The Next-Generation Copyright Monopoly Wars Will Be Much Worse

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by SillySausage, Sep 1, 2014.

  1. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    We've been manufacturing without a license in our homes for 30 years now. It's about to go physical. Maybe that will wake legislators up to the bigger picture. If not, we're in for something much worse.


    We’ve been manufacturing our own copies of knowledge and culture without a license for quite some time now, a practice known first as mixtaping and then as file-sharing.

    Home mass manufacturing of copies of culture and knowledge started some time in the 1980s with the Cassette Tape, the first widely available self-contained unit capable of recording music. It made the entire copyright industry go up in arms and demand “compensation” for activities that were not covered by their manufacturing monopoly, which is why we now pay protection money to the copyright industry in many countries for everything from cellphones to games consoles.

    The same industry demanded harsh penalties – criminal penalties – for those who manufactured copies at home without a license rather than buying the expensive premade copies. Over the next three decades, such criminal penalties gradually crept into law, mostly because no politician thinks the issue is important enough to defy anybody on.

    A couple of key patent monopolies on 3D printing are expiring as we speak, making next-generation 3D printing much, much higher quality. 3D printers such as this one are now appearing on Kickstarter, “printers” (more like fabs) that use laser sintering and similar technologies instead of layered melt deposit.

    We’re now somewhere in the 1980s-equivalent of the next generation of copyright monopoly wars, which is about to spread to physical objects. The copyright industry is bad – downright atrociously cynically evil, sometimes – but nobody in the legislature gives them much thought. Wait until this conflict spreads outside the copyright industry, spreads to pretty much every manufacturing industry.

    People are about to be sued out of their homes for making their own slippers instead of buying a pair.

    If you think that sounds preposterous, that’s exactly what has been going on in the copyright monopoly wars so far, with people manufacturing their own copies of culture and knowledge instead of buying ready-made copies. There’s no legal difference to manufacturing a pair of slippers without having a license for it.

    To be fair, a pair of slippers may be covered by more monopolies than just the copyright monopoly (the drawing) – it may be covered by a utility patent monopoly, a design patent monopoly, possibly a geographic indication if it’s some weird type of slipper, and many more arcane and archaic types of monopolies. Of course, people in general can’t tell the difference between a “utility patent”, a “design patent”, a “copyright duplication right”, a “copyright broadcast right”, a “related right”, and so on. To most people, it’s all just “the copyright monopoly” in broad strokes.

    Therefore, it’s irrelevant to most people whether the person who gets sued out of their home for fabbing their own slippers from a drawing they found is technically found guilty of infringing the copyright monopoly (maybe) or a design patent (possibly). To 95% or more, it’s just “more copyright monopoly bullshit”. And you know what? Maybe that’s good.

    The next generation of wars over knowledge, culture, drawings, information, and data is just around the corner, and it’s going to get much uglier with more stakes involved on all sides. We have gotten people elected to parliaments (and stayed there) on the conflict just as it stands now. As this divide deepens, and nothing suggests it won’t, then people will start to pay more attention.

    And maybe, just maybe, that will be the beginning of the end of these immoral and deeply unjust monopolies known as copyrights and patents.

  3. lukie

    lukie Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Like I keep saying there like the school bully's you let them extract urine from you and it will be for life.

    Government's,company's and people all go down with a hard hit :rofl:
  4. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Yes you're right,

    ahh and by the way this refrain

    is mine, I sung it first in 1965 in my bathroom, so please take down this image and prepare your wallet as my lawyer is already on the way.

    Ah and gif format is patented, do you have a license to use it?
    Ah and your back cells have been patented by a Commercial Laboratory, have you paid your annual fee to keep your back?

  5. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    We, the population of this planet called "Earth" are too relaxed. We just take it too easy and simple... but when uglier and more insane things will be made against us by the Sistem, people will get enough of it and they all will rise to fight against it.
    If the civilians number will outnumber the police/army with numbers like a few million then the army will be forced to follow the civilians and not the leaders... at least if they truly have honour.
    People just need to find their common agreement in situations against the sistem... fact which is actually the biggest problem of the humanity nowadays. We just can't agree with eachother that much in order to become as a whole against the sistem.... we'd rather fight each other and even blaming like "you're to blame because you voted for this bastard" or brainwashed peeps which thinks that their leaders know what they're doing... :sad:
  6. Divide and conquer, the way it has been for millenia and will continue until folks just don't buy into it any more, wake up from their semi self imposed media addictions and smell the rat festering in the wall separating us and them, which really is not a demarcation, meaning, we are one and nothing comes between us, not even those seemingly all powerful mind trippers that control the purse strings at the apex of the triangle.
  7. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Things like 3D printing will push things faster than a lot of ppl think :wink:
    Some ppl are already providing open schematics to reproduce their conceptions free of charge around the world, some are making copies of broken elements to repair without original parts...

