The saddest fact about music

Discussion in 'Education' started by The King, Feb 28, 2024.

  1. Lad Impala

    Lad Impala Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2024
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    In bloom
    as a listener, i'm able understand others peoples feelings, and thoughts by listening to their music.

    doesn't that mean that they've actually succeeded, in express themselves?
  2. The King

    The King Guest

    Why are we now discussing a topic that is inconsiderable?
    We all know that this model of reasoning is only to deceive ourselves and take wrong paths. The path of music is a path that must be followed correctly. Mixing the discussion of psychology or anything else related to the modern world with music causes errors in understanding.

    As far as possible, we should stay away from this model of discussions and think about the essence of music.
  3. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    The thing that I really consider to be the saddest thing about music is that people with a certain level of conceptual understanding about different systems of musical practices simply refuse to understand that music, for the average listener, cannot be dissociated from the cultural context. Each culture has its own types of music, its styles, approaches, conceptions of what music is and the role it should play in society.

    Put in practical terms, the average listener, when categorizing a musical experience, relies less statistically on abstract definitions assigned to categories (by theorists, teachers, composers, musicologists) than on a comparison with what they consider to be the object or experience that best represents that category for itself. So, saying that people need to open their minds to experimentalism or unusual systems and practices involves a type of cognitive effort that most people (common listeners) simply have no interest in making. They will categorize based on what, to them, is their prototype. Specialists in musical analysis, musical aesthetics and musical notation form other prototype models (and basic categories), precisely because they have undertaken a cognitive effort.

    The saddest fact occurs when these protocol analysts start to want ordinary people to give up their prototype (and its basic categories) for what they consider to be more appropriate, higher, more distinct, etc. In short, they want to naturalize a need to introject musical systems and practices into people dissociated from them. For these protocol analysts, humanity (laypeople) remains in a deep, childlike state of embodiment (the good is the satisfactory experience; the bad is the unsatisfactory experience). They argue that the practice of introjection would change the way in which people acquire ways of better dealing with rules, ways of doing things, patterns of behavior, etc., but they do not understand that introjection only contributes when it is based on incorporations derived from practical experience (and, for heaven's sake, what is the practical experience for a common listener?) They do not understand that these introjections so dissociated from basic listeners does not favor any form of incorporation in practical terms for them. And they continue, as protocol analysts, intelligent and shrewd, always in search of the correct interpretation, the correct way to do, to proceed, etc.

    In the end, protocol analysts go through constant cultural shocks and, upon realizing that they are unable to change the basic cognitive models idealized by laypeople, they fall into the worst type of catastrophist discourse, repeating jargon that the current culture is a shame, that only the Music's artistic function designates importance (artistic music as opposed to functional music), and that nothing else is worthwhile in the age of mass media culture. So, put in practical terms, these people simply do not accept the condition of continuity of a modernity outlined in a different way and need to correct it.
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  4. The King

    The King Guest

    It was a good text!

    Society and the majority of people are not interested in learning the mechanism of life. If there is no compulsion, most children will not even go to school because it is painful for them to understand.
    Most people like to have someone else solve their problems for them and they be the ones who use the results.

    If you look at the society, all the mathematical operations that people know how to use are addition and subtraction, and many people even have problems with this simple things. If they don't have to look for money, they won't learn them.

    Ordinary people never make any special transformation in anything because they basically occupy their minds throughout life with things that are of no use.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2024
  5. FrankPig

    FrankPig Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2021
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    Hog Heaven
    It seems that you have problems with simple grammar. Pot, meet kettle.
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  6. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I understand, brother. They are not easy to find until you simple your mind. I don't want to get spiritual but it is my nature and it is soul. do what feels good.

    Ask Conan
  7. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Fun fact: Radiohead was Conan's first musical guest on Late Night
    And Thom looks like Kurt
  8. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    the real saddest fact ....

    neither Mozart nor Beethoven or most especially mr. Bach, could play guitar. This is why music eventually crumbled to a luke warm bowl of autotuned screeching and thumping bass while half nude "dancers" with call center headsets spin around like whirling dirvishes to puffy jaded over paid audiences who ooh and ahh with cellphones held high and "music" is measured by maximum Gross income. at least it makes as much sense as blaming the "notes" and the "intervals" they find themselves between.

