Swam Ensemble Strings

Discussion in 'Software' started by Saur, Dec 2, 2023.

  1. Saur

    Saur Ultrasonic

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Anyone tried it? I saw some YouTube vids, but they're all playing live, and I'm thinking it'll need less player accuracy, and CC bow pressure + expression + velocity.

    The solo strings sound incredible, far better than any of the sampled option IMO, so I'm having a hard time thinking the ensembles will sound synthy.

    I love details and this is really my dream library, but then, 500 bucks for something I might regret.

    I imagine layering it with MSS might be the chef's kiss, though the sister site doesn't have the MSS update with look-ahead, so everything's still out of time. But I'm thinking layered you could achieve ultra-detailed and ultra realistic.
  3. orbitbooster

    orbitbooster Audiosexual

    Jan 8, 2018
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    I don't think you can use SWAM String Sections as a string ensemble at all like you would in a sample library (where you have the Ensemble category).

    My guess is that you can quickly set divisi and string sections (violins, violas, etc.) and set them in a room environment like in Virtual Stage but basically you would record midi parts separately as you would in a daw (as I read from the AM site).

    Furthermore I'm a bit confused: while you can set divisi, as you can see from the clip below, Divisimate is still used, and that means that divisi poly sections are not (properly) managed by SSS, duh?

    Gathering more infos about it, I think AM it's going in the right direction to create a full live playing ensemble, but it's a long way up.
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