    This is the next revolution : hardware copies. Not knock off, 100% copies :wink:

    PS : copyright remembers me that lamer who patented "reamping" process some years ago, whereas it was already done in the early Motown Studios days :rofl:
  8. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I've actually been following 3D printing since the beginning and it's been an interesting philosophical conundrum. The copyright war will come to a head when medicine or food can be printed for next to nothing. THAT is when the true test of humanity will begin. Suing someone for the slippers they've printed is nothing compared to telling someone they can't eat because someone owns the food product's or medicine's patent. Sorry little Timmy you're going to have to die now.
  9. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    "Suing someone for the slippers they've printed is nothing compared to telling someone they can't eat because someone owns the food product's or medicine's patent. Sorry little Timmy you're going to have to die now. "
    this is already happening.

    An Indian professor, doing research in a private laboratory in Engand, found the way to modify rice and wheat so it could give more grains. But this was under a private enterprise, so he was prohibited to give the "recipe" to his country where people die of hunger.

    Other example, you've heard about mother cells right?, many important and rich persons are using it to extend their life, but you will not get access to this, no matter what happens to you...
  10. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    I still find it quite unnerving that they attack the end user over taking advantage of an exploit/flaw in programming.

    They released said product on known buggy/vulnerable programming. Yet their philosophy is instead of I don't know fixing the flaws or picking a platform with less or no vulnerabilities,let's attack the users for using versions they found available that took advantage of those bugs to obtain a full version.

    Granted it is what it is.But shouldn't they be more after the coder that actually exploited the code? Is it just they have to attack someone and put the blame on someone?

    Most of us are totally broke.Yet we're the bad guy because someone else made it available and we used it because it was available.

    Now that argument makes sense when it's Aviici or Martin Garrix or whoever else they caught using pirated versions.Because well they're rich and can afford it.But at the same time unless they know how,how would they skin a full version or customize or modify the code? And if they downloaded a pirated version just for the reason of it being modified or modifiable,is it really still as wrong? Even if they purchased a legit full version as well?

    I have a hard time agreeing with any modification of code to make it do what I want it to do being wrong.After all the code is in my possession,and what if I paid for it? Again if it's mine I can do whatever I want with it right? No? What if I do it anyway? Because I can?

    I'm just sayin,this piracy argument seems so old.Why hasn't anyone found a way to explain this properly? It's code.It's data.Cpu's were not designed to limit sharing of data.Cut,Copy,Paste,etc.And communications ports be it serial,parallel,56k modem,10/100,10/100/1000,wifi,etc,were all designed to transfer data freely.

    I'm so sick of these companies crying about how much $ they are losing but haven't spent a dime or moment of time to consider changing the way they do things.

    Nope lets just blame and sue people some more like it's gonna change anything.And get mad at people and start another war about something absolutely trivial.
    They're so good at that.And what does it accomplish? Woo hoo,you got your point across! Did it actually change anything? It's just more ways to separate and divide people and cause conflict and dilemmas.Just something else to fight about. I'm not saying allow it,but what is not allowing it really doing?

    Obviously ILOK2 is giving folks a real hard time.But how many companies wanna spend that $ to implement it? And even with the small amount of "pirates" that are crying about those ILOK2 softwares(Nexus,lol) that # is still much smaller than the companies crying over piracy.All I'm saying is the "pirates" seem to be in lesser amounts of sore losers than the companies.They at least seem to understand it is what it is in a much more realistic real world way.

    And yeah I can see them taking even way more intrusive more drastic measures to insure the security of their products in the future.Look at how governments spy on people and a whole country for the most part wont stand up and say a damn thing about it.A whole bunch of quiet "Me don't want no trouble" types.
    Why are they so afraid to stand up for what is right? And you see what happens when someone actually exposes some dirt that country did.They wanna prosecute them,(or worse)label them as terrorists,and they have to flee for their safety to another country.Real nice aint it? I absolutely disagree with that.After personally looking at the facts and I have zero problem speaking my mind about it.If someone don't say something,who will? I don't see any of my countrymen willing to say a damn thing about it.Even if it won't do anything but get their point across,or let them know they disapprove.Wait till someone promotes humanity again,they'll make them look like a mad man,convince the public they are insane all over the media,then either put those folks on some weird watch list or label them a threat.But all said group wants is for equal and fair treatment of people.Women,Men,Black,White,Asian,Indian(both kinds),Arab,Latino,pacific islander/Samoan/Hawaiian,etc.They treated Irish and Italian immigrants as less than too in the past and all those slang terms for them were by Americans.They all should be treated equally and respected equally.But they'll label civil rights activists as the bad guy for wanting what's right.

