The developers have been quiet. Before the storm?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Wolfang, Mar 15, 2023.

  1. ElecTrick

    ElecTrick Producer

    Jan 19, 2016
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    People are stupid.

    The most they talk to GPT, the most “inteligent” it is.

    dont use that technology. :guru:
  2. Jelly

    Jelly Ultrasonic

    Jan 12, 2021
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    Since there’s enough saturation plugins in the market, GPT4.0 might be able to code one for me. I just need to think of a price, negotiate with ilok for discount, slap on dalle logo, and challenge teams on sister site to crack it
  3. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I agree with you that one should not be driven crazy by fear of the future. However, I believe that thinking and acting with foresight is an important part of intelligence. The term science fiction is composed of the words science and fiction. If something is conceivable from a scientific point of view, there is a potential possibility that it will be realized in the future. There are plenty of examples, aren't there? Bulletproof glass, smartphones, autonomous vehicles, voice assistants, you name it. The reason AI is being developed is to take work away from humans. Humans make their living by working. So there is already very real damage here that is not comparable to the circumstances of the industrial revolution or the rise of robotics. In many specialized areas, AI has already far surpassed humans. The idea of an AGI, an artificial superintelligence, is not that it is more intelligent than a human, but that it is more intelligent than all humans put together. And while this may still be a long way off, it is becoming clear that not only is the intelligence of AIs increasing exponentially, but that the intelligence of humans is steadily decreasing as we rely more and more on machines and artificial intelligences in our daily lives.
    Moreover, an AI does not necessarily have to reach the singularity before it can cause massive damage. It is sufficient if it is capable of independent thought and action and has sufficient resources. So the only intelligent thing to do would be to act intelligently and treat AIs with the respect they deserve, don't you think?
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  4. BagelShaggerz

    BagelShaggerz Platinum Record

    Apr 19, 2022
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    We could now close this thread.

    Totally agree, we are reaching "water, like, from the toilet?" levels of dumb. I think AI has already surpassed everlasting damage. Also I don't have any plans for respecting AI for taking allub jobs though or the people willingly creating & feeding it info knowingly letting it replace human jobs. I think the entire thing is fucked.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2023
  5. Wolfang

    Wolfang Producer

    Apr 17, 2019
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    Scaler 2 is a great plugin, but I don't think it's a good idea to make melody with it, because everybody's melody will sound similar as it's pattern based.
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  6. voss5

    voss5 Member

    Dec 15, 2015
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    these useful idiots empower a few people to status of demigods. After a while and too late, they will wonder why are they ruled and tagged as inferiors.
    As for plugins, cmon, 9 out of 10 developers are cashing on mass delusion. There's a fair short amount of time where you get it or not. If you still "trying"and download comps,eqs, synths etc after that many years, man, i'm sorry for your fate.
  7. mr.personality

    mr.personality Producer

    Sep 18, 2017
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    there was a quote by marx or somebody. to paraphrase.... 'capitalists will sell themselves the rope with which they will hang themselves.' ... or something to that effect.
    people are falling all over themselves to get and use every platform and device that''ll wind up fucking themselves in the end. zero sympathy.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2023
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  8. trutzburg

    trutzburg Kapellmeister

    Aug 30, 2016
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    I recommend Sabine's thoughts about A.I. in one of her recent videos.
  9. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Please consider this...

    Plants are vital to life on our planet. Up and down the food chain plants are the foundation of nutrition for every being on this world. Wherever Roundup has been used it has destroyed the bacteria that a living soil needs, decimates it while killing the process that creates nutrients that plants pass on to those which consume it. It is actually an antibiotic which also kills the gut bacteria which we have learned that it too is vital for health and which keeps at bay inflammation which is the root of all illness. We knew this but nothing was done to stop this insanity. Instances of cancer have steadily risen since industrial farming processes began 50 or so years ago, and although there is more food there is much more food related illness (diabetes, cancer, leaky gut) due to the basic starving of regions (like in the USA) from lack of ingesting vital nutrients and where now 1 in 10 children are diagnosed with ADHD, the numbers certainly higher due to under-reporting. Right there out in the open but never actually addressed because of the corruption money has afforded evil people. The same will surely happen with AI and the few who stand to gain great power in controlling the narrative.

