The Dildo that fucks your Computer

Discussion in 'humor' started by Valnar, Dec 27, 2021.

  1. Valnar

    Valnar Rock Star

    Feb 21, 2020
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  3. Chaindog

    Chaindog Platinum Record

    Dec 12, 2016
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    I lost it at "Hacker could use a back door".
  4. Triphammer

    Triphammer Producer

    Mar 21, 2015
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    No. THIS is the dildo that f#cks your computer.

    • Funny Funny x 3
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  5. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    All these hacking , passwords, remote access, password generators/vaults, etc PROBLEMS will 100% be solved, in 15 or 20 years (could be much less...), the day we will all have some kind of implants in our left and right arm, that will read our DNA, will generate a special code from our DNA + blood + something else, like our unique citizen ID delivered by our government + some code generated by a device that we will have to carry with us all the time, like a smartphone, etc... and a final code will be displayed on the right eye, via a special contact lens..
    That way, the moment a person is close to a device, like a tablet.. windows computer... refrigerator... TV..... car....smartphone... gas station...a food store, etc
    That person will automatically be identified by the different devices, networks, etc, and will automatically have access to the different (paid) subscriptions... services... favorite programs...
    Grab the TV remote ? It will load the favorite channels. Buy some food at a store ? Automatically identified, client profile linked to a bank account. Grab a smartphone or tablet ? It will switch to a profile with your apps, subscriptions, etc.

    A person looks dangerous, and is only 5 meters from us ? Let's approach the 2 arms, and activate full lock. Now, all accesses will be blocked for the next 7 days...5 hours..
    A guy tries to use our arms to purchase something? Because he also has a unique ID, when he tries to use someone's arms or eyes, he will be detected as a thief, and his entire profile will be locked: he can no longer drive a car, make a phone call, connect to a network, access the internet, use his digital money, etc etc. Only the police can unlock his account, after the victim accepted to do 'forgive' him.

    Of course, by this time, the fiat 'paper' currency no longer exists, everything is digital, we never see or touch our money. There is a new financial crisis ? All the bank accounts can only spend 20 bucks a day.
    Want to grab a car, refuel 6 or 7 times, and want to go see your sister, who lives 4000 miles from you ?
    Sorry, but the electric cars only have around 200 miles of autonomy for 1 simple reason. To force people to stay in his village/ town, and not let him/ her go somewhere else.

    The new British cab only had an autonomy of 300 km. So they added a tiny motor, at the front, that consumes almost nothing, that charges the battery while running.. and the autonomy increased to 700 km. So yes, there are many ways to make the electric cars do 1000..2000..or even 5000+ km, with one charge.
    Of course, they don't want that. Pure coincidence, all cars can only do around 300km, or 200 miles... they are already preparing the future, with even more control over people choices..liberties... movements...
    With such car... and 100% digital money/ banks, if a guy wants to charge his car, and already did 300 km, the algorithm and GPSwill detect his position, will see he is trying to go somewhere... and because he can no longer refuel, or recharge, with paper money, the moment he tries to charge his car a 2nd or 3rd time, his bank account will have 'an issue', and he can't pay it.

    All this could be in place before 2030.
    Because of the covid... an implant would be a great option... people are ready to do and accept everything, as long as they can go a bar, cinema, and are allowed to travel... go to a store... I'm sure 80% of the Europeans and Americans would be ready to accept an implant, if we let them go and do more and more than today.
    The world economy could blow up at any time. What a better time, to introduce a digital currency, and slowly get rid of those useless euros... dollars...papers
    -digital money only--> ok
    Force all citizens to not leave their villages/ towns, with cars with super low autonomies
    - no more car trips, max limit 200 miles/ 300km--> work in progress
    - hundreds of millions of cameras, to detect covid, etc.--> work in progress
    Etc etc etc

    I don't think it will take 20..30...40 years, for these things to exist.
    It could go fast. Super fast. A little war could even accelerate everything.
    All this stuff, and much more, could exist in just 5..6..7 years...
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