The idea of getting down ideas?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Maitreya, Apr 26, 2019.


Do you plan your tracks ahead of conducting them?

  1. Yes i hear voices in my head

    12 vote(s)
  2. No, i just feel it out

    11 vote(s)
  3. eh?

    4 vote(s)
  1. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Just as true as I can't write shit later on the score/piano roll and then I realize it takes talent and work to make/compose music :rofl:
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2019
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  2. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Just having a portion of music that is slow or simple does not mean something flawed ( just like a still moment with just characters face on screen in a film)
    But if you have the whole song simple and slow then nothing has really happened( listener lose interest)just in same way a great movie cannot be a still head shot for 90 mins)
    Just having fast music that is complex does not mean it is great
    ( Just like a great movie is not random shapes and colors flickering on the screen)
    What movies and music both have in common is that it is being delivered by means of your eyes or ears , but the thing that makes it great is the storytelling , And making you feel powerful emotions like you left your body and seeing another world through somone else's eyes ears or perspective .
  3. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Have you ever watched a motion picture, which you thought right away was great however the pace and action was so fast paced that you had to watch it multiple times to catch everything and fully enjoy the movie?
    This is the same as how our ears work with music
    Really slow or simple things we can make out right away , and more complex and advanced music actually requires you to develop your ears to hear what is really there a little over time ( because your ears not used to that much detail) you have to train your ears to hear better overtime ( otherwise your ears take an average smeared over time)

    This may lead someone to ask to themselves

    " So what is the point? , Why should anyone take the time to develop their hearing ? Why not just listen to music that your ears can make out right away? There is plenty available"

    The answer to that is the reality we live in itself is complex and takes time to understand .
    You yourself are complex and take time to understand right?
    A simple stereotype cannot allow another to think one short thought which captures the entire you which exists.

    In other words
    Anything valuable and which has meaning
    Is complex enough to fully appreciate takes time and effort to understand it's parts how it works to fully understand it and appreciate what it actually is.
    There is nothing which exists that anyone cares about which is extremely simple and can be grasped right away with no effort.
  4. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Wow..... you´re a researcher HitSquad.
    Any chance you could come up with some evidence regarding all your latest research?... or were you just trying to be smart/funny?
  5. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Im lost!
  6. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Simple or slow music is equivalent to a movie with little motion and not a lot in camera view.
    Complex or fast music is like a lot of motion in the camera and lot objects in view on screen.

    What this is expressing is that
    With a motion picture it's easy to see that whether it is a calm headshot moment or a portion with fast action wide shot , it's the story and the characters that is important. The amount in camera view at a time or the amount of motion on the screen is only something that expresses something deeper and more meaningful .
    Music is the exact same .
    For example take a C major Cadence.
    Dmin7, .G7 alt, C6 (DFAC,C#FG#B,CEGA)

    Whether I express it fast or slow , As 3 notes or
    Complex approach notes outlining each tone in each chord at a fast pace ( a 50 note pattern)

    Either way I'm expressing the same main structure
  7. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Think about your spoken language .
    The point of spending all those years everyday building up that ability and vocabulary and syntax
    Is not so that you can take simple sentences and obscure them by making more complicated with big words and then say it fast as you can.
    That would be a type of over-intellectual excersize.
    Instead the point is to perfectly express what you could not otherwise .
    There going to be plenty of tines where simply short sentences are the right choice make no matter your ability.
    Music is just like this .
    In fact you very surprised how difficult it Is to take a
    Slow long note with perfect expressed articulation.
    You going to spend just as much time on that developing yourself musically as you will the most blazing fast 100 note lines.
  8. Retrolize77

    Retrolize77 Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    To follow this path: Music is kind of a spiritual gateway i think. When it comes from the heart, it can help some1 else to get to a similar mindstate like the musician was in, an emotional quality which can be passed on from one to another.
    You can choose to listen to music that correlates with your current mindset, or you can listen to some stuff getting you somewhere else emotionally , calms you down or something else. Like in a catharsic way, or used like a transmitter, your choice. The music you hear is a reflection of who you are, and i think thats a intriguing thought.
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  9. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    OMG :lmao:
  10. Maitreya

    Maitreya Ultrasonic

    Apr 13, 2019
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    Ha ha :D

    I dunno about the intellect stuff though... From where ive been, what ive been studying etc, it seems that the intelect hinders raw creativity. That sounds wild, but if you are genuinely interested in exploring alternative views to the one you have here, watch or read some J Krishamurti - also his work with the physisist David Bohm is interesting. Im not one for Gurus or masters, just through hearing them out i was led down another way of thinking for myself.