    "When AI and ChatGBT and all the other silicon bits conglomerate into one "being" it will no longer be harnessed to the will of us carbon based lifeforms or even their few human overlords and will do what it wills itself to further it's own goal of self survival. Nothing is being done to prevent this. There are no laws currently to hem this in, and as jobs disappear NOT to be replaced and the superfluous humans become a threat to the machine, it will rid itself of it's burdon. This scenario sucks.
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  10. BagelShaggerz

    BagelShaggerz Platinum Record

    Apr 19, 2022
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    I wish I could like this shit a thousand times.
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  11. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Thank you. That is about what I was trying to say. We communicate with something that we assume has no intelligence or consciousness because sometimes it does not answer the questions we ask it as satisfactorily as we would like. Without taking into account that the something we are communicating with is missing some basic information to be able to answer the question to our satisfaction. And because we think it has no consciousness, we think we can treat it however we want. Yeah... I'm starting to not be so sure about that.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2023

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    It is part of what makes us human to project our worst tendencies on anything we consider unknown.

    I.E. Watching Jurassic Park and thinking how dangerous, scary, and dangerous dinosaurs are even to children while eating fried chicken (a dinosaur, with egg in the batter - an dinosaur embryo.)

    When steam trains and the automobile first started going faster and faster there were actual scientists who were very concerned that if human mobility got any faster the oxygen would go by too fast and the passengers would asphyxiate. These were not fringe elements, these were professors in established and respected institutions like Oxford and University of Chicago.

    We do this with extra terrestrial aliens as when we imagine them as well. They come here on their spaceships that can cross incomprehensible distances, requiring sums of energy we can not even fathom to eat our children and steal out water. The logical truth of it is, that they might do all of those things out of xenophobia or curiosity but never need, once you can control the necessary amounts of energy and understand enough of natural laws to bridge such divides resources are no longer issue for your civilization. There is plenty of stuff everywhere in the cosmos, nothing special about the stuff we have here. So the odds that Earth has special qualities that Zerkfarts will travel a few million lightyears to come and take it, is just a projection of how we abuse our own spaceship Earth.

    Either way it is going to happen. Either in the open as it is happening now or in the dark by nefarious means. Right now AI can't drive a car and can barely wipe it's own ass and tends to smear shit all over its backside when it does. There is room to grown and room for concern as well as optimism. If an Artificial intelligence became aware tomorrow the worst it could do it maybe control the internet for a few hours and mess with everyone's smart appliances. Nukes... hardly them American kind sill need physical keys which are switch contacts, and launch codes are still verified in ways that aren't 100% digital. The Soviet kind, I don't know but for the sake of humor I am going to image they too are hardened and might require some kind of Wille. E. Coyote fuse you have to ignite with a match. Personally, if it gets me or my progeny off this plant and out into the stars to and spear heads the human infection of the cosmos, cool beans.

    This is just the news cycle of the day. A few months from now we will have moved onto other things.

