syntronik over 200gb, worth it?

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by tfmc369, Aug 29, 2022.

  1. PifPafPif

    PifPafPif Rock Star

    Jan 19, 2022
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    "getting a different sample every time you press a key"

    So why there is phase trouble in polyphony ?
    It doesn't happen with different samples.
  2. luckyLuke7

    luckyLuke7 Ultrasonic

    Nov 7, 2021
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    Put the library on your external HDD that you use only for that purpose the same one sitting there with all kontakt , UVI, Ominisphere, EZX, Band In a Box, etc ...

    Cmon 200GB is not much nowadays. :rofl: 5TB HDD is affordable there's always some sales for Seagate. The real hard work is unrar all that and then you realise that one tar is 10KB less because the Jdownloader screw up.

    (waiting to be insulted)

    Changing the subject a bit and topic for another thread...
    I think ppl are just too lazy nowadays. Instead of making music they just watch other people making it on their devices like a mirror neuron effect. So many youtube vids of suckers (sometimes some Dan Warral that actually knows his shit or a Malmsteen like that actually know his scales but that's minority on YT very rare) . So popular right now these music production channels pushing shit down your throat. We could make a nice poll of better YT music production channels see what people is digging and shit.
  3. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Yes, I've used analog synths since around 1977, only owning my own since 1982 (a rotating variety of mostly pawn-shop purchases) which I've used playing in garage bands and many that I have repaired for others, from Radio Shack (plastic enough ? ..don't disrepect it!) to tube-organs to my last HW Synth purchase of an Alesis QS-8. I've owned / repaired a tons (literally) of audio equipment... tube organs, tube amps & processors, tube oscilloscopes used to repair / other tube equipment..
    "You can tweak a cheap sounding virtual synth for days"
    AGAIN, I am not talking about "cheap-sounding" virtual synths which are flawed, but major synths.
    To say that Arturia, or IKM, or UVI (and many others) "sound plastic" is pure bullshit.
    Those that actually sound BAD ("plastic", "cheap", etc) are a different topic as I have made clear in my comments.

    If you don't know what "being full of shit" is, you may ignore it or look it up. I don't care.
    "Being the smartest one on a forum?" I guess it means knowing the most.
    I know some basic analog stuff, less about digital stuff, and even less about actually producing music.
    But i know a shitload (look it up) about humans, including what we are as physical creatures in this universe, and what we are as psychological beings.

    I know what it feels like to be washed by analog sound through a great speaker system by both analog and virtual instruments.
    A virtual synth can sound "good enough". At least the ones that this thread is ABOUT.

    The others? We do not mention them. Delete that shit from your disk.
  4. PifPafPif

    PifPafPif Rock Star

    Jan 19, 2022
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    It is NOT a matter of 200GB in those terabyte days.

    And to my ears, NO Syntronic 2 is not worth the weight. Especially "variety" side.
    All patches sound so similar you could reduce them by 3/4.
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