Sync Audio & Lighting with New Beam for Max Package

Discussion in 'Software' started by SheaE, May 27, 2024.

  1. SheaE

    SheaE Newbie

    Sep 7, 2023
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    This goes out to the lighting fanatics out there.

    Our team at Showsync officially released Beam for Max last week, a fully integrated lighting engine for Cycling ‘74’s Max. After years of fine-tuning and user testing, we’re excited to offer this out-of-the-box solution for anyone looking to seamlessly sync their lighting, sound and visuals.

    A set of externals for fixture-oriented DMX lighting control. Beam for Max offers a seamless translation of MSP/MC audio signals into lighting parameters, pixel mapping Jitter matrices, and merging lighting signals. Designed for flexible I/O connectivity and routing options via Art-Net, DMX-USB devices, and CITP.

    Watch the release trailer here:

    Beam for Max is free to download and try without limitations in functionality, with periodic pauses in output. When you’re ready to use it, you can purchase a license for €99 for uninterrupted DMX output.

    Dive into Beam for Max, and please share the fun projects you make with us on IG (@showsyncsoftware) and Discord!
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  3. DonaldDavis

    DonaldDavis Newbie

    May 31, 2024
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    The free trial is a great way to see if it fits my needs. I might check out the release trailer to see Beam for Max in action!
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2024