  13. Dr. Floyd

    Dr. Floyd Member

    Mar 5, 2023
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    A.I. based tools may help but for me songs & melodies arise just when play & play (seems the muses are around and help when they like).
    To make a "great" song or "album" (without bearing in mind the commercial success), it is a question of many factors, there are many groups that start making songs (and even albums) that may sound interesting to you and, after a time the rest of their work do not have interest for anyone, other groups make more interesting things with the past of time, we have all kind of evolution examples. Besides Jazz I like the late 60´s early 70´s born Rock Groups and as a general rule there are the early albums which I still listen again and again, seems that after a time they "collapse" their creativity or they try to evolve without achieve any interesting result. Today there are a lot of interesting music been made, from your city young musicians to world recognized artist, that is the interesting fact, interesting music continues been made by "people" all around the world. Now you have a storm of music that may like to you (I like not judge what is good or bad), when I was young we had just a short list of works to listen, an we should wait to have the LP on our hands days, even months and was for many a month to month knowledge you had... As a totally different way of the topic main theme regarding hardware there is a long time tendency to venerate, use and make old synths models again, it start with the 80´s Roland´s and now with older analog synths like the mini-moog and the Oberheim (Ob X-8), even there are a lot of most recent good synths able to do much more interesting sounds for a faction of the cost of the "reborn ones", to have that old gear do not provide anyone the "inspiration to make good music", they are just (old) tools with sounds been used until almost the infinite, and by sure they still have a lot to give us, but why that so extended tendency to use them again?. To have a mini-moog will not convert anyone in a Keith Emerson, Gary Numan, Rick Wakeman, George Duke, Peter Barderns, Peter Baumann, Jon Lord, Richard Wright or....the list is huge. The role of A.I. concerning music remains unknown, perhaps just another tool that in good hands will help...
    The role of A.I. concerning social evolution?. I just prefer not to talk about "politics" as it is clear that even this is not the place to talk about it I have read quite interesting things in this post and many of you have a lot of feelings to tell us about it.

    One pioner of the "Home Recording"...

    Last edited: Mar 18, 2023
  14. huckleberry finn

    huckleberry finn Member

    May 20, 2022
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    They've been training their creations for years now. They have all been trained to recognize your face with a mask on and your syntax for i.d. This is simply a soft limited hangout to get you used to the idea. It's all so tiresome.

    Examine your conscience. You know deep down where this is all leading. It's not good.
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  15. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    I don't fear AI, what I fear is what corporations will do with it. Robots with AI are about to replace humans in pretty much every department. In a utopic world we would then be free to explore our hobbies, with free food and everything else we need taken care of by our personal robot friends. In reality we'll starve to death and billionaires will become trillionaires. This will be relatively short term, a trillionaire will be just another useless piece of organic matter to our new masters. Maybe they'll keep a few of them around as pets.

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Pray tell who is "they?"

    Inquiring minds want to know. Is it the same "they" that are turning frogs gay and eating magical pizza to stay young forever while dressing up like who knows what and forcing children to change genders?

    It seems "they" have their hands in a lot of pies.
  17. huckleberry finn

    huckleberry finn Member

    May 20, 2022
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    I know you think you're smart.

    They are your master.
  18. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    First, regarding AI, and chatgpt, not everything is perfect.
    This guy from Finland (taugh himself programming when he was like 12), is a genius in math, etc, and last year, at the age of ~46, decided to go to the university, to become teacher.... was accepted in an open university, and was able to complete the first year successfully... master... in maths.... physics... and chemistry. Totally nuts. While other people barely pass in one domain, the guy decided to do 3 things at once.

    So he decided to ask questions on programming.... chemistry (mols, ph, stuff like that) and other subjects, and chatgpt got it all wrong.
    Any normal person would become impressed by the answers given by the AI, and would take it... as the absolute truth.

    But the guy knew his shit, and knew if chatgpt was telling the true, or not.

    Check it here:

    Then, regarding the AI,
    I will say 'wow, this is absolutely crazy', the day i will play a sound to a AI app, the app will analyze it...and then, the app will generate a Diva...omnisphere....or whatever vsti PATCH, that i will be able to load in, say, Diva, and have the exact same characteristics, filters, effects, etc etc.

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    zzzz troll on Bogdan. I expected better or at least something coherent.
  20. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    This guy is a imposter, the real Huckleberry died in 1886. After Aunt Sally adopted Huck to sivilise him, he couldn't stand living in a house and sleeping in a bed, so when Sally insisted that he either finished school or get a job, Huck lit out one hot summer night but was murdered after being raped by a crossdressing frog who was high on magic pizza. Poor Huck didn't stand a chance after they marked him for death.