys who were still using only four track. In 1968 another 32 Motown EQs were built, 16 for each new 16 Track room. In the early days of Motown the recording room was set up with all of the instruments in their respective places. The same microphones, pre amps, outboard EQ and the same musicians all contributed to the uniform sound. Engineers realized that EQ was just as much a creative tool as a technical one. Mercy, Mercy, Me!

    Simplicity is elegance!
    How Sweet it is! The simple passive equalizer design exudes elegance in its smooth response. The seven frequencies encompass the entire spectrum of Higher Ground. No need for "Super Freak" adjustable Q bandwidth. The original units were the first equalizers to feature Proportional Q, a feature where small boost/cuts will have a very broad Q and greater boost/cuts will have a narrower Q. The URS M series MotorCity EQ will put you on Cloud Nine. It's as Easy as ABC 1•2•3!

    URS M series Vintage Cinema Equalizer

    The URS M series Vintage Cinema Equalizer digitally recreates the even rarer 6 band passive equalizers used for film and professional cinema. The original vintage hardware units from the 1930's were considered to be of the first equalizers ever made with six bands - 80hz, 200hz, 500hz, 1.25khz, 3.2khz and 8khz. We have added what we feel is a necessary seventh band at 16khz. The URS Vintage Cinema EQ frequencies overlap with the URS M series MotorCity EQ frequency centers and when both plug-ins are used together they make a total of fourteen bands.

    What's Going On?
    The URS M series EQ Bundle initially supports TDM and RTAS for Mac OSX.
    Support for Audio Units and VST for both Mac OSX and WinXP coming soon.
    Keep on truckin!

    TDM license includes - TDM - RTAS for PPC and Intel Mac OSX and WinXP/Vista

    Native license includes - RTAS for PPC and Intel Mac OSX and WinXP/Vista

    Upgrade path for Everything EQ Bundle and Everything EQ and Compressor Bundle owners
    URS Everything EQ and URS Everything EQ and Compressor Bundle owners who purchased on June 1, 2007 or after can upgrade for free.

    URS Everything EQ and URS Everything EQ and Compressor Bundle owners who purchased prior to June 1, 2007 can upgrade as follows:

    Add a URS M series EQ Bundle TDM to URS Everything EQ Bundle TDM $99.99
    (Requires surrender of all URS Everything EQ Bundle TDM Licenses present on your iLok)

    Add a URS M series EQ Bundle Native to URS Everything EQ Bundle Native $49.99
    (Requires surrender of all URS Everything EQ Bundle Native Licenses present on your iLok)

    What does it take?
    An iLok is required - 10 day demo available. Let's Get It On!
    Signed Sealed and Delivered in our Online Store.

    More info here:

    July 4, 2007

    URS Announces the URS Classic Console Strip Pro for Macintosh OSX
    The URS Classic Console Strip Pro is our multi-console in the box professional solution
    designed for the next generation of digital recording engineers.

    The URS Classic Console Strip Pro is a revolutionary new way of combining classic sounds into one unified channel strip. This modern concept allows the engineer to create hundreds of custom console starting points from the almost never ending palette of input stages, compressor/limiter and EQ choices all with near zero latency and full 48 bit Double Precision Processing.

    Selectable Input Stage Algorithms
    The URS Classic Console Strip Pro includes thirty digitally recreated Input Stages with adjustable Intensity Control 0-200% to color the signal before adding any EQ or Compression.

    • Three Class A American input transformers
    • Class A British input transformer
    • Class A German input transformer
    • Two Class A tube input stages
    • 15ips 2" Tape electronics/head bump
    • 30ips 2" Tape electronics/head bump
    • 30ips 1/2" Tape electronics/head bump
    • Fifteen Console & Tape Machine combos
    • Five Console Input/Summing Buss stages
    A Digital transparent Input stage is also provided which adds no colorization, harmonics and/or saturation.
    Specially Designed Versatile Channel Compressor Section
    features a custom designed versatile channel compressor that can match the sound and characteristics of Diode Bridge, VCA, Fet, Opto, Tube and Tape compression.

    The editable compressor starting points are based on the most prized compressors limiters in recording studio history, The URS Classic Console Strip Pro features 12 classic console compressor/limiter presets and 47 outboard compressor/limiter presets.

    The compressor starting points simultaneously change the input stage algorithms to suit the compressor preset.

    The Compressor features fully adjustable Threshold, Ratio, Knee, Attack, Release and Gain Makeup.