  9. The King

    The King Guest

    I hope that you are a perceptive listener in music scene as you are sharp-eyed here.
  10. The King

    The King Guest

    One of my dreams is to ride one of these jets. It is one of the best feelings for me. But is it possible for me?


    Is it possible to achieve this good feeling without passing thousands of pilot courses and having physical and mental capabilities or communication with a large number of organizations?
  11. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    sorry ai bots are not allowed on military aircraft for a host of reasons..
  12. The King

    The King Guest

    I really don't understand why there is so much unnecessary resistance to going to different layers of music. Why do most of the people who commented here oppose my words? Is it harmful to learn the building blocks of music and using them?
  13. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    It is FOSTER, not an A.I. Quite easy to tell because he is one of very few people who trolls his own thread, regularly shifts to different areas and tangents that are often unrelated, while simultaneously contradicting himself and purporting knowledge of something he has no knowledge of.
    Additionally, the thread title is often clickbait as this is, also synonymous with FOSTER. The mods know it's him. He always manages to get himself banned eventually. I think this thread has at least four reports for trolling already. I've been advised he's on a short leash. Don't feed the troll.
  14. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    you'll never "understand" until you have trawled all the music forums on the internet to build you artificial synaptic nodes. You're program is limited to what it has trawled,parsed, and defined.
    Suggest you go off to gearnet and suck it all up. you'll be happier and we'll be happier, win, win.
  15. thecollapse

    thecollapse Member

    Dec 27, 2023
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    (guy who DEFINITELY knows what hes talking about) you have to have a phd in order to express yourself the right way, because as we all know theres a way to get an F in making whatever you want. you arent a *real* musician unless you can play giant steps forwards and backwards and explain what a dastgah is. sigh, music is basically dead these days... none of the interesting, forward thinking musicians want to make the stuff thats been studied to death for centuries for some reason!

    they should study you like a lab rat
    learning the building blocks of music isnt harmful; the idea that all music that *isnt* heavy on music theory sucks, is though. there is more to expression then following rules and reading dusty books, and the most interesting, out there artists tend to break these rules constantly (for better or worse). i think you just dont like music. you should listen to something that you dont like or that scares you until you begin to understand the appeal
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2024
  16. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    The most undeniable fact that everyone involved in music production should pay attention to is how to work with notes. But according to the available evidence, almost 99.99% of these people do not know how to work with notes. Neither book writers, nor famous artists, nor music producers, nor anyone else can work with notes.

    The main basis of music is notes, and thousands and thousands of people spend many decades of their lives producing music, but they are not able to work well with notes. This situation becomes worse when these people themselves are not interested in this work.

    All methods of teaching music have failed and none of them can solve this problem.

    When do you think we can witness the change of this reality and claim that everyone who works in the field of music understands the reality of the notes in a good way and is able to control the notes with 100% certainty?
  17. Will Kweks

    Will Kweks Rock Star

    Oct 31, 2023
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    There was The King once, he was Elvis Presley. You're not Elvis Presley, therefore you are not The King.
  18. Lad Impala

    Lad Impala Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2024
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    In bloom
    ok, if i understand correctly then this foster guy is kinda like an youtuber
  19. Plendix

    Plendix Platinum Record

    Nov 14, 2013
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    Plot twist: It's not the most obvious AI, it's the best trolling we've seen in years!
    Chapeau to you, good sir!
  20. The King

    The King Guest

    Making music is not a repetitive task that can be done easily. A musician must think every moment of making music. Every moment of making music with notes needs a new thought.
    Many of the tasks that are done in society are repetitive tasks that are done routinely. For example, a person who is a waiter in a restaurant does not need to spend every moment of his work creating new thoughts and keep his brain constantly thinking.
    But making music with notes is not like this. Whoever chooses this path must constantly think, create new ideas. Combine different ideas. Make thousands of changes in his product to create a work of art. You should do this process in making any artwork.
    This means that the mind of an artist should be busy in all phases of his life.
    If the nature of the notes is not well understood, what is the point of thinking of the artist? It's like he used his brain without any plans.
    These issues make all the subtleties of working with notes well understood and the artist has made notes a part of his being with all his heart. This makes him continually discover new relationships of notes. So understanding how to work with Notes is not a work of day or two. It takes a lot of time and a lot of experience.
    I don't think that a person who chooses the path of working with notes should have a PhD degree in music. Although many people who have this degree cannot work well with notes, but at least try to become more familiar with notes every day.:bow:
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