Suno AI Music Creation Platform

Discussion in 'Work in Process' started by Rodger, Nov 30, 2023.

  1. Choosename

    Choosename Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2023
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    Milky way
    Yeah, exactly. May be AI is the new Pandora's Box. Or may be is the tech miracle of "Feeding the multitude". What is clear, AI gives strategic advantages to the states, organizations that uses it, like military, health, enginering, etc, So unstoppable.

    I opened a thread time ago, about AI & music to debate, and not going too far out of the topic of this. AI in music is evolving fast, looking at this

    Wild times ahead! I have my cave w/ solar pannels ready and cozy. One eye on tech, the other on my axe, but my heart always to the people.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2024
  2. lordradish

    lordradish Kapellmeister

    Apr 20, 2018
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    That's just a guess. Do you know the medical history of anyone other than celebrities or people you know??

    You do realize that people who run pharmaceutical companies also die of cancer, right? THat they have relatives that also die of cancer? The conspiracy nonsense needs to stop, it's making the world dumber by the minute.

    If your answer starts with "I don't know the answer, but..." just stop right there.
  3. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I did stop right there. Yes, those in the upper echelon of that industry have died of cancer and surely family members although I have no intimate knowledge of those details. That wasn't my point as you have read my post but misdirected my jist and imagined for whatever reason that I said that there is a cure for cancer which isn't currently being shared instead of the scenario in my belief that it wouldn't be shared if it were. It concerned two of the richest families in the world who as far as I know from trying to find out haven't been struck down by cancer in the last 15 years. If you do know please enlighten my ignorance.
  4. Psychoacoustic

    Psychoacoustic Producer

    Sep 9, 2015
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    That remains to be seen. Suno AI itself is basically a construction kit since the music generated is HEAVILY template based.

    Aside, almost no-one downloads that stuff past the first pack (and then they realise such kits are shit), it's provided so people learn how bad it is and don't waste their money.
  5. Beetlejuice

    Beetlejuice Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2021
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    It´s getting hotter.
    really curious what depeche mode has to say to this:

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  6. The King

    The King Guest

    It's really funny. A bunch of programmers write a bunch of programs and macros that cut different songs into pieces and stick them together by a bunch of simple methods and imitate the vocals, then a bunch of listeners (surprisingly call themselves producers) who have no idea about music, listen to these songs and are amazed and make idols from these platforms.

    What is called artificial intelligence is a trick in the computer world. The name of artificial intelligence was created only to deceive and so that the old codes that were going to get obsolete would be revived by this new name.
  7. ItsFine

    ItsFine Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2023
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    You missed the problem raised by 12 pages of comments :
    It is not a problem of being amazed or not, it is : WHERE IS THE DIFFERENCE between real and fake ?

    How many human work hours to produce what a machine can produce in seconds, by "simply" using previous human work ?

    AI is the "virtual" equivalent of industrial revolution.
    And YES, it was nightmare.

    Leading to the same problems ... but faster than ever.

    Some reading :

    The most dangerous thing for humanity is forgetting their history.
  8. Choosename

    Choosename Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2023
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    Milky way
    You can check, this song is not generated just pressing a button. It is a remix from the video author, and probably using AI cloning voice of the original singer of Depeche Mode. So this video is clickbait.
  9. The King

    The King Guest

    It might take a lot of time for you, but producing this nonsense doesn't take more than 5 minutes. Of course, I never make such rubbish.
    Virtual environment for producing nonsense.
    The most dangerous thing for humanity is nothing but producing sh.. .
  10. lordradish

    lordradish Kapellmeister

    Apr 20, 2018
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    You're clearly part of the problem and definitely not part of the solution.
  11. lordradish

    lordradish Kapellmeister

    Apr 20, 2018
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    That's essentially the same 'logic' behind either premise. Either way, speculative conspiracist nonsense.
  12. Beetlejuice

    Beetlejuice Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2021
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    If you think that it is simple today will it bee tomorrow. ....and imitate who´s vocal ??? cleary DM , or wouldnt you say`?

