The legacy if Foster and alike.. but with skills..

Discussion in 'Music' started by Vaijj, Feb 19, 2019.

  1. Calm.Down

    Calm.Down Banned

    Feb 8, 2019
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    The most funniest part is that some people just talk and usually don't share anything about their music (no offence to the lovely members here, just a gentle and salutary reminder :bow:). I can guess why, maybe they don't even trust each other (against the basic principles of friendship). Having the right to judge others comes after sharing.

    Reading the Bible just a little bit can boost the flagging sprits and shaky morale (including me). God please help all of us.:bow:
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  2. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    wow, that sounds really intriguing. would love to hear those tracks. are they out there still? and what was the drama then? i he claiming to be "the best" cant hardly had been that controversial, if his tracks were any good I mean, every artist has to have a little of that.

    but I do know that by that time there were some hardcore bullies around here so I can imagine that wasnt a great combination. I dont remember if I had registered by that time or if I just ignored that sort of threads, I mostly used to read for me relevant topics and I remember there were several heated topics that I hadn't any clue what they were about, and even less did I have any interest in finding out lol .

    but after time has gone ive become a bit intrigued in what his posting were about since he seems to actually been able to make music.

    bah, foster and his later nicks..on the other hand had no appeal what so ever, to me he seemed like an extremely lazy prick who because of being just lazy and tone-deaf (?) hated the fact other people made an actual effort to learn more about music and thereby get a deeper understanding, he therefor presented his ridiculous plinking as the "proof of something", what? we will never know I guess
    if there was any excuse for his silliness it would have been him being extremely young? like 9 years old? but there are tons of talented wise constructive young teens with an intellect, so that wouldn't be a good excuse either i guess

    anyways, did faoki come out with a real identity? I mean if he published tracks it feels like he would have been public somehow

    Last edited: Feb 21, 2019
  3. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Hey all, I was throwing some jokes around like the guy in this vid and am realizing I might have appeared crass and wanted to mention in case. I've been fixing my workstation again for a week and a half, then stayed up a couple nights to cathup on some work leaving my communication skills and perception lacking making any context vague and idiotic. Anyway I thought this might be appropriate to share here.. Will be giving the typing a rest for a sec until I can communicate a little better, would love to post some sounds here finally also!!
  4. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I'm afraid is much simpler than that. What @EddieXx said about Faoki/Foster applies to everyone who post here their music.

    And this forum is really nice compared to another anonymous ones. Still, there always be elitists or simply rude people.
    But that's only one possible reason.
  5. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    I've broken my typing hyatus a couple times already so please forgive! It might be worth mentioning what your expectations are at the time of posting your track. If I see "please give feedback" I tend to open my big mouth. If you're just displaying for expo might want to clarify that also. There might always be a rudeone in the crowd but if only one rude one replies there might be some insight in their response. imo

    edit, what I meant was its not good to be rude but not to confuse with negative feedback. K so I'm back on typing hiatus for a minute or two...
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2019
  6. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I agree, I was talking about other fella post.
    Seriously, I can't think a reason for you to apologize to me. All cool.
  7. Nana Banana

    Nana Banana Guest

    I've thought of that. I have so much. I really want to to share, not for feedback, have a lot of that already. If I did my anonymity would be null and void. Kinda sucks, but I'm almost positive you've heard it :wink: I'm here cause I like the freedom. Not so boxed in any image here. That gets old.
  8. Calm.Down

    Calm.Down Banned

    Feb 8, 2019
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    There is a big difference between music and style. Music is a pure thing but style is the embellishments. No one should combine them together. What I hear in today's music is those embellishments called styles.

    Rock, Pop, and others are genres consisting of styles, having general characteristics. In just less of them you can find a good music. For most people, styles are enough and what they want to hear all the time are just styles. They don't care about the music and any music that lacks the known styles is not the music for their ears. This is not a good yardstick. Music comes from the heart but styles come from the copying and assembling different acquired elements been established in the industry.

    The first principle in the art is the expressiveness. Who would recognize sb's music's identity in the future, unless he/she sticks to the styles.:bow:
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2019
  9. Nana Banana

    Nana Banana Guest

    Exactly why. My own expressive style is a dead giveaway :wink:
  10. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    so many big words and categoric statements always coming out your mouth..judging the difference between "music and style" claiming "music is a pure thing", "no-one should combine music and style"!!? what does that even mean, lol

    what are you babbling about for gods sake!?
    foster, icwc, now "calm.down", fantastic music is made everyday! if you happen to lack style and have no music ability that doesn't involve or include us the rest of the universe of musicians, it doenst include our choice of style in any way or shape, stop denigrating musicians, you are just talking about yourself and your shortcomings.

    when is the day when you are going to learn to speak for yourself?
    dont judge us musicians or include us in your own weird introvert "excuses" ..
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2019
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  11. Calm.Down

    Calm.Down Banned

    Feb 8, 2019
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    So let it be dead. Style is not my concern at all. Everyone can create it by mixing different things knowingly or unknowingly. Express yourself with the music instead.:bow:
  12. Nana Banana

    Nana Banana Guest

    OMG I'm starting to "get" the Foster Effect everyone talks about :facepalm: BTW what I meant by style is also known as a "Personal Playing Nuance", not a categorical Genre like Rock etc... I think your confused about the difference between Playing style, and Style of music.