    Presently 60 Compressor presets are included:

    • Two 1967 American Channel Comp presets
    • Five 1970 British Channel Comp presets
    • Two 1970 British Channel Limiter Presets
    • Five 1980 British VCA Channel Comp presets
    • Five Fet presets
    • Four Opto presets
    • Five Tape Compression presets
    • Twelve Tube Compression presets
    • Seven American VCA presets
    • Two Very-New presets
    • Four Stress presets
    • Three Class A Heron presets
    • Room Mic preset
    • Three URS Classic Console Strip presets

    Selectable EQ Section Algorithms
    The Classic Console Strip Pro initially includes digital recreations of four analog recording console EQ sections and one vintage program EQ.

    • 1951 Tube EQ
    • 1967 American 4 Band
    • 1970 British 3 Band Class A
    • 1972 British 4 Band Class A/B
    • 1980 British 4 Band
    Each fully parametric EQ band can select from any of the five EQ choices. In addition the HF and LF bands are selectable Peak or Shelf.
    Filters/Side chain section can be assigned either Pre/Post Compressor
    or as the Compressor's Side Chain

    In Your Face Signal Flow
    The URS Classic Console Strip Pro’s Signal Flow section shows the routing of the Compressor, Filters and EQ sections and serves as the IN/OUT switching for each section. The Pre/Post switching of the Compressor section and Filters sections will automatically change the labeling of the Signal Flow buttons. The Compressor is selectable Pre/Post EQ section. The Filters are selectable Pre/Post the Compressor section.

    Room to grow
    The URS Classic Console Strip Pro’s unified GUI allows room to add more Input Stages, Compressor and EQ algorithms as they are developed.

    Two versions included!
    The URS Classic Console Strip Pro includes the super DSP efficient Classic Console Strip plugin for tracks that do not require all of the Classic Console Strip Pro's features.

    TDM license includes - TDM -RTAS - AU - VST for PPC and Intel Mac OSX only.
    WinXp, Vista TDM, RTAS and VST support coming soon!

    Native license includes - RTAS - AU - VST for PPC and Intel Mac OSX only.
    WinXp, Vista RTAS and VST support coming soon!

    Upgrade path for Classic Console Strip owners
    URS will incorporate an upgrade path for all existing and future URS Classic Console Strip owners as follows:

    Strip TDM to Strip Pro TDM $ 799.99. (Requires surrender of Strip TDM license)

    Strip Native to Strip Pro Native $ 399.99. (Requires surrender of Strip Native license)

    Massive Pack 5 owners will have to first upgrade to the Retail versions!

    MacIntosh, Mac OSX 10.3.9 or greater.
    WinXP, Vista and VST versions to be released in the future.

    10 day demo available
    Lok required

    More info here:

    October 2, 2006

    URS releases the Universal Binary TDM and RTAS versions for Intel Macintosh.
    URS has released the Universal Binary TDM and RTAS versions to support the new Intel Macintosh Mac Pro and Macbook Pro computers.

    The entire URS product line has been updated including:

    • URS Classic Console EQ Bundle
    • URS Classic Console Graphic EQ Bundle
    • URS S series/S MIX EQ Bundle
    • URS FullTec/BLT EQ Bundle
    • URS BLT EQ
    • URS Classic Console Compressor Bundle
    • URS Classic Console EQ and Compressor Bundle
    • URS Everything EQ Bundle
    • URS Everything EQ and Compressor Bundle
    • URS Classic Console Strip
    • All individual URS plug-ins

    All URS Universal Binary versions will require a minimum of Mac OSX 10.3.9.
    This is due to Apple's Universal Binary architecture requirements.

    TDM and RTAS users will notice the new selectable X/Y or Circular Mouse Control
    feature added to all URS EQ and Compressor plug-ins that feature knobs.

    The upgrades are Free - you just have to install the new software.
    No new licenses are needed.

    Please login to the URS web site here:

    Massive Pack 4 A10 and N12 owners will have to upgrade to the retail versions to add Intel Macintosh support.

    May, 2007
    URS Announces a 50% discount off list price for NARAS Members

    All members in good standing of National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences (NARAS) are entitled to
    50% discount off the list price of any URS plug-in(s).

    Fax a copy of your current NARAS membership card to 954-697-0372 for your special personalized
    coupon code to purchase URS plug-ins at 50% discount

    Email a scan image of your NARAS membership card

    More info here

    Note * This offer is only valid in the URS online store and not available through URS dealers

    September 12, 2006

    URS releases the URS Classic Console Compressor Bundle
    Universal Binary Audio Units and VST versions for Intel Macintosh.

    URS has released the URS Classic Console Compressor Bundle Universal Binary Audio Units and VST versions for Intel Macintosh Mac Book Pro.