    Yes , this is gonna be the new "popular music". Mainstream. And even worse:
    Let´s say a band puts out an album. 2 to 12 hours after that , the net is flooded with about 100 - 1000 Songs , in the same Style , with the same Voices as the album released.
    Maybe one original band-song was titled: " I eat the fishes" ..and suddenly there´s a song out there named " I beat the dishes".
    How much similarity will be allowed ? Maybe some songs are even cooler that the original, and its cheaper (only 2 cents!)
    -Why should the band bother to make an album in the first place ? Just for the fun of it ? , -guess so.

    It could go the "good way": The band is excited about the new versions , they encourage their fans on socialmedia , they perform these fanmade A.I-Songs live , that cleary has its origin from the band ...and also get some venue of it. It could happen. But its getting complicated.

    Sure , I did read the description ,-It took some hours try and errors to get it that way , but still.
    Doesnt have to be clickbait , it just shows of what is possible today.
    Question: -Do you own the copyrights to your own voice ?

    So true.:yes:
  13. The King

    The King Guest

    I finally give up. Literally, there is nothing I can do. All my energy is gone. I'm leaving you alone with AI and its innovations or other ones you can imagine.:sad::bow:
  14. Choosename

    Choosename Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2023
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    Milky way
    Legal and justice systems are not yet ready for this.
    Would be Complex.
  15. The King

    The King Guest

    Artificial intelligence is like a trend that has a starting point and life and death. Artificial intelligence is a new form of automation in industry. With the difference that in automation, programmable robots do the work, but in the world of computers and programs, a series of tools called artificial intelligence are responsible for doing the work.

    Robots and artificial intelligence have similar characteristics, except that the algorithms of artificial intelligence are slightly more advanced. The memories that AI uses are larger, because a lot of data needs to be collected and AI needs to make decisions accordingly.

    Most of the data fed to AI is junk data collected from people's useless uploads and worthless artwork. With so much useless data, artificial intelligence may catch fire instead of doing useful work.
  16. Beetlejuice

    Beetlejuice Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2021
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    I fully agree with you on that; It´s all about automation. It has always been so.
    But it is not a trend, it´s here to stay , just like in the car-industry ;-the assembly line from Ford automobiles from the 1930s.
    It created less jobs , but better, faster , and consistent quality cars. And cheaper.

    Automated created music may not have the quality , -or any comparable quality at all , at the moment. Just like the first first car assembly lines.
    You say it is fed with junk , wich is probably right , so junk can only be the output.
    It will become better, and we will adapt it, as a massproduct.

    And If you are a real producer, and you want to have the same payment of your clients, as for today,
    you will in the future, face clients questions about your work, like :
    "what´s your part in this production" ? or " Oh , It´s all handmade , nice , but sorry , there are cheaper alternatives".
    We all know where that leads to.
    It´s the same ol story ; -automation evolves and humans get dispensable. We either adap or vanish.
    If you are not worried about your income,it means you are not affected, so I honestly feel happy for you.

    I think its urgent , to determ rules about automated music.
    There are already laywers and prosecutors scratching their heads weither it´s ok or not, to upload "nearly copys" of famous artists (voices).

    Maybe someone who knows Dave Gahan, could ask him for his opinion on the subject.?

    BTW: same shit happening in other branches. Goodbye 2d and 3d-artist.

    Last edited: Apr 19, 2024
  17. The King

    The King Guest

    You can give millions of examples to justify the use of artificial intelligence or imagine a bright future for it, but the reality is what you have touched in your life. A few decades ago, art was a real world and all the things in it were taken from the works that are done in reality, or all the works were done naturally with the hands and muscles of the body. At that time, art was very interesting and surprising for listeners and viewers.

