Thanks for everyone's help, advice and comments...Hopefully this is the final version!! Cheers

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by elvisxxl, Nov 6, 2020.

  1. elvisxxl

    elvisxxl Kapellmeister

    Oct 18, 2020
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    Oh I wish haha! Funnily enough though I have been listening to his music a lot recently. Especially the live stuff..... : )
  2. Blobbus

    Blobbus Newbie

    Nov 9, 2020
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    J'aime bien ta chanson, ça sonne globalement très bien. Tu le sens toi même, le seul défaut vient de la partie de violoncelle. Le problème à mon sens est double :
    - D'une part, ça ne sonne pas comme un violoncelle ou un ensemble de violoncelle (ça sonne assez synthétique); sur ce premier point, tout d'abord, programmer des échantillons de cordes réalistes peut être assez long, car selon les coups d'archets, il faut prendre au sein d'une même mélodie des échantillons différents selon les notes... Mais c'est à ce prix qu'on peut faire une réalisation réaliste. Ensuite, ce n'est pas de secret, rien ne sonne mieux qu'un vrai instrument joué par un vrai et bon musicien; lorsque tu auras fini la partition de ton violoncelle, le top serait de le faire enregistrer par un vrai violoncelliste, qui aura toujours plus de vie et d'énergie dans le phrasé que des échantillons; si tu veux un effet d'ensemble de violoncelle, prend de bons échantillons d'ensemble, et mixe-les avec une partie de violoncelle solo enregistrée par un vrai violoncelliste : c'est du bluff qui fonctionne très bien.
    - Et d'autre part, cette partie est écrite comme un riff de guitare, pas comme une partie de cordes frottées. Ton écriture est trop harmonique (tu restes trop sur l'arpège de l'accord) alors que l'écriture des cordes ou des vents doit être plus contrapuntique, c'est-à-dire dessiner une ligne mélodique qui s'oppose et qui soit complémentaire -notamment complémentaire de la voix. Complémentaire mélodiquement et rythmiquement.
    Pour écrire, pas de secret, il faut écouter et réécouter ta chanson en essayant d'imaginer ce qui te manque, jusqu'à ce que tu puisses chanter ce que tu veux entendre, en prenant soin de penser au timbre de l'instrument et à ses possibilités réelles (il faut écouter du violoncelle pour connaître l'écriture typique du violoncelle). Pense à faire en sorte que quand la voix est rythmique, le rythme de ton contrechant ne doit pas cacher celui de la voix; quand la voix ne fait rien, c'est là qu'il faut que le contrechant ressorte y compris rythmiquement. Dernier conseil : pour faire ressortir un contrechant, il n'est pas inutile de faire des doublures d'octave (violoncelle+alto ou Violoncelle + violon). Personnellement, j'aime aussi la doublure à la double octave...
    Encore bravo et plein de plaisir musical!
  3. elvisxxl

    elvisxxl Kapellmeister

    Oct 18, 2020
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    Salut merci!

    C'est un conseil fantastique. Je n'ai pas accès à d'autres musiciens pour le moment malheureusement donc midi / samples c'est pour l'instant :) et je pense que je vais peut-être devoir changer tout le bit "instrument à cordes" ...

    Je suis assez nouveau dans tout cela et il y a tellement à apprendre, mais je suis étonné des encouragements et des conseils offerts par d'autres musiciens / producteurs de musique.

    Il me faut maintenant quelques jours (ou est-ce des années haha!) Pour déterminer la partie pertinente et comment la mettre en œuvre!

    Merci encore pour vos bons conseils.

    Translated with Google so may not be entirely accurate...!
  4. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Great track, for sure. I suggest that you use a solo cello to make those lines from :01:46 (maybe using some longer notes, 'cos I think it matches the mood of the mix). Or maybe you can use a small string orchestra (which also results in an effect of intimacy)...
    Anyway, congrats for your track!
  5. Yellow Raven

    Yellow Raven Platinum Record

    May 26, 2019
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    Lebanon. Beirut.
    the song is good. the drums, i know you said its 3 loops, but the BD is a bit too busy 16th and all but this is easy to fix with a real drummer locking to the groove. the bass a bit dull and the SD doesn't cut it.
    in the beginning the guitars separation is a bit too wide, especially the right gtr it jumps but maybe because the mid is empty work on that.
    i hope this helps please understand I only give my point of view to help (not that I am better) and not to just criticize.
    good song with good potential
  6. elvisxxl

    elvisxxl Kapellmeister

    Oct 18, 2020
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    Anyway, congrats for your track![/QUOTE]