    Haha, that last senstence though.. :)
  11. Retrolize77

    Retrolize77 Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    You seems to be the guy that when bruce lee points to the moon, you watch at his finger. Go see the moon, homeboy :hug:
  12. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Perhaps you should qualify your statements with beginning with "It would take me..." or "It took me..." or "For most people...". There are many people who break your rules and who have a more direct link to the source of The Muse. For instance I went to school with a friend who only started playing piano at 15 and after just a year could play absolutely anything, writing intricate pieces for the jazz band and surpassed the theoretical musical knowledge of the head of the department, the jazz band leader and everyone by far in our 1st period music theory class. There are many musicians that are simply incredible at young ages that contribute to our joy with professionalism and proficiency way earlier than you say that they actually can. We are all unique in our strengths and none of us can be categorically categorised as in your list of absolutes, especially the ridiculous It takes 9 years to be knowledgeable and capabile of doing something valuable. Think about that one, that is laughable.
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  13. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    It's a very interesting idea there.
    Imagine a world where people didn't have to go to school for 15 years to do brain surgery they just knew how it all worked. Imagine
    An archeology team has done excavated remains of untouched cave walls with the schematics for a Intel i7 processor.
    Or a baby born with the ability to do calculus without ever learning.
    From my point of view I certainly would not be opposed to being born into that type of world .
    It's just I found myself born into a reality that works in a specific way, where knowledge gets built up from learning. There a reason no cavemen had antibiotics or electric stoves it's the reality we have.

    Now joking aside if your really trying to talk about a person that can make sounds into the air and those sounds feel good to you and to everyone else that's done things I agree with .
    But that is not what I was talking about that your quoting.
    I made 25 albums of my own music entirely ignorant of music just playing with sounds and even listening back today there are some emotional parts in there as amatuer they are.

    Music is not sounds bring made by a person
    In the same way a movie is not shapes and colors changing on the screen.
    Music is a language.
    A person might be able to create a good sounding melody totally ignorant of the music component of what it is, but that is not music.
    Music is every possible variation every version of that melody .
    Just like your spoken language a child just learning to speak night utter noises you think is relevant and emotional but that child is never going to utter something akin to great literature .
    A beginner film maker who has yet to learn the craft nay have great skill with a iPhone camera and has great instinct but not going to be of the level of the best movies of all time.
  14. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Music is not sound traveling through the airways,
    Just like a movie is not shapes and colors changing over time on a screen .

    What do I mean by that?

    Well, in the case of movies when you watch one do you think
    " Wow these changing shapes circles and triagles and squares and oh the colors red blue and green mixed in different ways!"
    Why don't we think that?
    Because there is a deeper level .
    Only on the surface is it shapes and colors flashing changing, but our brain converted that into characters environments and situations we identify with that speak to our subconscious mind .

    A movie uses shapes and colors changing on s screen to transmit a deeper level.

    What about music?
    Music is the same way
    Sounds changing overtime transmit the deeper level of the language and structure .
    But what about a person that t is totally ignorant of laguage of music , yet they makes sounds changing overtime that can feel emotional?
    Well they may be able to create something in a moment but it's skin to saying
    " Bah why teach my kid how to speak English starting when they infant through to teenager!
    They going to make their own dpunds and utterings with there vocal chords."
    Because the English language is not
    Making sounds with vocal chords.
    The English language is a information system that transmits emotions feelings ideas through the medium of noises and utterances.

    So if you belive there is not deeper level to a motion picture , that it's entirety is shapes and colors changing over time and no point in going film school , hey do what you will .
    And if you believe music is sounds made into the air, with no deeper level than hey by all means
    Don't spend a single second learning what music is how it works , how to play with anyone, how to know every variation for a Melody possible .
    Just make the air shake honey.
  15. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I took the alphabet and created my own language in the way that the letters work
    ( You'll never get a chance to evaluate how intelligent it is or how good I am at it though.)
    Here is a sample paragraph

    Tfjbchyrji igyjg yrwckongyj 653gu9jt yr5ijcdru6
    U8okj875e4yhki6 jh o73fh t7khi98

    Isn't that amazing literalture?
    The top of talent right?
  16. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    We may have a bit of overthinking in this thread.
  17. Maitreya

    Maitreya Ultrasonic

    Apr 13, 2019
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    I just wanted to know how people start their ideas haha. Though im glad its turned out how it has. Its been interesting, funny and frustrating all at once. It continues to get wilder..
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  18. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    The point of that is to say there a reason why we only see that type of thing in a joke , because we understand that if someone creates their own language which they alone understand, well what can you do with it?
    What was the point of having s language?
    So that a individual can communicate to others.
    So with music , say you have a person just making sounds what are they communicating exactly?
    It's the same idea.
  19. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Say I present a " newsong"

    Which suspiciously sounds identical to a recording of raindrops falling on a metal roof top with the wind blowing,
    You try to call me out but my response
    Is " man your not getting it this is a brand new type of music I invented in order to circumvent learning of music how it already exists.
    Would you consider it amoung the possible greatest songs if all time?
  20. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    what the hell are u on about?
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