    Artificial intelligence is nothing more than choosing from millions of sources based on chance and luck. Artificial intelligence creators are neither artists nor have artistic vision. These people have learned to manipulate the available resources and in some cases destroy them and make something out of the changes. This is the art of patching that was done by some illiterate artists in the past decades.

    All the games and all the cartoons and movies now are artificial and there is no sense of human emotions and intelligence in them. The artists of the past decades and centuries, who spent a lot of time and used the maximum artistic subtleties to create works, have given their place to some people who do not know art, who only spend their lives behind computers playing with codes and they produce repetitive algorithms and make strange claims, none of which are practical in reality.

    This apparently attractive fate for some is nothing but the destruction of art. No matter how advanced artificial intelligence is, it is nothing more than choosing from thousands of data sources. The only difference in their different versions is that extra and useless data is removed from their processing and a series of so-called more intelligent choices are introduced. No matter how carefully this selection is done, they can still be identified as artificial from seven miles away.

    Not important how advanced computational algorithms are, they cannot recreate physical reality with all its complexities. You have understood this yourself, but since you are probably one of the users of these tools, you are not able to accept all the facts around them.
  18. Shiori Oishi

    Shiori Oishi Platinum Record

    Oct 21, 2023
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    Oh come on now! There won't be any suffering because there won't be anyone to suffer. The future, in the short term, is UBI. In the long run, though, it will be rich families and a bare minimum working class, as most of the work will be automated. Wait! Did I say future? This plan has been put into practice for decades now. Depopulation is on the go. You will own nothing and you'll be happy. :)

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  19. Beetlejuice

    Beetlejuice Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2021
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    No I´m not a user of suno or uido. It does not affect me personally either, in any way.

    But I was in the 3d-scene. There we have 3d-artist. We mostly divided them in two groups. some humans were better in creating 3d models
    ( s.c mesh or wireframe-moddeling) and others were better with the painting, texturing, mapping and lightning of these objects. Then there were rigging-people - they animate stuff. They also all could be the same person.
    I consider it as an art , to let your brain do the imagnitation of what to build or texture, or how to move.
    -you had to add , and move , and design things ! With your bare hand on the mouse/stylus pen- and with inspiration of your own brain.
    The tools to use in the software got better and better , now finally AI ( or should I say" automation of pre-created art") has entered this area.
    So if you look at timestamp 13.06 and later 20.14 in the vid above, you will understand what will happen to many 2d/3d artist.
    This situation is analog to musicians and music producer. Anyway - who cares?

    Thats interesting : As im stating the loss of human made art ,-what will happen in 2 generations from now ?.
    From where will AI gets its new data? It has already assembled and "recreated" the existing ,
    and there is no more new human music/styles/ artwork/ around ....cause there are no artists around !!
    remember;- they had to choose a new way to pay the rent.
    There will be a a few , but not enough to fed the machine with human new art. So we get all get the same standard watery soup,
    and we accept this new standard . Great future.

    I am not a denial of AI, or AI music.There is a lot of positiv aspects for it. If used in a fair way.
    I just do not justify the way the tools now are released to the public. It encourages to steal trademarks and protected work.
    and it also kills jobs.
    I miss the long-term prediction of the "bad side" of AI and the lawful reglements of it. It´s evolving to fast for us to coop.
    So we will -as always - be the famous frog that sits in a pot of cold water on the stove , and someone turned the plate on.
    It´s cosy and warm and we will not jump out- and when its too hot- its to late to jump. Frogsoup.

    im not sure what you mean about this.
    For me ,they are a part of our physical reality. We do listen to suno and uido ,arent we ?
    And in the future:
    -no human taxi/truckdrivers,
    -Boston robotics replacing Amazon workers
    -no bank assistance workers
    -no low level workers
    -the list goes on,and on ....

    I will probably have to. Just as you. And we will both pay for it.

    btw; same topic:
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2024
  20. Beetlejuice

    Beetlejuice Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2021
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    You have definetly watched the movie: elysium :winker:
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