The FCC just killed net neutrality

Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by Rotten.Surfer, Dec 15, 2017.

  1. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @mozee interesting that you are accusing me of attempted "hijack" of a thread.. I find it truly bizarre ,
    when really all I did was contribute an on topic post

    if you happen to hate infowars, that's fine too... if you are trying to say it never publishes anything factual
    such as those comments being allowed to persist on the site, then I think that's also a misguided assertion

    name one news outlet that is not biased these days, that isn't raving under the surface... or not covertly raving at all
    to say virtually anything that pushes its biases and its agenda to be taken as the "truth" or factual...

    You can despise any news outlet you like for their perceived bias or falsity in your opinion, just don't expect others
    to feel any need whatsoever to go along with it..

    I couldn't give a rat's ass about "Twitter" either... except for the fact that they have indeed shut down voices and accounts
    that they disagree with politically...

    here's another BS link to take issue with
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2017
  2. beatmagnus

    beatmagnus Guest

    Here in the US we've always been screwed. In California cable ISP's have sectioned off zones where residents only have a particular one as a choice. Throttling has been going on ever since large files have been getting transferred by a particular customer. ..And internet speeds are much slower here then other countries. I really don't know why net neutrality was repealed tho..
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  3. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    I do not trust infowars, and although every publisher has a bias, theirs is beyond reasonable as far as I am concerned. My objection to not clicking that link is mine alone, you are welcome to get your news from where you like and I reserve my right to voice my opinion on that source.

    Even though I respect you as a person I am going to have disagree that your comment, perhaps unintentionally, is not going to derail this thread and make it red vs blue argument rather than a discussion on net neutrality, its benefits or its disadvantages and what policy was or was not.

    - Net Neutrality has nothing to do with censorship. This is why taking the conversation into an us versus them where some boogey company that controls an edge networks and is playing a shadow war against whatever goals or groups you support consists of a hijack.

    - Ajit Pai is part of the conversation and I am sorry he is getting nasty twitter messages as a result of actions as chairperson of the FCC. However those messages and whether or not Twitter is censoring them or not (and lets be honest if we are going to touch on Twitter and censorship, they did very little of it until the Charlotesville bullshit - so let call a dog a dog and a cat a cat - but I do not want to go down that road and that is where you are taking this thread.)
    You want to voice your support for the repeal, and or you have some information to share on your outlook, that's cool brother. I would love to hear it and though I might disagree I would not disrespect you over it. However, taking this thread on a tangent just because Ajit Pai is acting like a snowflake and is but-hurt by some mean people that want to go through his security detail and the FBI to say mean things about him on the internet has nothing to do with the Internet Freedom Act, or the money game that is currently being played. Talking about the pawns is boring anyways...

    Personally, as far as how this change will affect me, I will not do much at all. I am comfortable enough at this point in my life that if my cable bill was $300 bucks a month instead of the $270 a month it is now it's not going to change how I live or what I do.

    Like I said in my earlier post, net neutrality and it's adoption and repeal are about money and nothing else. There is nothing wrong in trying to make a buck. I just don't like dirty ball, and if you can't see how this was played dirty, then I am sorry... but I ain't your keeper and I ain't your daddy. You're a man, and I respect you as much as I respect any man i don't know and I value what you have to say even if I don't agree with it.

  4. Boujwa

    Boujwa Ultrasonic

    Mar 4, 2014
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    Get a food stamp internet is the best thing you can do now!:rofl: same speed !!!!
  5. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    When Ajit Pai goes into the back room after every public appearance he pulls the little zipper on the back of his head and his skin falls off and this is what's underneath. As you can see, it's just as terrifying as we imagined...
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2017
  6. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Yep. They are the ones who told us via Alex Jones that the government is putting chemicals in the water that's turning all the frogs gay.
    I watch them... but just for laughs. Because some of the shit they come up with is pretty hilarious. Infowars is a goldmine of memes.

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  7. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    sounds pretty outrageous to me already... but that's just for us po' folk to complain about eh?
    glad you can afford that ridiculous sum to the tune of thousands of dollars a year.. for tv and internet..

    Whatever you think of Ajit Pai, or Alex Jones for that matter... it's still a bit like inviting a fox to guard the chicken coop
    to put a former Verizon ( otherwise known as the greediest mobile provider in the world ) executive over the FCC,
    so the likes of the most hated companies in the USA ( Comcast ) can have their way with the rest of us poor slobs, and jam
    their virtual money grubbing mop handle even further up our arses...

    I'm starting to doubt the even handedness of your arguments since you seem so insistent and self righteous,
    are you some kind of cable industry insider as well ?
  8. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    How the hell does one pay 270$ for internet and cable? This is outrageous. I dont think you can pay that much for a package in any country in Europe.
    Is this for real???
    Your problem is your government sticking its fingers everywhere, overtaxing you for a few decades now, on land, property and education.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2017
  9. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Wot? oh brother and i thought we were the only ones getting ripped off hahaha. This is about the same money i used to pay on a double isdn (2x64kbps) line back in 2000 when the charging bill was calculated on the actual time you spent connected. As Herr Durr said it's good you guys are able to afford this. Geez.
    Seriously now, you may not find anything wrong in isps wanting to expand business, i mean it "sounds" legit alright. But what about your personal data man. If i understood correctly (please correct me if i am wrong), this law gives an isp the right to sell/give away your personal data to the highest bidder without you having a say so. And if so, it sounds to me like a democracy breech bro... Any thoughts on this ?
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  10. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    I guess a lot of smaller ISPs - especially the ones that provides cables, and even the bigger ones, will lose their costumers very soon if they stop practicing net neutrality. Reason: People still have good alternatives to cables, and the cable ISPs have invested a lot of money digging down cables to each of their costumers, so they will be very vulnerable if they took such a decision.

    The last few years the speed and the spread of internet connections has increased drastic where I live. E.G: My provider charge about 55 US a month and that includes a 100/100 cable solution including a superb modem that covers my entire house plus telephone, which I think is a fair price and still good business for the provider.

    Now a days I consider a propper internet support to your house/flat as importent as electricity, water, heat etc etc. Can anyone of you imagine if you could only have water, electricity and heat every second day, perhaps only fridays and only get these life necessities on a daily basis by paying some extra money to the provider - I doubt that very much.

    As long as there are alternatives Im sure most ISPs will keep from that kind of actions.

    Amazon, Google and other huge companies might consider taking advantage of this but I doubt very much they will profit from it in the long run.

    And remember: There are alternatives! The most radical is to stop using the internet at all :rofl:
  11. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Most ppl here speak about money and bandwidth.
    But remember the trick : USA ISPs (those who provide Google/Youtube Facebook... bandwidth. You see ?) are considered as ""information service".Not "communication media".

    So the next step over bandwidth and net neutrality is CENSORSHIP. Plain and simple. Not bandwidth throttling. Plain NOTHING at all.
    Instead of doing it only on Facebook/Youtube... (where DAESH/ISIS can do what they want...strange isn't it ?), now ISP will do it too. And covered by law.
    You in China ?

    Funny coming from the "free speech" country ( speech died in the 70's).
    During this time, Russia is opening RT channel in France (my country).

    I always find it funny when ppl complain about "communist" countries. And do worst...
    USA are falling down. Really fast. The only way to hide it is simply censorship, combined with neo-McCarthyism.

    But trust me : this plan is not going to work by any mean :D

    By doing this (and the incoming censorship), USA are simply pushing ppl to use russian providers.
    Next step ? an international russian Facebook/Google/Youtube service. That's what they are asking for.

    Bye bye uncle Sam. You pushed it too with your "worldwide" dollar.
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  12. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    yes the service is pathetic in the US relative to what they charge, it's cheaper and faster in many countries...
  13. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Funny you say this Herr Durr :wink:

    My eldest son took a trip to Japan, Phillipines and USA two years ago, and here are the results regarding internet speed and expenses:

    Japan: Well working all over the country and fair when it comes to speed and how much you pay.

    Phillipines: surprisingly good coverage in smaller cities with regard to internet and speed and very cheap

    USA: Very expensive, little coverage and very poor speed.

    Which country is actually the so called thirth world in this regard?
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2017
  14. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    Meh, my bill isn't so bad for Internet/TV/Phone in the north east.

    TV (every channel and premium network on FIOS that is in English)
    2 Cable boxes + DVR
    2 Phone lines
    100/100 internet thing + some things I could get cheaper somewhere else but too lazy to like antivirus etc...
    I don't think much of Ajit Pai not because of what he's done but because of how heavy handed, rushed and brutish it was.

    -------------- BOT --------------

    And I do agree with your fox in the chicken coop analogy, it is quite fitting and the results speak for themselves.

    No, I don't have a dog in the cable race, and I don't really care either way. I just hate waste, bad manners and the incessant beating of drum on issues that do not really exist or do not really even matter ( my issue with Alex Jones as well.) I am not a naturally cheerful person, nor do I have a naturally bright disposition, I am what you might call rather rigid, and all the screaming and hullabaloo is just annoying.

    ------------ OTT -------------------

    As far as being self righteous - you need to be consistent brother, money isn't dirty, it isn't special, it is what it is. Having it or not having it doesn't make one self righteous or dumb or anything. How are you going to diss me for having a few bucks in my middle age while cheering on the man who's got his hand in your pocket. Sounds like a bit of dichotomy to me.

    I hope we've put this part of the thread behind us.

    Anyways - love and peace man.
  15. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    @phloopy Japan was the FIRST country with high speed

    There is a BIG difference between (example) Japan, France and USA : in Japan and France, internet is a PUBLIC service (i didn't said public compagnies :wink:). So there is a government engagement to provide a good service to EVERY citizen (as far as possible).

    In USA (as usual) it is ... your problem. You are poor and/or in the wrong place ? Just die. Simple as that.

    F*kin French and Japanese "communists" :wink::rofl:

    PS : i'm french. And it is a joke of course. But not the main argument : pick your poison between too much government/regulation. Or too much private interests without regulation.
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  16. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    I don't really like that they can sell my (anonymized) personal data... but that is kind of off topic. Besides, I don't have much personal data to sell. I still like going to regular stores, I read newspapers made out of paper, I visit this site, geatslutz, Tape-Op, Vintage-King, AMS and Amzaon. I don't stream much outside of Amazon music, don't do the facebook or twitters. I also use VPN a private one to connect to the work server and a paid one for everything else. My phone is a bigger privacy concern than my ISP, and I never buy anything from the phone and I no longer give dime to any charity over the phone. So if someone buys my phone number or email address it is a loosing proposition for them.

    Regardless, this doesn't have much to do net neutrality.
  17. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    Off topic as well... but yes a lot of that bill is taxes but I don't mind taxes if I or society in general gets good value for them. I lived in the UK for a while for work and taxes were much higher there, though I did feel I or the country in general was getting a more fair return on witholdings at the times. It may have changed now, I am not sure this was over 15 years ago,

    It's not that we get taxed in the US because we generally end up paying about the same as a percentage of AEI/GNP per capita, it is that we don't get shit back of society or ourselves in the process.
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  18. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @phloopy sorry to burst your bubble on this one, but I have been to the Philippines a number of times and internet speed and quality pretty much blows carabao balls there...

    they rank only above Afghanistan..
  19. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    My father paid $280 per month for cable and internet for a while. Mostly because there was a monopoly in the area and there was no other option, so the ISP/Cable company (aka Metrocast) thought "Oh let's have some fun with this!" and well, they did. And they still are. Just not with him. I don't live in that area anymore. I don't even live anywhere near my folks anymore (I moved out last year). I've got options where I live. But maybe not for long now that Net Neutrality is gone.
    Maybe this isn't over. Maybe, just maybe, this could be what wakes America up and makes them realize what their government is doing. Because people want their youtube fix. They want their porn fix. They want to check their facebook/instagram/etc. And we (those of us here who are American), want to check our favorite forum (Audiosex). Maybe, this will be what wakes them up. Although I still have a lot of doubt in that happening.
    We will just have to wait and see.
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  20. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Fuck me, i`ve heard @foster911 choked a local dj for far less than 280$.
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