The Mike P. Second's "Add Kontakt Libraries" tool

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by MARJU GRLYO, Jul 23, 2012.


    MARJU GRLYO Noisemaker

    May 17, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Hi !

    I found this little tool to add Kontakt libraries in the Kontakt interface, this one :,1,1,42495-download_add-to-kontakt-libraries-automatic-tool.html#comment

    The problem is I'm on Mac.

    So I took one library, Folktek Collection Volume One (Just one to try it first) on a external hard drive and copied it on a laptop with Windows 7 64 Bits

    I tried to put the Add_to_Kontakt.exe and Phyton.dll on different folders : At the top end, or in the same folder as the .nki

    I tried with these addresses :

    C:/Users/Me/Desktop/Libraries/Folktek Collection Volume One/
    C:/Users/Me/Desktop/Libraries/Folktek Collection Volume One/Folktek Instruments/
    C:/Users/Me/Desktop/Libraries/Folktek Collection Volume One/Folktek Instruments/Abstract (This is one "synth" folder)

    But at the end the Report file is always empty... And not sure what to do with the temp file... But when I click on it there's an error message.

    (Before that I run the Add_to_Kontakt.exe file, type in the number and push Enter)

    And of course there's no new file created...

    Maybe the problem is that there's no Kontakt installed on that computer ? Or what I do wrong ? Or it is not possible to create it on a PC and take it to the Mac ?

    If someone can help me to fix it, it would be very nice :wink:

    Thank you very much ;)
  3. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    I can't get it to work on Win7 64 at all. I got the correct number from the registry and put it everywhere like you did, and it keeps telling me nothing was added. I was excited about this untill I spent several hours and couldn't get it working.
  4. trees415

    trees415 Noisemaker

    Feb 26, 2012
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    It's not Krocks tool, it was designed by a guy named Mike P. Second, it is only windows only solution, as it involves making changes to the windows registry. Thus, it will not work on mac, and you cannot transfer the files to mac.

    However, I suggest you check out my post on audioz, as I released a solution that will work on either platform, and is much less intrusive. At the moment, I've only created the files for 15 libraries, however I'm currently working on a tool, or at the very least a tutorial, that will allow you to do this to whichever libraries you want.
    You can check out my article here:
  5. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    There is a better "tool" floating around called "Custom Kontakt Library Creator" made by doubley
    It is much better its´working on Win 7/64b i´m pretty sure it works on all Win versions..
    It is not DOS based so you have a GUI.
    You can change the order of your librarys in the tab window with just a click so you can orginize your lib:s very useful if you have many librarys..

    MARJU GRLYO Noisemaker

    May 17, 2012
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    Aw sorry, I changed the name.

    Yes of course I know your post :mates:

    But to be honest I didn't really what to do to create the .nicnt file... I should try to open a few and see what's inside, but as I'm a noob in things like that not sure I will find anything by myself...

    If I can't find anything I will wait for your tool/tutorial ! :wink:

    Haha so was I ! :(

    I'm gonna check this out ! Thanks ! But not sure it will work on Mac if I copy my new .nicnt file to it ?
  7. trees415

    trees415 Noisemaker

    Feb 26, 2012
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    All you is add the file to to the root directory of your drive, then open Kontakt, click on add library and select the folder where you just put the nicnt file. It's really easy, and much cleaner then the other methods since Kontakt adds the library as it normally would with a licensed library.

    MARJU GRLYO Noisemaker

    May 17, 2012
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    Ok, I find a way :

    First, copy paste this text on a TextEdit, Word, WordPad or something like that :

    <Product version="1">
    <Name>Library name</Name>
    <Company>Native Instruments GmbH</Company>
    <RegKey>library name</RegKey>

    - You change "Library name" by the name of the library you're about to add (I think it must have the same name as the main folder but not sure)

    - Then save it as "Library name_info.nkx"

    Second, download this file here :

    - You open it with a text app again, you'll find something close that the text above.

    - You change "Kontakt 4 Lib " by the name of the library you're about to add

    Third you save it with the name of the library, but without "_info" you will have "Library name.nicnt"

    - Place those files in the folder with the "wallpaper.jpg"

    Fourth you add the library with the Kontakt button and you're done ! :wink:
  9. Frubbs

    Frubbs Kapellmeister

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Marju, I have been trying to follow your process, and I am able to create what appear to be legit .nicnt and .nkx files, along with a suitably formatted .png wallpaper image . I am even able to import the libraries into Kontakt without complaint. But the libraries don't show up in the libraries tab. When I attempt to import one again, Kontakt says it's already in the Libraries tab. Any idea what's going on there?

    Also, in the text string you provide, "Library name" appears twice, in the second and the second last lines. Should these both be changed? And in the K4 nicnt file, there are the same two occurrences of the name, but with a couple of spaces afterwards, before the bracket. I assume these should be retained, no?

    If this can be made to work, it's really rather quick and easy - I can see myself pulling everything I have into the libraries tab. Thanks for taking the initiative and sharing it with the community.

    UPDATE SEPT29: I have tried this process to create .nicnt and .nkx files on a number (~20?) different libraries, but as of yet only one has appeared in the libraries tab - 8Dio's Basstard, the first one I tried (oddly enough it appeared only several hours later, after I'd tried several others, though I hadn't altered the files at all). In every other case I'm informed that the library I'm trying to add is already in the libraries tab.

    I am wondering if there is a registry conflict in that all of these files are trying to register under the same number, hence the impression that each library is"already there". Before I start applying my less-than-adequate code-troubleshooting skills to a long and arduous trial and error process, does anyone know whether it's practical, and if so how specifically, to change the registration number for libraries added this way? And maybe what is the legit range of registration numbers?

    Or am I alone on this thread these days...?