The Complete Falacy of Vintage Gear

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by spencer26, Dec 1, 2017.

  1. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    Lets wonder, lets fly, lets find us
    and free the fire.

  2. Ted Smithton

    Ted Smithton Producer

    Dec 17, 2016
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    @ClaudeBalls Sure I like Vinyl too but that we've been sliding backwards with music technology is simply untrue.

    The digital renaissance is not to blame for our pathetic capitalist society of uneducated & uncultured animals!

    perhaps mp3s are what these scum deserve...macdonald's, apple computer & mp3s lol

    Pearls before Swine!!
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2017
  3. Ted Smithton

    Ted Smithton Producer

    Dec 17, 2016
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    Is that Greek hip hop? I'm wondering if Alan Watts would have been into hip hop? Seems like he would have been cool with a bit of breaking and graf.
  4. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    Stop being disrespectful to other members here :wink:

    in the above song i just like the music & the fact that it is in different languages ,that's all,it unites people from around the world :wink:
    in Greece we always have fun my friend,back in the old days & now :wink: :

  5. Ted Smithton

    Ted Smithton Producer

    Dec 17, 2016
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    No disrespect friend I'm loving your greek hip hop :like:
  6. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    if you speak with your voice or sing a note what is the total harmonic distortion?
    if you play a clean guitar or violin or piano what is the total harmonic distortion?
    if you hit a kick drum head what is the total harmonic distortion? if you hit a cymbal or hi hat what is the total harmonic distortion?
    all of these are not lofi. thd is lofi for solid state amplifiers thats about it.
    for the rest of sound. harmonic distortion is the foundation of every single musical sound .no surprise that the same is true for guitar amplifiers it is generating harmonics because it is the sound of the instrument (guitar amp is part of the instrument not a playback system)
    how much thd does an acoustic guitar make? how much thd does a 808 have?
    how much thd does a snare drum have?

    this myth that guitar amps have no high end is laughable. it is all there to 20khz , your choice of speaker is the high frequency limiting issue BUT again not because of LOFI, it is PART of the instrument . not every instrument is meant to have the same frequency response shape or slope that does not mean it is lofi.
    is a snare drum lofi because it does not have lows extend the same as kick drum? nah
    is a hi hat lofi because it has no low frequency nope.
    is a bassline lofi because it does not extend all the way to 20khz instead rolls off at 10khz(say a 808 synth) nope.
    in conclusion all instruments MUST have harmonic distortion to create sound.
    next the frequency response shape and slope does not determine that a an instrument is "lofi"

    lofi means a playback system meant to "PLAY BACK" a recording of the instrument in transparent way identical to how it was recorded, fails to do this
    is scratchy pop hiss crackle and can not REPRODUCE the sound that is feeding into the amplifier and playback speakers and butchers the frequency response shape slope , and also butchers the transient response of the recording it is meant to perfectly reproduce.. THIS is lofi mofo. lol

    Last edited: Dec 4, 2017
  7. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    "HiFi"= High Fidelity, highly faithful/truthful. Means faithful reproduction -- what comes into the IN hole comes out of the OUT hole.
    "LoFi" (the term you used) = low fidelity, unfaithful reproduction.
    Distortion is not a bad thing -- we actually buy things called distortion pedals, and turn up the gain in our guitar amps, to make them distort in vivo. Plug your guitar through your hy fie sterevo amp to understand why we do it.
    *a fact. Celestion guitar speaker:
    Plug in an mp3 player into your guitar amp to see just how HiFi it is. Alternatively, take a pen knife, cut some holes in your speakers & poke out the tweeters in your
    In that case, there is no such thing as lofi recording. This may dishearten those who spent hundreds of thousands of $$$ on recording gear (instead of recording to a crusty old laptop), and that's just not cool.
    A perfect description of a guitar amp. Baby steps, but you're learning :)
  8. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    MMJ{BUT again not because of LOFI, it is PART of the instrument . not every instrument is meant to have the same frequency response shape or slope that does not mean it is lofi.}

    lambchop quoting a portion of mmj
    this myth that guitar amps have no high end is laughable.}

    lambchop*a fact. Celestion guitar speaker:
    yes lambchop it IS a fact that that is the image of a particular guitar speaker frequency response.

