The shady Cubase 11 Pro

Discussion in 'Software' started by James Horn, Feb 11, 2021.

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  1. anon69

    anon69 Producer

    Nov 24, 2019
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    explain your findings and how we can replicate them
  2. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    --------------I did not understand anything when I saw the topic here of cubase 11 pro, for the tests I did it did not run 100%, it is closing just like 10, it has some bugs, my dream is to one day have cubase totally cracked just like cubase 5 was cracked.-----‐-------

    Man, .... AI-based translation, 1000x better than MS , google, ,linguee, etc translations. It takes 3 seconds to do it... crackeado igual ao cubase 5 foi crackeado
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  3. anon69

    anon69 Producer

    Nov 24, 2019
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    so he is saying it is crashing just like version 10 vr release from what im gathering, hmmm I wasnt getting that vibe yesterday when i tested it. it seemed fine....
  4. WV Music

    WV Music Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2021
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    1° When doing the process of linking channels it closes
    2° When adding kontakt it closes
    3° error when coloring tracks
    4° the issue of delay compensation was corrected by what I saw

    After uninstalling and reinstalling everything is normal I will continue testing
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2021
  5. James Horn

    James Horn Member

    Feb 11, 2021
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    So far it's crashed once on me, on a really big project with several 2bus outputs, when I tried re-routing ten channels to a different bus simultaneously. Knowing Cubase, I'm not sure if the crash was related to the crack or the stability of the build itself.
  6. WV Music

    WV Music Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2021
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    Tudo que eu que eu mais desejo e sei que muitos desejam e um cubase pro estável igual o cubase 5

    estou em busca de outros tbm mais acho difícil esses serem crackeados nem tão cedo

    1° Pro Tools
    2° Nexus 3

    Também estou em busca do KeyScape 1.2.1c

    deis de pequeno sonhei em ser um hack mais infelizmente não estou tendo condições de compra um curso essas coisas e difícil acha alguém pra te ensinar eu queria muito um dia conseguir quebrar um programa desse acho que pra quem quebra a emoção e grande
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2021
  7. TeamBeat2019

    TeamBeat2019 Ultrasonic

    Nov 20, 2019
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    Good luck to you people back to the Dark Side
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2021
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  8. WV Music

    WV Music Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2021
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    a doubt can reduce these screens

    Capturar_2021_02_12_01_32_03_340.png Capturar_2021_02_12_01_33_06_431.png
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2021
  9. anon69

    anon69 Producer

    Nov 24, 2019
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    I hear you guy, so crashes happen when

    1.Linking channels
    2. when adding kontakt
    3. when coloring tracks (color coding)

    and you noted just like me, that delay compensation is fixed. Ill have to reinstall my copy and try these out and come back with findings.
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  10. TeamBeat2019

    TeamBeat2019 Ultrasonic

    Nov 20, 2019
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    @WV Music This video you posted is absolutely Fake R2R have no such version
  11. anon69

    anon69 Producer

    Nov 24, 2019
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    @WV Music I just tried all of them out, i did them on an empty project and then i did them on the sample cubase 11 project, I'm not getting any crashes. I linked a few channels, tried a few of them. Then i went around changing the colors of the tracks. And also, Kontakt works for me. I'm not experiencing any bugs. Im on my laptop too.

    Windows 10 x64
    16gb Ram
    i5 6100u

    Running ok for me, are you able to recreate the crashes on your system on your system? screenshot or video capture?
  12. WV Music

    WV Music Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2021
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    @anon69 vou fazer o seguinte desinstalar limpa tudo e instalar novamente
  13. WV Music

    WV Music Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2021
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    Queria muito ser ao menos um testado de vcs meu sonho era entrar em uma equipe assim
  14. WV Music

    WV Music Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2021
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    @ anon69

    Windows 10 x64
    8 gb RAM
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3240 3,40 GHz
  15. TeamBeat2019

    TeamBeat2019 Ultrasonic

    Nov 20, 2019
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    WV Music
    there are options out there, but people here don't look far enough
    look beyond the main door,
    Continue the hunt, Good luck with your hunt: wink:
    i can tell you that you are not looking for a crack, just a different option

    maybe the people on this site can help you hunt instead of waiting for a broken version

    but for the record that R2R never made any version, the version in the video is fake
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2021
  16. WV Music

