The Truth About Why Your Mixes Suck

Discussion in 'Education' started by davea, Oct 13, 2016.

  1. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    "If you're not a good singer then your mixes will never sound good". Well, he can't be right about that because, let's see now, Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan, Mick Jagger and a thousand other 'stars' who've sold recordings by the millions are not good singers. You would also have to conclude that the buying public either can't tell the difference between a good singing voice and a bad one/or don't care. Pop Music became popular not just for the quality of the singing but the entire package of the total sound, the image of the performers and so on.

    I stopped the video after that comment because I know where he's coming from. He's actually just being a good teacher. Today, with the help of technology and easy availability of equipment we are all able to dable in writing, photography and recording music. The media and the arts are now doable by all. That is a very good thing. But as we all know by now, just having a copy of Photoshop does not make you a great graphic designer and just having a coping of Microsoft Word or Outlook means you're a writer. Doesn't it? But there are a lot of very badly written emails, letters and attempts at authoring out there. Why? The talent is missing. What is talent? A natural gift for doing something well. People can have a small amount of talent that can be developed. But this is the general state of play anyway. Giving me the best hardware synth that money can buy does not make me a great keyboard player. I would still need the talent for playing piano or keyboards. This is the point that the good 'teacher' in the video is making.
  2. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    Pastoral Sunday school on meritocracy, the merit of being good. First 3 minutes were very paternal.:shalom:

    The dominant views on why an outcome is considered good can change overtime.Many new styles are the accommodation of what once was considered bad glitchy etc.Values change.
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