    LAMBCHOP quoting mmj
    mmj{lofi means a playback system meant to "PLAY BACK" a recording of the instrument

    In that case, there is no such thing as lofi recording. This may dishearten those who spent hundreds of thousands of $$$ on recording gear (instead of recording to a crusty old laptop), and that's just not cool.}

    now you are just using the word "lofi" as a slang (fine okay) as any instance where the quality of audio is lower than its intended purpose.
    thats great because guitar amps dont qualify in that area of slang.
    and the fact that your hihats dont reproduce low frequencies in 20hz to 80hz ALSO does not apply to that definition of "lofi"
    the fact that specific guitar speaker have a specific frequency response that is NOT flat , does not apply to the definition of "lofi" either (guitar speakers are part of the instrument NOT a sound re-production device. it is a sound generation device the speaker breakup and harmonics are BY DESIGN just like when you sing a note your throat creates harmonics a kick drum or cymbal hit creates harmonics and ALL these instruments create a frequency response and slope that is varied. there are instruments that sit in low range some that sit in mid range some that sit in high range, NONE of them are lofi.
    a guitars string and it harmonics and frequency response and slope put it as a instrument that lives in the mid range, just like a ride cymbal lives in the high range and how a kick drum lives in the low range NONE of these pertains to lofi or hifi
    it is the boombox or headphones you use to REPRODUCE a recording that is lofi or where you mentioned THD matters, yes you can use "lofi" unconventional, and with slang.

    " yo, homie trippin fool nicca hit the pipe so much he be thinkin in lofi my nicca"

    it is the physics of guitar that make it a fact the instrument lives in the mid range
    the frequency response is independent. just like you can record and extend a hihat to extend all the way to 40khz even though normal we make recording from 20hz to 22khz a guitar only needs to extend to 5khz but it is possible to extend it just like you can witha cymbal you can extend guitars harmonics up to 20khz or higher that is a sound design choice not lofi or hifi.
    just like some kick drums have a click that extends to 20khz the only required frequency of kick drum only needs to extend to 3khz you can use harmonics to extend to 20khz or even 44khz with certain gear. but instruments live in certain ranges low ,mids or highs,
    the voice is pretty unique it has important information that extends up to 20khz only because our language uses types of some in the range with consonants pretty interesting though.lolol
    but take a hihat. you can have go go from 600hz to 6khz and it be enough information that is where it lives above that is harmonics and air with perceived sense of depth in the transient response.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2017
  9. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    it is impossible to generate sound with no distortion. distortion IS what sound Is!
    whether a kick drum distorting the skin generating low frequencies, whether a crash or ride or hihat cymbal generating distortion()hitting the damn thing). or your vocal chords and your throat creating layers of distortion. distortion IS what sound IS. you are distorting the air around you making waves our ear detect by distorting our receptors from their normal shape. distortion is EVERYTHING and EVERYWHERE.(what music and sound is all about)

    there is only one specific type of distortion that is different, UNWANTED and UNEXPECTED distortion. the type that shouldn't be there was not designed to be there and crashes with the actual sound itself in unpleasing way. THIS type of distortion is the "bad" kind and it is .01% of what distortion literally and actually is. 99% of distortion is sound itself the way reality actually works to generate ,shape and create sound and even the way our auditory systems works in reality to sense a such thing called sound.

    ( just weird this talk of distortion as if it was something it actually is not in reality)
    none of this comment is my personal opinion just reality itself.

    when we use distortion in mixing and songwriting we are enhancing the distortion that is already in every aspect of sound. it is the ultimate way to custom shape to get the exact transient response you want.
    the exact hit of a drum in an exact region of lows mids or highs ,
    we use distortion to shape the way the sss and ttt of vocals come across so that they are nice and smooth EVEN though they are real bright.
    to understand distortion is to finally get the realization that in sound you have transient response and frequency response (independent of each other) once you get this you can make a sound into anything you dream of .
    for instance i can start off with just a plain kick drum.
    i can create 2 entirely different versions of this original sound sample.
    i can take number 1 and all i do is boost the lows in 40hz and boost the highs at 13khz by 7db with a eq.sound one is done.
    now sound 2 i build a layer of harmonics with tube preamp, tube eq, transistor console, and finally a 2" tape machine going into tube preamp ( transformers other just as important etc in these also )
    now so far i have used harmonic distortion to actually shape the harmonics of the kick drum in such a way where the transients are the same width and thickness.
    this is what i mean in the first example that only used eq. we have the nature of the drum hit transients of a single hit to be different all over. the low 40hz part of the hit is loose and flabby the 150hz portion oif same hit is puncy but loose and the 3khz portion of the same hit is tight like a little needle and dies off quickly
    now by raising the lows and highs i have made the volume higher of the loose lows and made the volume of the highs click that is real think louder.
    BUT with the second version i used harmonic distortion to re-shape the original sound and make the transient from 20hz to 20khz the same tightness and thickness when the sound hits. finally when i at the end raise the lows and highs in the same way with the second example and now compare it the the first. the sound with harmonics destroys the first sound
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2017
  10. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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  11. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Slow down. Here's something directly helpful:
    1. [​IMG]
    This is how quote tags work on this board. Text you wish to quote goes between them. Think brackets/nesting in code -- very important that you do it rait.

