Suno AI Music Creation Platform

Discussion in 'Work in Process' started by Rodger, Nov 30, 2023.

  1. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    or half our lives buying real world material instruments (guitars, drums, hardware synths, etc) and the other half LEARNING TO F***ING PLAY THEM sufficiently enough to write better music lol...

    o but you wanna tell me ab this really neat new program that LITERALLY makes all of that effort, time, and $$ that i've spent worthless or at the very least worth less than it already is in the streaming era.... the f*** outta here :rofl:
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  2. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    No, in fact, I play in the subway, and what I do has always been appreciated, despite many who come with a karaoke and make a trap with random words, which I don't consider music, sorry. I believe that music, art, etc., has a whole background. When you sing with the emotions you put into it, that resonates with people because they come up to you and tell you. So, I don't think about myself personally. I find it ridiculous to call it 'creation' to press a button and have everything done for you. It astonishes me that you call it art. Only a true musician who plays an instrument knows perfectly what art is. It carries a feeling, tells a story, expresses itself through music, something that AI will never be able to achieve. In fact, there are already songs made with AI that are truly dreadful. The same goes for mastering; all those who think they are professionals and load up on auto-mastering plugins, auto EQ, etc., and have no idea how a compressor works, their mixes sound awful compared to a mastering engineer
  3. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    exactly. like we need another paradigm shift in any more industries that funnel all the profit straight to the top to a very limited few. bc in this case it will be the coders who refine and monetize this tech that will be the only ones making any real money on music eventually. for so long it's been the few at the labels and production houses over the artists but now it'll be even more refined and funneled to f***ing software designers... what world are we living in when it appears the ones who will profit the most in the music industry will soon be CODERS lol...

    when i graduated from high school my mom said "you should look into going into tech". and i said "no mom, i'm gonna learn how to play guitar and writes songs"....

    moms are always right...
  4. Rodger

    Rodger Rock Star

    Oct 29, 2022
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    you guys get hell bent outta shape over nothing,for those who dont see the potiental in future of this technology just keep using what your using and pass on bye but dont Disrespect a Technology you have no intention of trying little own embraceing to even give it ago.
    this technology may very well not be for you, but you and your little part of the world are not everyone in the world.

    if you dont like platform dont use it but dont be such closed off indiviuals with closed thinking that this technology will not be inclusive in the future of making music because you will be sadly be mistaken and left behind,30 years ago everyone said daws and plugins wouldnt become a mainstream tool yet here we are with 100s of companys producing Audio plugins
    watch that space guys music is changing either go with it or pack ya bags and close up shop, because to be honest no one cares for what you think, what the world cares about is tools that help bring your creativity and music to life no matter what walk of life you are from.

    Have A Merry Christmas and a Happy New year, Go create some tunes :mates:
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2023
  5. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    From my point of view, it's not a problem that there's a site or an app that makes music for you. What, in my opinion, is wrong, is calling something entirely made by an AI "original creation.
  6. El Cycer

    El Cycer Producer

    Sep 9, 2023
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    A true artist (an endangered species) tells about his emotions, this has little to do with how good he is at playing a trumpet or a drum machine, we are talking about communication. Unfortunately, most of the so called “artists” I know have no idea what it means to tell a story and are only good at shooting out millions of notes without any logical sense. Michel Petrucciani, a very good pianist with an astonishing technique, once said "technique is a whore", it seems like a contraddiction but is not.
    I think the next generation of artists probably won't know how to play any instruments, but they will be great at telling their story using AI
  7. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    i don't think anyone is questioning the fact that it will be included in the future of making music. it's obvious that it absolutely will be and that's the potential problem. that it will take all of the effort out of creation and that has major potential downside for anyone who calls themself a musician/producer. it's different than a tool that makes a job easier. its likely to take over doing the job entirely if it goes the way the creators intend.

    i hear what your saying to a point but i definitely think it's far from "getting bent out of shape over nothing". that's like saying to all of the long haul truck drivers "hey what are you gettin bent outta shape for? these self driving trucks have so much potential". yea, potential to put their asses outta work and force them into finding other means of employment. my guess is they're not getting super stoked on self driving trucks potential...
  8. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    What the hell are you talking about? Telling a story using an app? They're lazy even for that. They say, 'Give me lyrics about the moon.' Is that what you call creating? Is that what you call an artist? Art? No, you're wrong. True artists, those who play instruments or sing, etc., are not in danger of extinction; you're mistaken. I have colleagues who play tango and folklore, and guess what? They're the ones with the most work. All the other crap that's not real music, they're just products, like your industrialization philosophy, driven by the media. They sell you a product, a kid who can't sing, can't tune, can't play an instrument, doesn't even know what a chord is. That's part of the mediocrity that has always been there, but that's not art.
  9. Rodger

    Rodger Rock Star

    Oct 29, 2022
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    I think you need to reflect on the definition of "orginal" my friend
    the lyrics are generated randomly how is that not original?
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  10. Rodger