    That's how they treat folks that tell a certain country's people the truth.It's sad,it's disgusting.They don't care one bit about humanity. It's not about what the people think is right or wrong,it's about profit and loss.
    That's blatantly obvious,they aint even trying to cover it up.They don't care.
    That by the people,and for the people thing went out the window when they can sign bills taking away our constitutional rights for what ever purpose the executive branch chooses.Look up the bill Obama signed,it's pretty clear.

    And their police force is on some trash too.Used to be protect and serve,now it's harass,and prosecute.They are the countries largest gang and organized crime division.How do I know that? Well firstly I can walk through the most dangerous areas of my city and be way less afraid then if I see one police officer.Even if I'm doing nothing wrong.Oh best believe they'll find something wrong.Second,have a good hard look at the U.S. prison system.Which I've experienced firsthand.80% of all inmates are in there for drugs.They make an average of $80-100,000 per inmate that is given an inmate id # and sent to a parent institution.Every place they are sent makes them $.Food for thought.Thirdly, 80% of all law enforcement's resources and funding are spent on either hiring and training people for/on methods to catch (you guessed it) drug addicts.In my somewhat logical mind,no matter how I slice it,that's 80% of real violent criminals they aren't catching because they have their resources so wrapped up in drug busts.

    And what does that cause? Something very disturbing,drug addicts that were once only drug addicts and needing help or treatment get thrown in with the rest of the criminals in prisons for $ and over time become more hardened criminals and institutionalized so they repeat the revolving door prison process so the government can make more $ and promote how good of a job they are doing with stopping the crime in the U.S.It's a lie,they are making themselves rich. Especially these private prisons. MTC is in most every state.It's pretty sad.They are kinda creating harder criminals.Meanwhile real criminals that harm innocent children,old ladies,and completely innocent people, lurk and roam the streets freely because they are too busy worrying about how much $ they can make prosecuting the next 1000 drug addicts.Also food for thought,look up how long a felony 5 has existed in the U.S..You can't tell me that was for the peoples benefit.That was for their profits benefit.And it harms the rehabilitated person that has served their time,now they have an extremely difficult time finding employment once they are out,no one will hire them because they're a felon so they can't get a decent job to survive.Well so what do they do? Commit a crime to survive because they have no other means to survive like a decent human being.And the cycle continues,until they get arrested and prosecuted and sent back to prison.More $ for the system.It's a win-win for them.Am I saying to allow drugs? No,weed maybe,I see far less harm in that vs alcohol,way less lives lost per year compared to alcohol.There's still parking lots at bars.So tell me how that in and of itself is not at least psychologically or subliminally promoting drunk driving or at least saying it's ok? So every single person should have a designated driver,ok I get that.But how many times is that actually the case vs not? All I'm saying is logically they could solve a lot of problems,drastically lower the crime rate and benefit humanity a lil bit just by simply changing their methods up.It can't be that hard to see if even I can explain it even this quickly and harshly and I'm sure at least some of you can see where I'm coming from.

    I'm sure one of these silver tongued devils they have speaking for them on T.V could sell this for the sake of humanity better than I(Aint no one gonna listen to me.Who am I?).But they most likely never will,because they could care less,and it's not benefiting their wallets.Now if/when we get a world leader that could give a rats ass about $, that may be a possibility,but I don't see it happening.They are too busy pumping that be successful,money is good,you need to worry about your career and how much money you can make and don't worry about who you have to harm to get there,from the time we can half think on our own as children. If they spent half that time and effort concentrating on treating people right and respecting people and showing compassion,understanding and love.Think of how different it would be.

    Their antics are not what we've survived this long on.Bottom line.Why do their countrymen put so much trust and compliance in them? How many times do they have to screw them over until they finally see it? Their antics have over time caused more destruction than we ever have on our own.I'd be pleased if even one person would stand up for everyone else & be like "NO,that's not right!"

    But enough about that,all I'm sayin is that in a perfect,right,and just world,these companies would learn from the scene and try to work with the scene,and find a happy medium all can live with.And until they do that,it will continue as usual until they really try and flex their muscles and prosecute people and sue people.And start making laws and methods(oh wait DMCA)to limit what people do with purchased goods.They shouldn't be trying to piss off coders and attack people for using their products.Obviously those people found value in their products or they wouldn't be using them.Regardless of how it was obtained.And yes some (regardless of the argument)would purchase if they had the means because they love those products.And yes some wont because they can get it for free.But it is what it is.This is the reason I take no stand on the matter.I am not anti piracy,I am not pro piracy.I would take either side in certain situations accordingly.

    Do what you do.Think what you want.To each their own.

    It is what it is.

    Take Care All! :bow: :mates: