TAL-Drum little bug

Discussion in 'Software' started by Backtired, Apr 24, 2022.

  1. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    No I've had a 4K monitor for years and have created sound banks as a sound designer with 111 different synthesizers in Studio On. http://ohlenbostelhelge.magix.net/public/ So I have a long working experience with software synthesizers.

    I also helped the company Uvi with the Falcon VSTi to find the right scaling so that the font is large enough to be readable.
    The Vengeance - Avenger, I have created 2 sound banks, has not frozen once or caused any other problems with the scaling.

    It would be nice if you could tell TAL what you have found out, because this is the only way to improve the product. At KVR you can also write anonymously if you have not bought the plug-in. Unfortunately, I have no idea about JUCE and DSP Emu - so I can't comment.

    4K Ready - These plug-ins can be used in Studio One:

    Accent Audio - PLUCKz - 64 Bit.jpg
    Adam Szabo - Viper VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Ample Sound - ABP 3 VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Ample Sound - AGM 3 VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Ample Sound - Ample Bass Upright VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Ample Sound - Ample Guitar LP VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Arturia - ARP 2600 V3 VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Arturia - Buchla Easel V VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Arturia - CZ V VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Arturia - DX7 VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Arturia - Mini V VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Arturia - OB-XA V VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Arturia - Pigments - 64 Bit.jpg
    Arturia - Prophet V VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Arturia - Synclavier V VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Arturia - Synthi V VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Arturia - Vocoder V VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    AudioRealism - Bass Line 3 VSTi - 64 BIt.jpg
    Dead Duck Software - Reducktion VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    discoDSP - Discovery Pro VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    DS Audio - Thorn VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    E-Phonic - Invader 2 VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    FabFilter - Twin 2 VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    FXpansion - Cypher 2 VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    FXpansion - Fusor VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    FXpansion - Strobe 2 VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    GForce - M-Tron Pro VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Gospel Musicans - Pure Synth Platinum VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    HY-Plugins - HY-Poly Free - 64 Bit.jpg
    HY-Plugins - HY-Poly VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    IK Multimedia - Hammond VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    IK Multimedia - Modo Bass VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    IK Multimedia - Modo Drum - 64 Bit.jpg
    IK Multimedia - Syntronik VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Image line - Harmless VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Image Line - Harmor VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Image Line - Sawer VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Image Line - Toxic IIII VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    KarmaFX - KarmaFX Synth Modular VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Keilwerth Audio - Avenger VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Korg - M1 VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Korg - Prophecy VSTi - 64.jpg
    Korg - Triton VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Korg - Wavestation VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Korg . MonoPoly VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    KV331 - Synthmaster One VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Madrona Labs - Aalto VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Mastrcode - T-Force Zenith Experimental Beta 3 - 64.jpg
    Mastrcode Music - Alpha Plus VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    MeldaProduction - MPowerSynth VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    MemoryMoon - Messiah VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    MusicLab - RealGuitar 5 VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    MusicLab - RealStrat 5.VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Native Instruments - Massive X VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Nektar - Bolt VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Nils Schneider - Nils K1v VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Parawave - Rapid VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Phuturetone - GR-8 VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Plogue - Chipsynth MD VSTi - 54 Bit.jpg
    Plogue - Chipsynth PortaFM VST - 64 Bit.jpg
    Plogue - Chipsynth SFC VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Presonus - Studio One - Impact VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    PreSonus - Studio One - MaiTai VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Psychic Modulation - Phonec 2 VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Reason - Europa VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    reFX - Nexus 3 VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Reveal Sound - Spire VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Rob Papen - B.I.T VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Rob Papen - Blade 2 VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Sonic Academy - Ana VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Sonic Academy - Kick 2 VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Sonic Charge - Microtonic VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Spectrasonics - Omnisphere VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Spectrasonics - Trilian VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Steinberg - Backbone VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Steinberg - Retrologue 2- 64 Bit.jpg
    SugarBytes - DrumComputer VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    SugarBytes - Factory VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    SugarBytes - Thesys VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Synapse Audio - Dune 3 VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Synapse Audio - Obsession VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    The Wave Warden - Odin II VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Togu Audio Line - TAL Noise Maker VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Togu Audio Line - Tal-J-8 VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Togu Audio Line - Tal-Mod VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    ToneBoosters - Flowtones VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Toontrack - EZ Bass VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Toontrack - Superior Drummer 3 VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Tracktion - F EM VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    U-HE - Any Cable Everywhere VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    U-HE - Diva VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    U-HE - Hive 2 VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    U-HE - Podolski VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    U-HE - The Dark Zebra - Hans Zimmer VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    U-HE - Zebra CM VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    U-HE - Zebra VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    U-HE - Zebralette VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Unfiltered Audio - Lion VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    UVI - Falcon VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Vast Dynamics - Vaporizer 2 VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Vember Audio - Surge VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Vengeance - Avenger VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Vital Audio - Vital Spectral VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Waves - Bass Fingers VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Waves - Codex VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Waves - Element VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Xfer Records - Serum VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Xhun Audio - Little One VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    Xils-Lab - Synthix VSTi - 64 Bit.jpg
    109 Dateien - 57,794 MB
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  2. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Open TAL-Drum, switch directly to the second tab, pads 17-32, then switch back, and try to drop something on pad1 from fl studio browser. Is it still fixed, or you have the same bug? As of now you're the only other person who's got this same behaviour
  3. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Glad you did! That is much appreciated, having a "fit to screen", as well as a separate window / ui (well, to me, "font") scaling. Only other company that seems to understand (and do) this is Toontrack. Wish all devs would!
  4. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Yes, it seem that the tabbing between 1-16 & 17-32 causes the problem.
    But it works fine for me when first loaded, as long as i do not touch that tab button.

    I am not sure why the bug occurred when i first loaded TAL-Drum and dragged a sample to pad 1.
    (I had not used the tab button to go to the 2nd set of pads).
    Maybe by default it loaded with that tab button having been activated or something?
    Then, after I removed it and loaded another instance the bug was gone.
    Now it will only happen if I hit that tab button to switch pad banks & back.
    I have no problem dragging and dropping ...I can do that using Windows or Fl Studio.
    And TAL-Drum's own browser does not have the same bug.
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