  7. elvisxxl

    elvisxxl Kapellmeister

    Oct 18, 2020
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    Thanks....It's not a problem :) I invite all opinions. It's the only way to improve and move forward sometimes.
  8. evolasme

    evolasme Platinum Record

    May 11, 2013
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    somewhere different almost every night
    nice one man like the track, love your voice () someone said Bowie im hear more Neil Finn crowded house era) ive read other suggesting verb or delay on the voice if you do only a dab of it voice like that doesn't need to be swimming in it . save that for the folk that cant sing. ;). my only issue with. the track is the GTR it sounds like it was recorded in an entirely different space and for my ears its distracting( did you mic an amp to do this ? ) just too much. air in the tone or an untreated room effect in it .

    all said and done i like the track keep it up.
  9. boomoperator

    boomoperator Rock Star

    Oct 16, 2013
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    Definitely like the track, the composition, lyrics, voice.. But, as been said before, the track lacks a proper mix.
    So if you don't feel comfortable mixing it yourself, why not make it into a mix challenge over here?
    If you supply the tracks, I'm sure people over here want to give it a go! Not so much a challenge of 'who does it best' - More to give you an idea of what can be done with the song, how people hear it. Anybody?
  10. elvisxxl

    elvisxxl Kapellmeister

    Oct 18, 2020
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    Hi Thanks.....I recorded it direct into Reaper. Then started using Studio one 4 and had a sound I liked very much through Ampire. Then upgraded to Studio one 5 and problems arose. I wasn't aware before upgrading that they'd changed Ampire a bit (daft me) and couldn't get the same sound again. I had a test mixdown of the Studio 4 version. I mixed down the track and unfortunately I'm having difficulty in keeping track of my tracks, so to speak, and have no idea where the original dry track is atm..!
  11. elvisxxl

    elvisxxl Kapellmeister

    Oct 18, 2020
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    Hi thanks....It's a great idea. Unfortunately I'm a bit of a beginner at this and have no idea where the original dry tracks are !! In fact I'm finding it hard to get to grips with the many different versions of songs I'm busy with. I started using reaper but didn't like the editing functions. It does have good song management options though. Then I tried Studio one 4 and found it very intuitive when editing tracks so bought it. I have found though that it's not so good, from my point of view, at keeping things nice and neat and tidy........

    Or it could just be me!!
  12. boomoperator

    boomoperator Rock Star

    Oct 16, 2013
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    True artistry..
  13. elvisxxl

    elvisxxl Kapellmeister

    Oct 18, 2020
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    Thanks to everyone for their help, advice and comments. I'm hoping that I can leave this alone now.....! I'm still not sure about bits of it but my ears are so fatigued to the sound of it now.

    Anyways...Here's the "final" version on Soundcloud. (despite Soundcloud seeming to change the sound of my songs, especially the drums) The link below it is the version I posted originally inviting comments. It's on Google drive.

    Thanks again to everyone...! :) (The Goat Doctor.......What a daft name eh ?! Couldn't think of anything else)
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2020
  14. Jim Von Gucci

    Jim Von Gucci Producer

    Oct 27, 2020
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    Hi, I downloaded one from the start link not sure if that's the final. I like the track, just needs that mixing and mastering shine. It was a bit sibilant on the vocal when you bring the volume up, needs some de-essing (how ever you spell that word)
    Mids are a bit high on the meter. I'm used to more bass. It's a good track.
  15. Kinghtsurfer

    Kinghtsurfer Audiosexual

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Love this song and your vocal performance. Well done! Mixwise, the relative levels of the voice and the music keep shifting I felt... sometimes the vocals are too loud and then sometimes, the music is too loud... so, a little bit of smoother volume automation would raise the level of this already lovely track! :like:
  16. omokels

    omokels Noisemaker

    Nov 21, 2017
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    Wooow. Really nice track. I love the feel of the drums. I think if it were me I'll use a slap delay instead of reverb. The delay will help reduce the mud build up the reverb creates. :wink:
  17. elvisxxl

    elvisxxl Kapellmeister

    Oct 18, 2020
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    Thanks....Even though I said I wouldn't, I may have to re-visit it at some point soon! I'm really finding it difficult to leave it alone and know when it's "finished".!
  18. elvisxxl

    elvisxxl Kapellmeister

    Oct 18, 2020
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    Hi. Thanks! When you say slap delay, do you mean on the vocals? I'm a quite new to all this so not up to speed with all the different techniques, effects etc yet......
  19. evolasme

    evolasme Platinum Record

    May 11, 2013
    Likes Received:
    somewhere different almost every night
    that is sound cloud compression. unless you plan for it it can trash your songs like. oh i dont know neuter drum tracks maybe ;)
  20. elvisxxl

    elvisxxl Kapellmeister

    Oct 18, 2020
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    It's terrible!! I'm paying £10 a month for that....I thought they'd at least let ME listen to them uncompressed!
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