The Research Bay v3.0

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by Gramofon, Feb 26, 2014.

  1. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Go here:


    Help us understand (even) more about file-sharing!

    This is the third time The Pirate Bay undertakes this study in cooperation with the Cybernorms Research Group, a group of researchers affiliated with the Lund University Internet Institute in southern Sweden. Completing this short survey will take only a few minutes of your time, after which you will be redirected to The Pirate Bay.

    Understanding online norms and values is essential to developing relevant and effective laws and policies. The purpose of this survey is to help researchers to better understand habits and norms within the file-sharing community.

    With your help, we hope to create a knowledge base that will influence legitimate laws and law enforcement related to the Internet.

    Please note that no IP addresses or other personal data will be stored.

    Please direct all questions about this survey to [email protected].
    More information about the Cybernorms Research Group can be found through Lund University Internet Institute or the projects' webpage at

    Thank you!

    The Pirate Bay together with the Cybernorms Research Group.

    PS. If you're curious about the results from previous The Research Bay surveys, please check our online database at!

    Other links:

    Part of my comment on what could happen next:

    What could happen:
    - File-sharing will go on as long as it's comfortable/accessible and easy
    - VPNs and monitoring everywhere
    - VPNs will be declared criminal businesses that help hide illegal activity contrasted to protecting privacy as a principle
    - Encryption
    - Sites still operating but losing essence because of take-downs and being hunted
    - Some remission of "underground" file-sharing
    - Speeds increasing but ISPs limiting traffic [caps] both for legal and economical reasons
    - Net-neutrality debates [Pricing or blocking data according to content]
    - Blocking of major file-sharing hubs
    - Some people getting steered to legal alternatives both by being discouraged of blocked content but also by appreciating the legal alternatives (offers, lower prices, better availability)
    - More initiatives for privacy
    - Free/cheaper content supported directly by the crowd (F2P, Kickstarter, Baboom, Indies, funding initiatives, less middlemen, more direct communication of content creators and consumers, etc.)
    - Free knowledge VS Free content
    - More players/competition/industries with many parts and smaller pieces of the "pie"

    And... I FORGOT 3D PRINTING! :snuffy: