The easiest way to create complex chord changes - demonstrated on guitar

Discussion in 'Education' started by Crinklebumps, Jul 28, 2024.

  1. ULX

    ULX Guest

    Music is an extremely complex phenomenon. Contrary to its simple meaning, it is very complicated. The absolutism I mentioned meant that a lot of things had to be learned to make something good. There is no guarantee that the direction of music won't change in the future, but right now there is a need to learn many things about music. The ear is a means of judgment. The ear is not a means of creation. People shape events in their daily life and a judge looks at these events and judges. The judge himself has no role in creating events and can only judge to a small extent and change the result to some extent, but the main work is done by the power of human mind. Although the human mind makes judgments at every moment, the judgment made by the mind is different from the judgment made by the ear. The ear can judge simple things, but the power of the mind can judge limitlessly.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2024
  2. Smeghead

    Smeghead Audiosexual

    Jun 25, 2024
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    Damn, you can word salad.
  3. ULX

    ULX Guest

    If you consider these things like salad, I can't do anything for you.
    With my words, I wanted to tell to think more and not make salad, because in the world of music, ear's main task is to make salad.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2024
  4. Smeghead

    Smeghead Audiosexual

    Jun 25, 2024
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    Well, at least we agree on something. Cheers! :wink:
  5. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    Meanwhile, in the real world of working guitar players, we pick things up here and there, sometimes from watching other players, sometimes from them showing us a little trick or two. We incorporate what we learn into our styles, we don't consider these things as examples of theoritical rules (an oxymoron), as pieces of the puzzle from which we can't work effectively as musicians without the full set of pieces, all in the correct place - that isn't the big picture. There is a great deal to be said for having limitations when it comes to musical theoretical knowledge. Imagine Jimi Hendrix strictly following music theory rules. I would argue that the best guitarists knew just enough and realised that they had to almost forget what they know in order to be free to explore and create new avenues of expression.

    Even Bach's finest written music was an approximation and in reality he improvised most of it when playing live. Writing it down was a chore for him.
  6. ULX

    ULX Guest

    I don't want to disappoint you, but what you said is related to people who have never fully understood and digested the theory and principles of music. Someone who forgets the principles while working obviously has no faith in those principles and has read them only to read them. Many musicians are like this and they don't believe in anything, and this lack of belief ends up harming themselves and their music. Because whatever they do to make a good work, in the end they can't because they don't know what they are doing.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2024
  7. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    Any decent music teacher will try to drive home that music theory is not the imposition of rules, but the teaching of observable effects. Like how a master painter will demonstrate to their pupils the observable effects of mixing colours into new colours, or how using different types of brushes results in different textures.

    The knowledge that you don't have to use the same brush over and over again until you keel over and die does not ruin your creative ability. For 99.9999999% of people, that knowledge is what unlocks their creative potential in the first place. Craft your own brushes, mix your own colours, nobody's stopping you, nobody cares - not in painting, not in music.

    99.9999999% of people who have never seen purple will never ever come up with their own purple or purple-derived colours. In fact, most cultures to this day are genuinely 'blind' to much of the colour spectrum we take for granted. Don't deliberately blind yourself to the rest of the spectrum - unless you're that 1-in-250-million-musicians Jimi Hendrix type of guy.

    Music theory is not music fact. Fact and theory are antonyms.
    Music theory is not music rules. Theory observes, rules prescribe.

    If people use knowledge to their own creative disadvantage, then that's honestly on them or their teacher, but definitely not on the knowledge.
  8. BlackHawk

    BlackHawk Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2021
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    And exactly that IS thinking AND applying theory, that was well learned. If you do not know theory, you are the blind chicken that maybe sometimes finds a corn. And there is no "established" or "not established". There is theory, that is called theory because it's not rules. But everyone - like you - who is not sure if he knows "enough" theory or what to think about it at all, starts immediately ranting how some famous superstars are assumed to not know theory. To deflect from their own - let's say it as it is - deliberate stupidity, that is made into an ideology.

    I find that all contra productive, stupid, backwards, not helpful and discouraging. Maybe it's that ... you discourage others so that they may not be ahead of you?
  9. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    I'm bitterly disappointed, you've ruined my day.

    If only I knew the notes. I could have been a contender.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  10. ULX

    ULX Guest

    My son, you should hold your belief in Music Theory Message and don't let it be shaken. It's for your eternal salvation.:guru:
  11. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    Is there some kind of Bible I can buy? I'm willing to kill unbelievers if it gets me into Theory Heaven.
  12. ULX

    ULX Guest

    You don't need to look for a specific book. Download any book or tutorial from anywhere you like. Because these books are written by schooled and qualified theory writiers, all of their content is correct and they all say almost the same things. When you read the books, try not to reject their contents without fully understanding.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2024
  13. ULX

    ULX Guest

    Music is not putting a few formulaic chords together and making simple loops out of repeating them. Music is a very complex entity.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2024
  14. Smeghead

    Smeghead Audiosexual

    Jun 25, 2024
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    Music is both. I tend agree with you in terms of personal taste; I like complex music but simple groove oriented music has its place and is valid. If you'd ever had sex you'd get it :wink:
  15. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    WARNING! This thread has been Fosterised to death. Time to move on...
  16. ULX

    ULX Guest

    Maybe we can talk about this topic in another thread. Apparently, the inaugurator of this thread isn't yet interested in these things.
  17. ULX

    ULX Guest

    Please delete my posts from this thread! I don't want any of them to be here!:bow:
  18. MMJ2024

    MMJ2024 Kapellmeister

    Nov 28, 2023
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    Voicings with Voice leading moving through a progression.

    * you can study those three areas by term

    how is everyone doing? :)
  19. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    The last song that I wrote dances around a DCEFGD chord as the center of it's universe...theory be damned. Whatever works works.

  20. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    Dear foster ,

    The singer-songwriter Jimi Hendrix reportedly taught himself to play by ear on the electric guitar, and would use words and colours to express how he wanted the music to sound.
    None of us could read music… None of us can write it.” John Lennon admitted this about the band in a 1980 Playboy interview, “but as pure musicians, as inspired humans to make the noise, they [Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr] are as good as anybody.”
    One of the most famous film composers in music history, Hans Zimmer cannot read conventional music notation. He started out playing piano for bands before becoming a jingle writer, which is where he credits the development of his compositional skills.
    The Queen of Soul herself Aretha Franklin, could not read music. She music by ear, having perfected this talent by spending her childhood singing gospel at New Bethel Baptist Church in Detroit, Michigan.

    in love
    Auen Fred