Symphobia 1 Update

Discussion in 'Software' started by ripechancewoods, Feb 15, 2016.

  1. ripechancewoods

    ripechancewoods Newbie

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I'm probably being especially simple .. but I have just installed Symphobia 1 and it comes with 2 updates 1.1 and 1.2.

    Do I update 1.1 before 1.2 (or can I just jump straight to 1.2 ..)

    AND, how do I actually do this? Just add the files to the respective folders or do I need to be deleting some of the older stuff?

    Thanks in advance. A question I will be sure never be dumb enough to ask again!
  3. mclarensteven

    mclarensteven Noisemaker

    Aug 29, 2015
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    I was having a predicament with this as well. However the workaround is simply not copying the 1.1 Symphobia_info.nfc & Symphobia_info.nkx files into the root folder you make for the full library. As all the files available do not have the resources we need for the updated skin/GUI (AKA tga files). Rather the procedure is simple but lengthy or at least this is what I did.

    If someone wants to provide updated files for these libraries please feel free to PM and I will happily repack a full update for all Symphobia libraries 1,2,3 with version 1.0-1.5+ update I believe that Project Sam has now updated to. Along with any other updates you may have for other libraries from Project Sam such as True Strike 1 & 2 or Orchestral Essentials 1 or 2.

    I'm not a MAC user so don't ask!

    1. Get these files unpacked and ready for use. I started from the desktop and moved them from there. Though up to you.

    Download 3 discs of sample content for Symphobia 1.0
    Download Symphobia 1.0 installer
    Download Update 1.1
    Download Update 1.2

    Make sure to remove any registry items for Symphobia in your registry, common files, and delete any other folders you may have had the library installed in. Along with make sure that the installer for Symphobia 1.0 has been completely removed.

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Service Center
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Native Instruments
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Native Instruments\Service Center

    Registry Search for "Symphobia" (Check & Recheck)
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Native Instruments > Symphobia (Delete Folder)
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Native Instruments > Symphobia (Delete Folder)

    2. Create folder for your full library to compile. Such as a folder on your external drive or local. Completely up to you.
    IE: F:\Kontakt Libraries\Project Sam\Symphobia

    3. Use installer to create initial library files & data for the library. Install into folder we created.
    IE: F:\Kontakt Libraries\Project Sam\Symphobia

    4. Copy the 17.4 gigs of sample files unpacked from the 3 disc 1.0 Symphobia release and move the files into your Samples folder.
    IE: F:\Kontakt Libraries\Project Sam\Symphobia\Samples

    5. Now Create 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 folder for each update in your instruments & multis folder.
    IE: F:\Kontakt Libraries\Project Sam\Symphobia\Instruments\1.0
    IE: F:\Kontakt Libraries\Project Sam\Symphobia\Instruments\1.1
    IE: F:\Kontakt Libraries\Project Sam\Symphobia\Instruments\1.2

    IE: F:\Kontakt Libraries\Project Sam\Symphobia\Multis\1.0
    IE: F:\Kontakt Libraries\Project Sam\Symphobia\Multis\1.1
    IE: F:\Kontakt Libraries\Project Sam\Symphobia\Multis\1.2

    6. Move files & folders from your instrument & multi folders for each unpack into your new folders for 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2.

    7. Copy Symphobia_info.nkc & Symphobia_info.nkx from the root folder of the 1.1 upacked folder and move this into your samples folder. Rather then replace them over your current Symphobia_info.nkc & Symphobia_info.nkx from 1.0.
    IE: F:\Kontakt Libraries\Project Sam\Symphobia\Samples

    8. Copy Symphobia_info.nkc & Symphobia_info.nkx from the root folder of the 1.1 upacked folder and move to the root of your instruments folder.
    IE: F:\Kontakt Libraries\Project Sam\Symphobia\Instruments

    8. Add Library to Kontakt. Open Kontakt (Standalone Or as VST in your DAW). From the libraries tab > click add library & locate root folder.
    IE: F:\Kontakt Libraries\Project Sam\Symphobia

    9. Once loaded. Batch re-save. File > Batch Resave > Locate Library
    IE: F:\Kontakt Libraries\Project Sam\Symphobia
    Make sure all files are found.
    If you get a pop up just navigate to your root folder for the library and let Kontakt find the files it needs.
    IE: F:\Kontakt Libraries\Project Sam\Symphobia\

    10. Once the batch resave completes your ready to enjoy the library & its content. Note that the GUI updates and resources are not currently available for 1.1 & 1.2. Or at least I haven't been able to find the latest Konatkt wallpaper, ninct, & tga files we need for the 1.2+ GUI updates. So this is just a workaround to use the updated libraries & instruments with out the other files needed to load 1.1 or 1.2 correctly. (Visually everything should work fine)

    Also to note that I was able to move the library after I finished this process and uninstall the 1.0 installer completely. I was able to retain everything I needed to re-add the library from a different location. So if you want to try that as well feel free. Just make sure to keep all the files you downloaded before incase you botch the setup.

    If someone wants to provide updated files for these libraries please feel free to PM and I will happily repack a full update for all Symphobia libraries 1,2,3 with version 1.0-1.5+ update I believe that Project Sam has now updated to. Along with any other updates you may have for other libraries from Project Sam such as True Strike 1 & 2 or Orchestral Essentials 1 or 2.

    I'm not a MAC user so don't ask!
  4. voidSeeker

    voidSeeker Kapellmeister

    Oct 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Damn I thought the updates were here...
  5. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    i prefere original Kontakt Librarys and original Updates , instead of those russian repacks with only close Mics and so on .
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  6. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Ya I gave up on that library a few years ago. Not all the resources are there. & repacks turn me off. Though I tip my hat to anyone who takes the time & try & make it as playable as possible. Its just not for me.
  7. JudoLudo

    JudoLudo Kapellmeister

    Jul 27, 2014
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    what's wrong with repacks? just curious
  8. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    I got it when it when it was originally released and wasn't aware there were repacks floating around out there that are somehow incomplete. If that's the case, none of the updates will actually do much for you, though I guess you could just go through and cherry-pick the files you actually have in your Kontakt folder. The only update I haven't gotten is 1.3, which is supposed to bring it in line with Symphobia 2 and Lumina (instead of having to load a close or room mic file, it allows you to switch between the two mic positions right from the interface). I've been trying to find the Lumina 1.3 update, but I suspect that'll be a while.
  9. JudoLudo

    JudoLudo Kapellmeister

    Jul 27, 2014
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    same for Orchestral Brass...
  10. mclarensteven

    mclarensteven Noisemaker

    Aug 29, 2015
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    I prefer that as well but just wanted to at least provide an adequate solution for what is readily available. Or what I have been able to find.
    Will be interesting if the newer updates come to life in the future. Patiently waiting. :woot:

    EDIT: BTW I have all the mic positions from 1.0 - 1.2 so this actually is more viable then what has been perceived by my explanation earlier. (Stage / Close at least for the instruments & multis)
    Now I just need a legit wallpaper.
  11. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    I would seriously just go looking for a full installer instead of a repack. I still see it floating around all the time, especially whenever I go looking for a Lumina 1.3 update.
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