The Hard Way In, The Soft Upon Return

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by superliquidsunshine, Sep 11, 2015.

  1. I am a lucky man. I have been gifted approximately 700 money units to buy a new tool for my project studio. As I sing and like to play an assortment of wooden instruments I feel that it is important to have a good foundation on the way in to the DAW. I am weighing heavily in the direction of a Warm Audio WA76. I feel it would be a good thing, at least for my vocals and percussion instruments to deal with peaks before they hit my Babyface converters. I already have Bryce's Tonebeast 12 which I have lots of love for, and everything I have heard and read about the WA76 males me feel that it is killer at a killer price. What do you all thing of my compression theory, and if not the WA76, what do you think I can wisely spend this cash on?
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  3. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hello, superliquidsunshine,

    you will not find any better iteration for the price asked, going for it is the one and only way, without question. :yes:

    wish all the best for all of us, the added gifts for warm audio gear users are already there... :bow:

    later edit, post scriptum, the one here might be one of the best thread titles for this piece. :yes:
  4. Thanks for the vote of confidence, nadirtozenith. It is always hard for me to make these kind of decisions, playing endless revisions in my mind and wondering if I will make the correct choice. It was either the compressor or buying another microphone, but between the RE 20 and the Bluebird, I have vocals covered. I actually like the clean preamps of the Babyface when paired with the RE 20, and the mojo of the WA76 should put me in a good place come mix time. I am now waiting for someone to chime in to play with my head and make another suggestion. LOL. Thanks again.
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