    All URS Universal Binary versions will require a minimum of Mac OSX 10.3.9.
    This is due to Apple's Universal Binary architecture requirements.

    AU and VST users will notice the new stereo Plasma VU meters on the Stereo versions and improved Plasma meter ballistics on both mono and stereo versions.

    The upgrades are free - you just have to install the new software.
    No new licenses are needed.

    Please login to the URS web site here:

    July 20, 2006

    URS releases the URS Everything EQ Bundle Universal Binary versions for Intel Macintosh.
    URS has released the URS Everything EQ Bundle Universal Binary Audio Units and VST versions for Intel Macintosh Mac Book Pro.

    All URS Universal Binary versions will require a minimum of Mac OSX 10.3.9.
    This is due to Apple's Universal Binary architecture requirements.

    AU and VST users will notice the new stereo Plasma VU meters on the Stereo versions and improved Plasma meter ballistics on both mono and stereo versions.

    The upgrades are free - you just have to install the new software.
    No new licenses are needed.

    Please login to the URS web site here:

    From the Welcome Page select Downloads .

    If you only want to install the Classic Console EQ Bundle or specific plug-in(s)?
    Download the Everything EQ Bundle for your OS and platform ,
    select "Custom Install" and select only the URS plug-ins you have licenses for.

    URS will release Universal Binary versions for our Compressor plug-in catalog in the weeks to come. Watch this news page for more URS Universal Binary release announcements

    July 10, 2006

    URS releases the URS Classic Console Strip Universal Binary versions for Intel Macintosh.
    URS has released the URS Classic Console Strip Universal Binary RTAS, Audio Units and VST versions for Intel Macintosh Mac Book Pro.

    All URS Universal Binary versions will require a minimum of Mac OSX 10.3.9.
    This is due to Apple's Universal Binary architecture requirements.

    URS has also released the PPC version of the Strip AU and VST for Mac OSX 10.2.1 - 10.4.7.

    URS will release Universal Binary versions for the rest of our plug-in catalog in the weeks to come. Watch this news page for more URS Universal Binary release announcements

    June 9, 2006

    URS Announces The URS 1975 Classic Compressor Universal Binary versions for Intel Macintosh.
    URS Announces The URS 1975 Classic Compressor.
    The URS 1975 Classic Compressor digitally recreates a feed forward 1975 VCA Compressor with transformer input stage. Warm and Aggressive!

    Independent Compressor and Limiter sections
    The Compressor and Limiter sections are totally independent of each other.
    Both feature separate variable Attack, Release, Threshold and fully adjustable Knee control.

    Adjustable Knee control
    The Compressor's Knee is fully adjustable from hard
    to soft. The Compressor/Limiter/Side Chain version
    has adjustable knee as well. This allows for:

    • soft compression and soft knee limiting.
    • soft compression and hard knee limiting.
    • hard compression and hard knee limiting.
    • hard compression and soft knee limiting.

    The URS 1975 Classic Compressor

    High Res 48-bit "Double Precision" processing
    The URS 1975 Classic Compressor TDM version features Hi Resolution 48-bit TDM and 64-bit RTAS "Double Precision" processing for increased clarity, headroom and unparalleled gain reduction.

    Two different URS 1975 Classic Compressor plug-ins are included:

    • Compressor/Limiter/Side Chain version
    • Compressor only version

    $399 TDM, RTAS (Audio Units and VST versions coming soon!).
    $199 Native RTAS (Audio Units and VST versions coming soon!).

    Owners of both the URS Everything EQ Bundle and URS Classic Console Compressor Bundle will receive the URS 1975 Compressor as a free upgrade.

    Owners of the URS Everything EQ Bundle who upgrade to the URS Classic Console Compressor Bundle will also receive the URS 1975 Compressor as a free upgrade.

    Owners of the URS Classic Console Compressor Bundle may add the URS 1975 Classic Compressor for a reduced rate. Details here:

    10 Day Demo and purchase now available - iLok required.

    June 1, 2006
    URS Announces URS Classic Console Strip

    URS Announces The URS Classic Console Strip. The Super DSP efficient URS Classic Console Strip is our "Go To" solution for quick adjustments on individual tracks. Easy to use! Powerful!

    We have chosen our favorite algorithms for the independent Compressor and EQ sections. The Compressor digitally recreates a 1975 VCA Compressor. Warm and Aggressive!

    The EQ section digitally recreates select bands from three different analog consoles. We selected the critical frequencies for today's Hip Hop, R&B and Rock. Bass Drum, Bass and Vocals jump out in the mix with quick EQ adjustment!