    2. Typing a lot of stuff, very fast, is [arguably] suboptimal. Edit, refine, reduct. Brevity is the soul of wit; "I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time." --Pascal.

    That said:
    Sure. So is a distortion box, which guessed it, causes distortion, much as the name implies. Where do you see a problem? It follows that the radio is also a part of the instrument. Radio mixes (again, as the name implies) are meant to be played on the radio. This once meant AM, in a car, through a junk 6x9. The producer, the mixing board, the giant AM transmitter, the junk 6x9 -- it's all a part of the instrument.
    I am he as you are he ...Coo coo ca choo?
    Not at all. I'm using it in the same sense most people are -- low fidelity. When applied to an amplifier, this translates to distortion. Or "coloration," or "harmonics generation," or "musicality," to use audiophool terms :)
  12. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    what was the one for "ass palm" again?
  13. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I never heard of a single person using that to mean that. oh wait 1. you just now.
    there are zero instances in the history of advertising of a hardwired guitar amplifier being described as "low fidelity" or lofi.
    there are zero instances of a high hat being called low fidelity (because it has no low octave info 20hz to 100hz)
    there are zero instances of the human voice by defintion of creating harmonics in the throat being called "lofi" why?
    there are zero instances of a vibrating string which creates harmonics being called lofi why? how could that be?

    why is that IF your above comment is a factual comment about human beings in reality?

    insert "ass palm" emoji now.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2017
  14. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Even going by exact wording, you're off by 431,000 percent. That's some srs margin of error, homeslice :\
    Once we include synonyms like "distorted, dirty, grungy, sizzling, soulful, hot, warm, musical, punchy, etc., etc." most amp discussions are about distortion. Come to think of it, I have a hard time thinking of anyone (other than yourself, of course) who considers guitar amps high fidelity.

    To end on a pleasant note, your use of quote tags shows improvement. To quote Desperate Living, "the road to mental health is just around the corner!" I remain cautiously optimistic:)
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2017
  15. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    About quote : you do understand that it is just google right ? .Not a freaking encyclopedia ? Basing your arguments on screenshot of search result is...well...not an argument at all. You probably would gain in credibility if you could put forward actual knowledge. And no google isn't even representative of conversations going on in the world. It's not even representative of the world population, and its search results just show what certain people don't know about things, not what things actually are. What if you get more search results saying "Best daw, Cubase", that would prove that cubase is the best daw (not that it's not) ?

    Anyway, I'm not even sure anymore what this conversation is all about.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2017
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  16. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    here i typed in random letters

    18,200 results

    I don't consider a guitar amp "high fidelity" . i don't know what that could mean in that context.


    there is yer hifi homes.
    i can say, i WOULD love to plug my old acoustic into that bastard and crank!
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2017
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  17. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    What's being contested here is whether a single person, other than myself, has called guitar amps "lo-fi." Not whether guitar amps are lo-fi -- that's already been established, with this clever chart: teh frequency response curve of a Celestion driver
    That's just one link in the chain, the driver, not taking into account the cab, or the amp driving it.
    If there's anything else you'd like explained, you go right ahead and ask :)
  18. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Good job!

    Re. you not considering a guitar amp high fidelity or knowing what it means: an amp's fidelity -- literally "faithfulness" is a measure of how faithfully it reproduces the signal that is fed into it. An amp is said to be high fidelity if its THD/noise is low, and vice versa. So nao u no :)
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2017
  19. Retrolize77

    Retrolize77 Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Maybe a Little offtopic, but i had severall 12 Bit sampler (Emu emax 1, akai s-950,...)
    and Love the Sound These machines do to drums, used at lower bitrates.
    I tried severall plugins, but no1 ever really came close to the punch the Hardware delivers. Maybe 1 day a company will Build something like a usb Box with analog/digital Converter Build in, Maybe that will work. : )
  20. xanderevo

    xanderevo Newbie

    Sep 3, 2011
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    In the digital age, if you do a mistake is punished by the clarity of the gear you are using. There's no alibi, and thats why People hates that period. We Moved forward to an age of absolute pureness of Sound. And if you are a bad Performer, well you get my Point. It's about the content, quality with analog gear it digital gear will always be the Same in a poor executed track.