temporary charge of mods/admins

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by duskwings, Oct 4, 2015.


should moderator priviledges be limited in time?

  1. yes

    18 vote(s)
  2. no

    21 vote(s)
  1. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Reading about the recent events on the site, and being a member of other sites,i see very often people being power drunk after they r assigned responsibility roles.
    I personannly never had any debate with the current and former moderators,but after what i read, think that restricting the moderation priviledges to a limited time, no matter how good the person at doing the job, would save a lot of headaches and would shut up some trolls
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
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  3. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    1 year is enough :drummer::chilling:
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  4. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    No, no need to start this topics, this could have easily been discussed in one of the other threats.
    I actually don't recall, that any of the 3 mods who seem to be the only ones left, behaved badly or being power drunk.

    You probably still have a bad taste in your mouth, which is understandable but I think it's time to move on.
    like this, the index page does not get more inviting then it was. I think we own it to saint who is trying its best.

    so ventilate your thoughts, after all it is an OPEN BOARD (I felt like underlining that one :bleh:)
    But I just also feel like talking some audio related stuff,
    Can't wait till the new post page is filled with audio related questions and discussions

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  5. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    I reckon periodic reviews would be a better idea.
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  6. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    i got no bad taste at all in my mouth, i never had any problem with any mods here,and all my respect to catalyst,no matter what happened.I posted this poll and the thread after what i read.
    ANd regarding audio related discussions,there are the other setions of the forum for that :)
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  7. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Limiting someone's responsibilities to a fixed amount of time is problematic. For the sake of clarity, assume that SAiNT discovered an exemplary Mod who is willing to step up to the plate and serve the community. Imagine, also, that nobody thereafter wants that person to go away. If you make it a constitutional rule that ALL Mods must vacate their positions after a fixed time period, for how long should those Mods remain inactive? A year, a month, a day..... a nanosecond?

    Those of us who belong to members' clubs IRL might recognize a similar situation regarding election of club Vice-Presidents. At the end of each year, the Presidents formally step down because the rules/constitution of the club require them to surrender their responsibilities. Moments later, the club members democratically vote them back into their posts. Thus, yes, they enjoy an elevated status for a fixed term but, on the other hand, to all intents and purposes their positions remains intact albeit for a very brief pause wherein they are momentarily dismissed.

    Not playing Devil's advocate here. Merely highlighting a need for deeper thought as regards the question of how long should a Mod remain in place, and for how long should the Mod surrender his/her position.

    Okay... maybe too much waffle from me. Sorry, honourable members. Please permit me to apologies for taking so much of your time.
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  8. Pronto

    Pronto Kapellmeister

    Jul 21, 2011
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    If you never had a problem with any of the mods, to what extent should your judgement be trusted?
    surely a woman like you would be wise to the subtleties of what constitutes a good or a bad mod?
  9. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Good point,I think that if someone applies to be a mode , they do it with the intention to be helpful and supportive, meaning they are aware that they r supposed to give some of their time according to their availability,to the site.
    This said,also considering that those who do it, do it for free,they r not expected to be at people s service 24/7, but maybe having 2 or 3 more mods would keep the site needs covered.
    Besides limiting the charge to a limited amount of time doesn t mean necessary that the position can t be renewed, although i see it easier to remember a good mod and move on rather that reviewing their work thoughout the time they were in charge and decide whether they should be renamed for another term of office.
    We could discusss about the how's and what' s for a long time,but this is not politics,it s a music site,and mine was just an idea after what i read about the whole catlayst story (i didn t know about all the private stuff he had in mind, but i still think he was right when he virtually kicked some trolls asses)
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
  10. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    remind me when and where i judged?
  11. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    a woman?do u have any idea of what u r talking about?
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
  12. Pronto

    Pronto Kapellmeister

    Jul 21, 2011
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    you are suggesting a temporary change of admin..time limited..whilst i agree with you about it creating a sense of power-drunkeness, when you say you never had a problem with any mods (i'm assuming you also include catalyst), i see the value in having avoided talking to them,but i feel a bit demoralised...i'd rather, if you were suggesting something like this (the poll title) that you'd offer up an opinion on how things were, aswell..does that make sense?
  13. Pronto

    Pronto Kapellmeister

    Jul 21, 2011
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    i apologise, i assumed (hoped?..god knows we could use a woman's point of view round here lately :yes: ) you were female from your avatar and username
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
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  14. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    never had any problem with catalyst,i still think he s a good guy,who maybe,and i say maybe,eventually didnt think the site suited his tastes anymore,and this lead him to try to retaylor this place into something that was good for him, but that probably wasn t what the other users wanted,neither was the idea of the site when it was created by saint.So it is more than fair that catalyst and the rest of the site took different paths.
    And with this i said all i had to say about catalyst, who is a grown man and doesn t need anyone speaking for him.
    Regardng the main topic and the poll,i offer an opinion on how things coould be,since after three or four thrads on the same subject it seems ,not to me, but to others,that some things in the way the site was moderated weren t appreciated.
    I personally do,but because i think that we are lucky with the mods we have,are u sure that when other mods will be nominated we will have the same l luck and we won t end up in the hands of comple morons?that s why i suggest a limited time for responsibility task,and i created the poll to let democracy work, for waht it s worh. :)
  15. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    You're absolutely right, duskwings. I thank you for reminding me that this is a music site. Once again, I apologise to you and everyone else, from the heart of my bottom, for the politricks.

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    From my perspective, there's a right way and a wrong way to talk to people. I'm assuming that most people who either visit or have become members of this site, are adults? Work? Pay bills? Raising (or raised) children? If you said "yes" to just one of those, then you expect to be treated civilly -- providing you 'act' likewise. There have been times when I've observed some "newbie" pose a perfectly legitimate (albeit naive) question and was subsequently thrashed (like some errant child) by (some). I'm going to refrain from name identification because, as a few have suggested, it's time to move on. My main point? No one visits a website (any website) and expects to get his/her ass kicked (for some banal reason or something misread or misunderstood). I don't expect it, and I'm sure most "sane" people will concur. Just my four cents (adjusted for inflation).
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  17. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    Hey Man! no need for apologies. Your points were valid and critically thought out.
  18. Pronto

    Pronto Kapellmeister

    Jul 21, 2011
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    what if a great mod came along, someone who didn't have self-interest as top of their agenda and genuinely cared about creating a better and more open forum, if they'd put in alot of work and pride to the site, wouldn't a time-limited approach limit their efficacy, wouldn't the quality of modding suffer..they'd know oh well i'm not going to be here much longer so i might aswell just do it by the numbers and who knows wouldn't it increase the instances of suicide-modding..they'd have nothing to lose so could have a meltdown on the last day of their tenure? :)
    i AM paying devil's advocate here..i've run out of things to say but wish to remain in the conversation.
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  19. Pronto

    Pronto Kapellmeister

    Jul 21, 2011
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    i didn't see your point of view at first and was suspicious of what was behind it, but when you put it like that i see what you mean. cheers.
  20. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    i don t t hink so,someone would have to be an idiot to apply to be a mod and decide to do the job bad because eventually their position will be replaced.If the presidents in real life democracies thought this way the world would be worse than it actually is.
  21. ukslinger

    ukslinger Ultrasonic

    Jul 15, 2011
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    Mods are there to handle the day to day running of a site. Admins handle policy and anything too "heavy" for a mod to handle or a that mod escalates because it has started being a policy decision. If a mod gets power drunk you then find out why he/she's not an admin, because an admin will shut him/her down. I speak as an admin of boards past and present. That's always the way I've run boards and contributed to them.
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