    WV Music Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2021
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    to explain the issue of coloring the tracks in mine is not like that

    [QUOTE = "TeamBeat2019, postagem: 536275, membro: 50330"] [USER = 66224] [USER = 66224] @WV Music [/ USER] [/ USER]
    there are options out there, but people here don't look far enough
    look beyond the main door,
    Continue the hunt, good luck with your hunt: wink:
    I can say that you are not looking for a crack, just a different option

    maybe the people on this site can help you hunt instead of waiting for a broken version
    Now I go back to the dark side: wink:

    but for the record that R2R didn't make a version, the version in the video is fake [/ QUOTE]

    I always try to go beyond my limit I have a vision far away there are a lot of people looking to find a cubase pro that works 100% like cubase 5 I was kind of not understanding some things but the part I understood I can say that I would be very happy to meet someone to help me on this hunt

    [QUOTE = "TeamBeat2019, postagem: 536275, membro: 50330"] [USER = 66224] @WV Music [/ USER]
    there are options out there, but people here don't look far enough
    look beyond the main door,
    Continue the hunt, good luck with your hunt: wink:
    I can say that you are not looking for a crack, just a different option

    maybe the people on this site can help you hunt instead of waiting for a broken version
    Now I go back to the dark side: wink:

    but for the record that R2R never made any version, the version in the video is false [/ QUOTE]

    could explain to me what i wanted to talk to i can say that you are not looking for a crack, just a different option

    Last edited: Feb 12, 2021
  17. anon69

    anon69 Producer

    Nov 24, 2019
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    im getting no crashes here, and im just using my laptops default asio driver

  18. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    By these crazy times we live in, almost anything is possible. If tomorrow i look at the sky and there is a huge10x10 km alien ship over my city (like the excelllent District 9 movie), there are 15m of snow outside, or some gigantic volcano just woke up, and the sky around the planet is almost full dark,
    I think I am going to find everything perfectly normal.

    Just like yesterday's release. Could it be a former/pissed xteinverg employee who decided to release it, until his conscience told him 'you shouldn't be doing this, man, remove it while it isn't too late, and he finally took everything down ???

    Today there certainly are a lot of ultra skilled devs/crackers, capable of analyzing the R2R ilok/codesoft/ work and the V.R stuff, and understand what it takes to bypass an elicenser...

    Even if I wasn't able to test it yet (I own cubase...), I still managed to quickly grab it. I knew it was a matter of minutes before the DL links were all dead, lol

    I sometimes wonder if a group like r2r would have the courage to fully crack cubase/etc apps AND release them... and being accused of basically fuking up the audio industry... steinbeg being , I think, #1... the vst creators, etc... the audio industry would never be the same... and unlike other daws and brands, if one day there was a release like the 5.1, everybody and his dog would install a cracked version... and many owners, me the 1st, would grab my dongle and would store it in a dry and safe place, and would use the cracked version.
    Would r2r like to be the ones who killed steinberg, thus preventing millions of legit users from ever getting a cubase 13...halion 7...groove agent 6..or wavelab 12...? I'm sure they wouldn't have the courage to do it.
    And that could explain... a couple of things, like why they never released cubase. Because, if V.R can go that far, with cubase, what would r2r be able to do.. when we know they can defeat stuff like the ilok , or even the better protected hardware codesoft...and are 1'000 times better than V.R...

    Imagine how R2R would feel, reading 'steinberg just announced they won't be releasing their yearly cubase 12, next November, and they don't know when the next version will come out. This must be the first tough announcement, after the company has publicly announced their entire line of products had been cracked and massively shared by a cracking team called R2R"
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  19. WV Music

    WV Music Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2021
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    [QUOTE = "anon69, post: 536279, membro: 50412"] Não estou conseguindo travar aqui e estou apenas usando o driver ASIO padrão do meu laptop

    [MEDIA = transmitível] ahwv7l [/ MEDIA] [/ QUOTE]
    estou usando o meu em português pode ter alguma coisa a ver com isso
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  20. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    @WV Music you continue to write in Portuguese in an English language forum. A member sent you links for you to translate what you write. Instead of having 100 people translating what you wrote, why dont you exercise some courtesy and do it yourself before posting. What you are doing is rude. I can read and write Portuguese but I would not engage you on that language here.
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