    Let me dumb it down for you. *speaks slowly* When I play Guitar, Bass, Keys, Percussion, Brass, or even Strings Etc... I play using a personalized, me only, nuance within my Music, that if everyone heard, would be instantly recognizable. I do play many genre types, depending on whats needed/called for at the time, from orchestrated cinematic to heavy metal.

    I'm not sure exactly what the hell your babbling about, but I'm pretty sure you acid trip...
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2019
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  13. Calm.Down

    Calm.Down Banned

    Feb 8, 2019
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    You got me wrong bro. I admire you. I just told let your heart and music come out of the style's shell.:bow:

    BTW, it's Eddy's usual trickery and repetitive and negative commenting to mislead people into thinking against sb. Don't let it happen. In 99% of situations people who read his comments, become mistaken and don't think what other people said. He does it on purpose and most people don't get it but you're smart enough to think what was said. :winker:
  14. Nana Banana

    Nana Banana Guest

    Thanks, you explained it. The style I am referring to, is from my heart mind and soul. The shell was broken back in the early 90's. That's what makes my Musically Personalized Nuance unique, and not copy-able, and therefore very clear who composed it exactly.

    Example: You know when Michael Jackson screams "Wooo" spontaneously during a piece he composed? The "Wooo" is unmistakably Michael Jackson's signature musical nuance, he brings out of his heart, mind, and soul that everyone recognizes instantly. I'm not comparing myself to Michael Jackson, just an example of what I am talking about.
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  15. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    oh cmon stop playing the victim, i couldn't care less about "misleading" anyone specially against someone like you, you have enough on your plate already.

    look, you been banned already and now changed nick what 3, 4 times? and you STILL persist in denigrating musicians and professionals, and musicianship in general. always with your silly smilies but always bad-mouthing musicians one way or the other

    and I mean ok, if you were someone with a minimum of ability maybe, and I mean maybe you would have a some right to point fingers and lecture us but you cant make crap yourself musically but still have the balls to judge and claim what is and what is not, like you were some kind of eminence in music??!

    that is why i cant stand your preaching on how music "should be made", how "music is wrong" and how "everything sucks" and your idea that you somehow have the path to real and "TRUE music making"..please get a grip! while you cant play 3 notes in key! its so twisted and you simply cant drop your strange obsession.

    you have done it already when persecuting and ridiculing members who liked to educate others on music theory, you went berserk and destroyed entire threads because of your distaste for people who have music knowledge and who like to teach others.

    and now you are here again warming up, badmouthing musicians again, saying "music sucks", "genres suck", "styles suck", and whatever nonsensical "idea" happens to cross your mind.

    climb down from your high horse because its just a plastic broom, and stop criticising everything in music and giving lessons, show some humility and some self-awareness and I will stop responding to your silly claims on "superior knowledge" about music.

    everyone has the right to an opinion but your only drive and use of your opinion is always to smear and deprecate, every single time, one way or the other you will be talking trash about music, musicians or musicianship.
  16. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    The dude's music might be "interesting" but it's naff. I doubt he's going to get a main-stage slot at Glastonbury........

    Maybe I'm missing his point. :D
  17. Retrolize77

    Retrolize77 Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    in this whole debate about style vs music from the heart, its a question of having the exact same terminology used, i would say.
    In my understanding, @Calm.Down said that people should make music with a personal touch, an emotional stamp, to use music as a carrier for a certain feeling, others can decode as something unique and makes them have a certain vibe thru the music, a special feeling.

    On the other hand, you got people who just imitate expressive music by stacking stylistic coherent sound particles / loops / formulas to simulate a certain feeling they think it may be sellable.

    Heartfelt stands for the inventive musician establishing a certain style along with other musicians, and then you may have harpy or at least unconscious motivated people that are into the whole thing for money & fame, happens all the time with every uprising new genre, after some creative plateau the hyenas come a kill it by watering it down thru cruel copying.

    In real world context, this mighty allways be a question of balancing out those two poles in a way!!!!

    @EddieXx You seems to have interpreted the word style in this specific context meant as uninspired copying a formerly invented formula instead of personally adding up to that formula from a heartfelt persoective to the contrary, which indeed can be difficult to pinpoint, cause style the way @Nana Banana used the term IS something personal, unique & expressive.

    Hope everyone in this thread is able to see that maybe you all meant the same, but the vocabulary depended on context! So better read twice , unfortunately a place like this lacks body language, so theres a big possibility for getting hold the wrong end of the stick unintentionally or even worse, intentionally!

    Latter would be the bigger problem indeed!
    Hopefully this comment is helpful, cause it took me some time to write this down here :mates:
  18. Retrolize77

    Retrolize77 Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Btw, this problem of people misunderstanding each other un- or intentionally is happening steadily, in real life, internet especially, micro scale, global scale. You have to have a vocabulary everyone is capable of, otherwise there is bias.
    Just take religious concepts, in which an higher intelligence or supreme entity or energy form or whatsoever called god or allah is used by people to go against each other, other people believing in one of those concepts are aware it may be possible its just different names for the same thing, it seems like its always a question of awareness, empathy & consciousness if you use your knowledge for distracting or unifying people, simple & plain.:thanks:
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2019
  19. Nana Banana

    Nana Banana Guest

    Very helpful, and well said ...Retrolize77: The Interpreting Peacemaker :mates:
  20. Retrolize77

    Retrolize77 Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    I like beeing helpful.
    Thx for the nickname, appreciate it, buddy
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