    The URS Classic Console Strip

    Independent Compressor and EQ sections
    The Compressor and EQ sections are totally independent of each other featuring separate In/Out switching. The Compressor section is selectable between Pre/Post the EQ section.

    High Res 48-bit "Double Precision" processing
    The URS Classic Console Strip TDM features 48-bit Double Precision Processing and URS Classic Console Strip Native features 64-bit "Double Precision" floating processing for increased clarity and headroom with unparalleled gain reduction. Hi Resolution "Double Precision" processing helps to avoid internal clipping in the Digital Domain.
    The Compressor section is selectable Pre or Post the Equalizer section.

    Easy Eight
    We call the URS Classic Console Strip the "Easy Eight". The URS Classic Console Strip's eight knobs map perfectly to the Command 8, Digi002, ProjectMix I/O, ProControl, HUI and other popular controllers allowing for quick adjustments on individual tracks.

    Compact Screen Design saves valuable screen space!

    $399 TDM, RTAS (Audio Units and VST versions coming soon!).
    $199 Native RTAS (Audio Units and VST versions coming soon!).

    10 Day Demo and purchase now available - iLok required.

    June 1, 2006
    URS Announces URS Everything EQ Bundle v5.0 for WinXP VST

    URS Announces The URS Everything EQ Bundle v5.0
    now available for WinXP VST users.

    The upgrades are free - you just have to install the new software.
    No new licenses are needed.

    Please login to the URS web site here:

    From the Welcome Page select Downloads .

    If you only want to install the Classic Console EQ Bundle or specific plug-in(s)?
    Download the Everything EQ Bundle for your OS and platform ,
    select "Custom Install" and select only the URS plug-ins you have licenses for.

    10 Day Demo and purchase now available - iLok required.

    February 15, 2006
    Update on the URS Everything EQ Bundle 5.0 and Classic Console EQ Bundle 2.0 Audio Units and VST

    The Everything Bundle v5.0 and Classic Console EQ Bundle v2.0 for Audio Units and MAC VST is now available.

    January 19, 2006
    URS announces URS Everything EQ Bundle 5.0 and Classic Console EQ Bundle 2.0

    URS Announces Everything EQ Bundle v5.0. The upgraded popular EQ Bundle features two new EQ plug-ins and sonic enhancements for TDM users to the eight existing Equalizer's. The two new seven band fully parametric equalizer plug-ins are the A-MIX and the N-MIX.

    The MIX EQ series of plug-ins are our most advanced Pro Tools plug-ins.
    There has never been analog sounding console equalizers with this much control.

    Modern features - The A-MIX series EQ and N-MIX series EQ
    go beyond the limitations of analog hardware featuring:

    • 5 Bands of fully Parametric EQ
    • Each Band with full Sweepable Frequencies
    • Each band offers overlapping frequencies spanning 4 to 5 octaves.
    • Hi and Lo Filter bands with Sweepable Q
    • Selectable Mouse X-Y or circular control
    • Wheel Mouse Scroll Wheel Support
    All ten EQs in the Everything EQ Bundle v5.0 now feature TDM 48 Double Precision processing for increased clarity and headroom.
    The Everything EQ Bundle v5.0 upgrade is free for all registered Everything EQ Bundle v4.0 owners.
    URS Announces Classic Console EQ Bundle v2.0
    The URS Classic Console EQ Bundle v2.0 now includes four plug-ins:
    URS A series EQ and URS N series EQ and the new URS A MIX EQ and URS N MIX EQ.

    Previous URS Classic Console EQ Bundle owners of the A series and N series can also upgrade to the URS Classic Console EQ Bundle v2.0 and receive the URS A-MIX and URS N-MIX EQs for free. No new assets are required. Please download the Everything EQ Bundle v5 installer and install.
    Classic Console EQ Bundle owners - select Custom install and install only the A, A-MIX, N and N-MIX EQs.

    10 Day Demo and purchase now available - iLok required.

    Update on the URS Classic Console Compressor Bundle VST
    The Classic Console Compressor Bundle or VST PC and Mac OSX has been released'
    10 Day Demo and purchase now available - iLok required.

    January 8, 2006
    URS announces the Audio Units versions of the URS Classic Console Compressor Bundle.

    The Audio Units versions are now complete.

    The URS 1970 is smooth and warm, and the URS 1980 is snappy and more aggressive.
    Both feature up to 192k sampling and 64-bit double precision processing.
    Separate compressor and brick wall limiter, internal side chain with highness and lowpass filtering.

