Suno AI Music Creation Platform

Discussion in 'Work in Process' started by Rodger, Nov 30, 2023.

  1. robie

    robie Kapellmeister

    Dec 10, 2023
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    Funny how you respond to a comment by putting words in someone's mouth. Fortunate for you, you're a very brave keyboard warrior, rather than doing so directly in front of me. Had it been the latter, you're Xmas would have turned into something far less pleasant :)
  2. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    is your background in the industry perhaps a&r or talent management?
  3. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    not for long.... all jobs face replacement in the very near future.
  4. robie

    robie Kapellmeister

    Dec 10, 2023
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    Said by someone who claims to be on the advisory board of this AI monstrosity! Well, at least you gave me a badly needed laugh tonight.

    "Co-pilot to enhance proficiency"..... horsesh*t must be growing on trees in your neck of the woods. I'm reminded of several news stories I've recently read about lawyers who used Chat GPT to assist them in writing legal briefs. Those briefs wound up containing numerous legal citations that did not actually exist. One of those lawyers is currently up for disbarment for the enhancement of proficiency he experienced. "Summing up", I guess his co-pilot led to a crash landing.
  5. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Your comparison is very poor, it lacks logic, but I will give you several examples and explain why this is not creation. Here we go. Does it matter who created the guitar? Not really, but you can learn chords, notes, rhythms, etc., and the same goes for any musical instrument. Then we modernize, and no one bothers to sit down and learn anymore; everyone wants everything easy and served on a platter. So, we move on to loops and samples, and now we have people mixing a bunch of loops and samples, adding lyrics, and calling it a song, which is not entirely true.

    Now, an AI or a device comes along, and you say, "Hey, it's raining, and my butt itches, could you make a rock song with that?" And the AI says, "Sure! Chorus: My butt itches, and it's raining, what a lovely rain, my butt itches." And you say, "Oh God, I've created a song." Seriously, have you created? This is the most useless thing we're coming to, where a machine does absolutely everything for you. It would be different if you had lyrics for a song, and you were stuck on a part, and you asked the AI for help with ideas, for example. But to tell it to do everything for you and then claim you've created something? That's self-deception
  6. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    yep.. i think u nailed it. i've been following the ai stuff very closely from the inception. i've been an early beta tester for some of a few of the ai text to image platforms and so on. the moment i heard whispers of them coming for music next i've had a sinking feeling waiting for the shoe to drop. it's very very disheartening to hear. especially for someone who has just in the last 3-4 yrs really started to lean in and put nose to grindstone to get better at writing and production. all i can say is that in a way ur at least luckier than most of us. u have at least managed to get some advances for your work and have some placed before this tech, and others like it, wreaks havoc on our ability to potentially get paid for what we love. that's more than i can say. altogether it's really just making the future of creating art look very very bleak.. i mean just bc we can doesn't mean we should. that's alot of my feeling on ai in general. this will serve no one in any positive way other than the people that PAY for music. bc it will make it exponentially cheaper for them. the general public don't give a f*** if a bot created the music for a series they're watching or a song they hear on the radio. all they care ab is does it bop. i mean so many ppl bump that ai kanye song unirironically. i dunno, sorry for going off on a rant replying to your comment. it just happened that way haha. i get fired up sometimes
  7. El Cycer

    El Cycer Producer

    Sep 9, 2023
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    Maybe I didn't fully understand the topic discussed here: if we are talking about AI and artistic implications this is an interesting discussion. If, however, it is a union meeting of artists who are afraid of seeing their monthly paycheck lowered because of AI, then the thread stops being interesting.
  8. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    and this is good why? giving the average the ability to masquerade as pro is not always a noble aim in my opinion. your 2 examples are major contributors to why there is sooo much low effort shit muddying the waters of modern music. i'm all for lowering the barrier to entry for creatives to be able to express and create their art but art is supposed to be at least alittle bit difficult. or why even learn to play an instrument in the first place. when everyone is special then no one is special.
  9. robie

    robie Kapellmeister

    Dec 10, 2023
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    So I guess you'd have us add "unions" and "monthly paychecks" to your list of bad guys and inconvenient truths. Glad my comment convinced you to reveal who and what you actually are. Now you can go back to your little advisory board and tell them you fought the good fight. Geez, you are one creepy character.
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  10. Thotu

    Thotu Producer

    Apr 18, 2021
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    I am wondering why are on this forum?
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  11. Thotu

    Thotu Producer

    Apr 18, 2021
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    This is the worst place to post this. Half of our life has been spent collecting synths and plugins and the other half was spent requesting R2R for new synths, so we could make better music. And you come with this, here? Take your shit to some lyrics writing forum..:rofl:
  12. Majestic

    Majestic Rock Star

    Apr 24, 2018
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    This is bad. Very bad for artists and creatives.

