[Techno] What do you think about this track?

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Mariano, Apr 7, 2016.

  1. IllBert

    IllBert Producer

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Dare to say this song has no musicality you know nothing about techno foster.
  2. DrumcodeX

    DrumcodeX Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2014
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    Reality (virtual)

    now that's not funny anymore... :dont:
  3. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Now, this is funny!
  4. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Everyone has talent in one thing. Most genres have been emerged because of an artist escaping from one thing and finding himself in another thing.

    The only thing I am more than sure is if people had talent in making musical songs, they would never try to find their place in non-musicality.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 8, 2016
  5. Utada Hikaru

    Utada Hikaru Producer

    Dec 8, 2015
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    I get what you say, I like techno and dub techno, I even
    can enjoy all the genres by themselves and its principles, but I still prefer more melody than sound, so I am trying to combine both worlds.

    So, like Ishkur said once, the modern electronic music is being made by PC nerds instead of real musical composers.
  6. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    This is what a real musician would think of. Not just melody but anything that a meaningful song needs.

    Most genres have been coined wrong and need to be washed off. No need to bold unnecessary parts by just scorning other important constituents.

    Yes, those genres have been forcefully intruded into the music and the only thing they have brought by themselves is aberration and having a bad effect on the followers that would be shined after some years later when the musician lost his taste.

    I would call them masturbatory genres that can not be in the place of a real music.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2016
  7. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Please don't make me to be ashamed of myself. I've got unlimited number of dumb icons in my file already.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2016
  8. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Foster911 You're talking complete bollocks again. You have no real understanding of electronic music of any genre. Let's face it you think seamless R is a drum and bass guy as you put it in one of your threads.

    This is another guy who likes to talk out of his arse, but is only really projecting his own personal opinions, so not an accurate source of information.
    Well that's strange. How can you possible have melody without sound, and if you don't have the right sound the melody has no meaning.

    Now you two must be musically elites compared to the rest of us: read carefully and take this in. As much I despise the term EDM, as it's used describe genre instead of term to encompass a multitude of different genres which are liked by their aspects. Now, one of the very aspects and the most important one here is the big D in the middle of this term. It stands for the word DANCE! and contrary to what you or others my think, you do not need a melody to dance. You need rhythm, and if you ain't got it, you'll have a hard time putting a dance track together.

    Techno, being dance music uses this very principal, so if you want to understand dance music you need to understand dance, and if you can't dance you can't play.

    Now you two virtuoso's If you want to lick each others balls on how musically superior you are I suggest you take it elsewhere, instead of a thread where a talented person has put up a good Techno track to get valid opinions from people who actually understand the genre.

    You're doing an extremely excellent job by yourself! You really don't need help! But, I will tell you this. You are starting to piss off a lot of people around here with you nonsense assumptions. I seriously suggest you stop. Now!
  9. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Let me say something:

    If you'd love one thing you would definitely support it like the royal families were doing the same for their acceptable artists centuries ago and if you don't like something you would call it heresy.

    Of course this is true for me too but please don't call us illiterate. I just talked about the taste and talent not the artist's knowledge.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2016
  10. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    I never did. I said that you don't understand the music in question. You could have a PhD, but it doesn't mean you understand.
  11. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Thanks so much!:sad:
  12. hbss

    hbss Noisemaker

    Apr 9, 2016
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    IMHO the low end is fine. If you are planning to fix something about the song, i would suggest you to focus on the arrangement.
    Even insert another breakdown with fx, whatever you feel that could give more life to the track.
    I know that techno is heavy loop based, maybe automatize a filter for the lead...
    Good song tho.
  13. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Maybe I should of explained why there's too much low end. The kick in the OP's track is an ultra 808. These kicks have a shed load of resonance and are used in tracks where there's enough time between the kicks for that resonance to dissipate. Techno being 4 to the floor, and usually at 120 bpm and up, there isn't enough time for the resonance to dissipate, so it builds up. This then interferes with the bassline and other rhythmic aspects of the track, which is why a shorter more punchy 909 is commonly used.
  14. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Hey Man don't feel sad. You can't understand everything, and I'm sure you understand classical music better than me. Iv'e been listening and dancing to dance music for the last 36 years. You could say it's in my blood. Only recently have I really started to play myself, but I do have a great understanding of what makes genres like Techno good to dance to.

    Anyway here's an album that's in my collection and knowing how much you like electronic and classical music, here's something for you to chill out with and and maybe give you some inspiration. Although you've probably heard it already.

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  15. Mariano

    Mariano Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Ok, this thread scalated quickly...
  16. Gnib

    Gnib Producer

    Mar 29, 2013
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    Apart from the tuning and the choice of the kick (you tagged it as minimal) my sugggestion would be to roll of a bit of the higher frequencies of the high-hats, they are quite prominent and a tad to sharp. For the rest it is a good track, also from arrangement point of view.

    Thanks for the download and keep on going.

    General comment: new genres within Techno do use overdriven 808 kicks with exegerated oomph, think of Undergound Techno as in lots of Russian stuff. In Europe Techno flourishes more than on the North American continent. Listen to German producers, Berlin has quite a tradition.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2016
  17. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Thanks so much!:)
    You are a good friend.
  18. Mariano

    Mariano Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Thanks Gnib, in fact I tried to step away from 909, just to try new things, glad you liked it
  19. lexeed

    lexeed Platinum Record

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Sounds pretty damned solid to me, Mariano. I did feel the hats was a bit "tingly." Maybe use a touch de-essing.
  20. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    hi mariano,
    i have come back to listen to this a second time, and i agree with most people on the whole-
    i like the track =) , but i agree that some of the high end is too sharp- in particular that maraca/shaker instrument the pans around (as mentioned earlier in the thread)
    also yeah the kick is a bit unusual as many have mentioned before, but i do remember some techno from back in the day where off key and unusual elements were quite common (deliberate or by mistake, i don't know). so if this boomy kick and bass relationship is important how this record feels for you, then i say keep it! but maybe not for all of your songs :)
    looking forward to more tracks :wink:
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