    The URS Classic Console Compressor Bundle includes two plugins:
    The URS 1970 Compressor
    The URS 1980 Compressor

    Each plugin includes Compressor / Limiter / Side Chain version
    and a Compressor Only version.
    Bundle price $449 Native Audio Units - includes RTAS.
    1970 and 1980 sold individually for $249.99 each

    10 Day Demo and purchase now available - iLok required.

    Nov 14, 2005
    URS announces 64 bit audio processing for VST WinXP versions!

    URS has updated to the VST WinXP versions of the URS Everything EQ Bundle 4.01:

    • 64 bit audio processing for VST WinXP in SONAR
    • Fixed input meter latency compensation / out-of-syncness with output meter
    • Fixed VST process-accumulating bug in S and MIX

      All eight Everthing Bundle EQ's are now version 1.4

    maybe only underrated by newbs....cause them plugins are not cheap at all and site looks like he sells enough of them...
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2020
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  5. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Learn to read! There's exactly ONE Plugin available in 64 Bit. ONE. And that is URS Saturation 64bit plug-in v3.0.
  6. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
    Likes Received:
    ok right...but anyways...
    whats wrong with using x86 plug on x64 system....
    whats better tiny boost or low cpu plugin which is great:dunno:
  7. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
    Likes Received:
    I wonder why that one man took my money at full price for some plugins that don't work, and never responded to support questions. At least I ended up getting my money's worth from this dev @ sister-site.
    • Interesting Interesting x 2
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  8. supersharpshooter

    supersharpshooter Member

    Mar 30, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Who is the developer of this plugin? Thanks.
  9. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
    Likes Received:
  10. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
    Likes Received:
    If you feel it's your forte to post in every single goddamn thread on this forum you should at least take the time to read the answers! If you did so, you would have noticed that osx no longer supports 32 bit plugins and the later Cubase versions on PC also do not support them.

    Maybe you should stop lurking for a while and actually learn to use the tools you like to write about to produce some music at -18 dbfs, or to understand how an 1176 actually works or how a trap 808 is actually created instead of commenting on every single goddamn post without actually having the expertise to do so. Heck, you even post in the mac-related threads trying to give advice and you're not even a mac user. Time for sone digital detox, don't you think?
  11. Misterguywick

    Misterguywick Producer

    Feb 3, 2019
    Likes Received:
    think he means bridging
  12. Misterguywick

    Misterguywick Producer

    Feb 3, 2019
    Likes Received:
  13. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
    Likes Received:
    I don't know? AZ has a search function. Use it!
    • Like Like x 1
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  14. thepie

    thepie Ultrasonic

    Aug 5, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Alexb 432 for high end. Amazing eq.

    Lowender - still unbeaten on bass and to give drums weight imo. Prefer it to the show pony decapitator.

    Dmg dualism - better widener than 99pc ive used and its never mentioned.

    Dmg Equilibrium - massively underrated. Miles better sounding than pro q

    Glitch2 - Easily forgotten but it's just amazing for creativity.

    Arouser2 - Deserves way more love than it gets. A swissarmy knife compressor, when you put in the tweaking time it does anything

    Tim petherick Sum100. - Amazing allrounder comp especially good on vox and bass. Very easy to dial in.

    2caudio b2 - cpu consumption deters most people but imo by far the best sounding itb reverb out there.

    Most of the stuff by d16
  15. Misterguywick

    Misterguywick Producer

    Feb 3, 2019
    Likes Received:
  16. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
    Likes Received:
    and the one time i did mistake to open mouth in mac thread...great to mention
    ok...was that also mac only related thread..?

    hell yeah...same for you and maybe most of all here....
    always bitchin bout nothing...only a few ppl get here in forum ,there a thousand ways to rome , what ever
  17. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
    Likes Received:
    i couldnt care less...
    :woot::hug: i love you too... thanx

    and more of half of the threads you could mention...i did open..

    but hey you right...lets detox
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2020
  18. Saur

    Saur Ultrasonic

    Jun 27, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Do you mean that soothe is simply spectral compression? Or something else? I thought Soothe 2 had some serious magic going on under the hood?
  19. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
    Likes Received:
    It can't be that simple. As much as I love Meldaplugins one thing is a very versatile and powerful tool and another a way more specialized one fine-tuned for it.

    It's a bit the same with MAutoDynamiqEq and that Sound Radix's Surfer Eq plugin.
  20. Crack Bass

    Crack Bass Member

    Feb 15, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Tbproaudio CS5501 I use it on almost all channels.
    Is my favorite channel strip plugin.
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