    Rodger Rock Star

    Oct 29, 2022
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    The world is in constant change redgardless of industrys brother you either go with the change or you get left behind period.
  11. El Cycer

    El Cycer Producer

    Sep 9, 2023
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    I heard the same words when house music exploded at the end of the 80s. it was played with the computer, synths and samplers:
    Scandal! This is not music! Everyone can play today! it's a shame!
    I believe this is a snobbish drift of canonical musicians who feel they are the gatekeepers of "real" music and feel outraged by any innovation
  12. Rodger

    Rodger Rock Star

    Oct 29, 2022
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    your welcome to your opinon mate but your opinion is worthless in the changing world of music
    like i said watch that space you may not like it but its here.
    if a person comes into my studio i have no clue how they created there music and its none of my business how they created it im contracted to record them not to ask them questions.
  13. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    i think the point many of us are trying to make here, is that its going to be a very bleak world when already struggling artist get the last few cents taken out of their pockets by big tech, blackrock etc, by an AI that was trained on the roads they paved.

    The point of AI should be that artist have more time to create, more freedom, less worry about money, for all walks of life, not just artist. AI should automate everything for us, so that we have more time to grow, as individuals, and as a society, to overcome problems as a collective, and advance the next step in human evolution. This however is impossible when there is no universal basic income etc. When all the remaining few dollars goes into the 1% making them that much more rich, and the working class is left fighting to survive with no work left, its going to get very very ugly out there. I hope for the best, but im a pessimist / realist at heart and am dearly afraid for all of us, in all walks of life.
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  14. Rodger

    Rodger Rock Star

    Oct 29, 2022
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    unfortunely that is the music industry regardless of technologys, some make it but millions of people do not.
  15. El Cycer

    El Cycer Producer

    Sep 9, 2023
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    The opinion of any of us on this forum is worthless, without exception. We certainly won't change the fate of humanity with our babbling
  16. Rodger

    Rodger Rock Star

    Oct 29, 2022
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    very true enjoy creating Your music your way and leave the rest of the chaos at the door.
    my father had a saying
    "only allow what your needs are to impact your life throw the rest in the bin
  17. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    yea... it's just all ab the vibes man. that's a crock of shit. there's a reason humans place high value and are amazed/impressed by other humans who can do difficult things that require time and effort to master.

    you're right in the sentiment of technique being a whore. ALONE. but technique+good storytelling/writing makes a special or talented artist. i don't call most musicians that are savants at an instrument an artist. i call them a session musician. bc that's what the vast number of individuals that are perfect "players" end up going into. more a tool than an artist. and they have they're place. but artists are generally proficient enough at both to convey whatever they are trying to get across through their art.

    by your absurd metric i and the tens of thousands (if not much more at this point) of ding dongs who know how to prompt well enough to get really interesting and intricate art using midjourney AI text to image creation, am a more valid artist than picasso, rembrant, and any other of the greatest artists to ever have put paint to canvas bc "it's all ab the final product and the feels bro"... i've prompted artworks with midjourney 100x more intricate and stunning than the great artists but that doesn't mean SHIT. bc it took no EFFORT more than thinking of some interesting words in a certain order to get an outcome from a machine.

    tell anyone that i'm an equal artist to any of those i named and they'll laugh in my face... bc the end product is only a small part of why ppl appreciate art. ppl respect effort.

    here are some images i made with midjourney. they surely evoke something. but i know better than to try to pass myself off as a great picture artist. bc i'm not. yet these final products do tell a story and are striking. i would feel dirty trying to pass them off as my creations. i would be a fraud.

    i mean this first one is FUCKING BOB ROSS, one of the most beloved artists of our time and who is dead now, walking through a doorway into one of his own landscapes. if that doesn't tell a story or convey a feeling then you my friend are dead inside. yet i cannot say that I made this. bc i just had the idea to type "bob ross walking through a doorway into a lanscape painted in his style" into a prompt text box and midjourney spit this out.

    UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_4772.jpg UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_4acb.jpg
  18. Rodger

    Rodger Rock Star

    Oct 29, 2022
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    that time has been with us for over 2 decades
    example most mainstream artists of today do not play instruments at all yet people think they are talented
    they are nothing more than a vocalist with session players backing them to play the instrumental content that is needed.
    I could put 10 names in mainstream this post if you like as these people are not talented in playing instruments what so ever,I'M sure you could name quite a few yourself :wink:
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2023
  19. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    sorry quited wrong user
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2023
  20. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    thats the thing you may not be seeing though. the end goal for this tech is not for users to make DEMOS with this software to then take to your studio to record... it's to become good enough to eliminate your studio COMPLETELY (this would be bad for you). the end goal is not to spit out demos. it's to spit out finished songs that are no harder to produce than picking a genre and typing some guiding lyrical and "feel" paremiters into a text box. and that may sound crazy but look at the images i posted of the works i made with midjourney. do those need to be taken to an art studio for refinement? i certainly wouldn't say so. those look like finished products to me.
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