    The difference between A.I. and every technological advancement that has come before it, is that A.I. is capable of making its own creative decisions. The drum machine, the synthesizer, the sampler, the digital audio workstation, etc all still required talent, skill, and knowledge to be able to work them. Now, I can just load up Splice's Create A.I. tool, generate 10 beats, post them online, and call myself a "musician".
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  13. robie

    robie Kapellmeister

    Dec 10, 2023
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    I'm thinking about curtified and wondering how much better and more proficient Picasso could have been as as artist if he only had an AI assistant to be his freaking co-pilot. Can you even imagine how brilliant an artist Picasso might have become! Anyway, I'm logging off here now... if I don't I might be late for my union meeting. :rofl:
  14. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Wtf? So, what the heck are you doing here?

    That's a big lie; a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) doesn't make you sound professional, not even if you have the money to afford the best recording studio. What makes you sound 'professional,' although this term is misused, is the dedication you put into what you do; otherwise, you'll sound like crap
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2023
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  15. El Cycer

    El Cycer Producer

    Sep 9, 2023
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    I think there's a misunderstanding: I'm not here to support the music business, not at all. On the contrary I hope that AI manages to sweep away the whole useless star system. I see AI as an opportunity for progress in art, I am convinced that to be an artist you must firmly believe in the future.
    I would like to mention the Luddite movement (19th-century):
    At the beginning of the industrial revolution, in England, a workers' movement against machinery emerged. In their opinion, modern technology was guilty of stealing workers' jobs. The protests of these workers often ended in the destruction of the factory. The movement was called Luddite:
    The term "Luddite" today is used in a derogatory way to describe someone who is opposed or resistant to new technologies
  16. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    but you didn't make this song.. you told your computer what you wanted the "vibe" to be and it cooked it up for you.

    i know that's obviously a very watered down version of what you actually had to do to have these technologies create this work for you but i know one thing. it didn't involve anywhere near the time, effort and knowledge it takes me or any other artist to even track guitars for one individual song. and i do understand that just bc something takes more effort doesn't mean it's inherantly better. trust me, i've made plenty of shit songs. but do we have to make everything easy ffs?

    idk. it just feels like (and this is why it feels so ick to me) ordering a high end custom guitar from a brilliant craftsman and then after months of waiting for them to complete the work and it arrives at your door, you show it to your family and say "look at this guitar i made.". like no. you may have picked the woods and finishes but you did not make that guitar. you paid someone with skills you don't possess to do it for you bc you aren't capable. only this ai scenario is worse bc at least in that guitar scenario the craftsman actually got paid for his work. ai art will only create ppl willing to claim songs they didn't actually make as their own original creations and cheapen the labor of actual seasoned knowledgeable musicians.
  17. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    But what the hell does the Industrial Revolution have to do with art? Do you play any instruments? Do you compose anything? Art is felt in the soul; it's not a product, not a glass, or a spoon. I'm sorry, but your comparison is absurd. And you prefer an AI to do everything for a person, and you even call it art??? Seriously? I doubt you're a musician; otherwise, you would understand
  18. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    Exactly, that is just one and short term way, based on current state of development, someone profit oriented will take it in another direction when that becomes possible. I already see potential that Microsoft will have something like that with their AI assistant or that folks at Meta will give a go to whole AI creators social network and you name it, they will try to cash in on any of it.

    Imagine social network, where you can express yourself with lowest effort and even make money doing it, be creative, have fun and show the world your inner artist with help of our AI tools.

  19. El Cycer

    El Cycer Producer

    Sep 9, 2023
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    I think you are biased by the fact that your art worker paycheck may get lower, which is why you can't see the full picture.
    AI will move forward whether you want it or not: that's a fact. Starting from this concept, I believe that it is better to take AI as an opportunity and not as a threat. also because you have no other options.
  20. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    You know what, it's not worth debating with these people. I don't believe they even ring the doorbell of their house; I don't think they've ever picked up an instrument in their lives. I think they're people who want everything served easily, handed to them on a silver platter. They are deeply lazy to learn to play any instrument, so it's easier to press a button and have the song made for them. And the other guy has his business with AI, so he'll defend it to the death, even if he knows it's not art, probably because he has financial interests.
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