Suno AI Music Creation Platform

Discussion in 'Work in Process' started by Rodger, Nov 30, 2023.

  1. Rodger

    Rodger Rock Star

    Oct 29, 2022
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    Well Ai for music seems to be taking off

    had the opportunity to sit with yesterday and created a few snippets of what it can actually produce is only in beta
    imagine the future possibiltys

    Iittle tip continue from your first clip generate the lyrics 2 verses at a time
    at the end join all the clips togther as one

    Destructive Tears - Rock wife

    Last edited: Dec 24, 2023
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  3. nism

    nism Ultrasonic

    Apr 5, 2020
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  4. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    But then you didn't create it, the AI did. You just pressed a button.
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  5. shinyzen

    shinyzen Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2023
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    just tried it, it sucks lol. I typed in hyper pop 144 bpm, f minor.

    It gave me some stupid ass pop song, where the lyrics were literally:

    Were hyper pop, we dont really care, we're hyper pop going 144 bpm from here) hyper pop fminor is our life etc etc.
    Vocals sound wonky as fuck, not even close. track was not ai, but rather some pre made loops thrown together.
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  6. El Cycer

    El Cycer Producer

    Sep 9, 2023
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    Obviously it is still in experimental mode: the result is quite childish and the quality is terrible. However, we must consider that this technology was recently born: I am confident that within 3/4 years it will truly begin to be what it claims to be
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  7. nism

    nism Ultrasonic

    Apr 5, 2020
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  8. curtified

    curtified Rock Star

    Feb 3, 2015
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    I am a member of the advisory board at Suno. We are about to release some amazing features!

    You can try submitting your lyrics and creating a song.

    Regarding those who don't see the potential of this, just like anything in life, try to see the potential and optimism surrounding it. Today is the worst this technology will ever be. If you let your creative imagination run wild, you can envision the possibilities of this technology!

    I posted this in November:


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  9. nism

    nism Ultrasonic

    Apr 5, 2020
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    Rephrasing... "does it matter who owns the sun?"

    But we're happy it's warm
  10. robie

    robie Kapellmeister

    Dec 10, 2023
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    I saw this app for the first time just a few days ago. I think it's horrifying. Anyone who doesn't see this will ultimately end careers and work for musicians and composers is simply blind. At least the actors were smart, they went on a lengthy and difficult strike to, in part, curb this sort of thing and had some success. Unfortunately, musicians have never gotten it together to have a union force with the strength of something like S.A.G./AFTRA and are therefore more vulnerable. I sincerely believe this sort of music composition will wind up crippling the livelihood of those who've worked very, very hard to develop and nurture their skills. The music industry won't care that this form of music composition probably won't produce artists like Dylan or Sondheim, or the Stones, or Kanye, or anyone who takes music and elevates it to an art form. They will only care that this winds up being music on the cheap for them because in actuality there's no artist that needs to be paid for it. And if there is any pay, it will wind up being like Spotify pennies-for-play; that's all that musicians will be able to demand for their efforts and talent once this AI music composition goes full force. This isn't software technology. Ultimately, it's just poison.
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  11. El Cycer

    El Cycer Producer

    Sep 9, 2023
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    Summing up:
    Photography killed painting
    Sound movies killed the silent film
    The record player killed live music
    The drum machine killed drummers
    CD killed vinyl
    Video killed the radio star
    Social media killed real world interaction
    I've been hearing these stories for decades: apparently there will always be something that will kill another, so the story goes. If AI managed to eliminate artists and create a 100% cybernetic art form, I would be favorably impressed: finally we could bypass the complications created by artists: their huge egos, their reckless lives, their destructive excesses, their net worth... then all the gossip: their sexual preferences, who they marry, the news of their divorces, and then interviews with the artists' children, grandchildren and blahblah
    who cares
    Iconoclasm, all the way
    I love Art, I hate artists
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  12. shinyzen

    shinyzen Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2023
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    yup... i can assure you my publisher will not want to give me large advance any more, nor will music supervisors pay sync fees to place my music when they can get it for pennies. we're fucked. i give it a few more years. the only way to succeed in the music industry in the future is to be a curator, or an artist with insane branding, multi media type stuff, fan engagement, marketing etc.
  13. curtified

    curtified Rock Star

    Feb 3, 2015
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    You can point a finger at a new problem and direct all your energy there, but it's not solely about AI. Let's consider the current music distribution model using Spotify as an example. From 2008 to 2010, Spotify received 2,000 to 5,000 daily uploads. Now, in 2023, Spotify gets 30,000 to 100,000 uploads per day. There are many more competitors in the current climate. This is also leading labels to offer fewer advances, among other changes.

    Everything is diluted in this new era.

    As for AI, it can be used as a co-pilot to enhance proficiency in songwriting, distribution strategies, etc. The possibilities are endless for getting creative with AI as a tool to maintain a flow state.
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  14. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    I see short term entertaining potential, but at one point everyone will have tunes made by AI and that whole thing will wear off, so most will get back to playing GTA after they realize nobody listens to that music anymore and everyone is just spamming with their music.
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  15. curtified

    curtified Rock Star

    Feb 3, 2015
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    adding to this:
    The drum machine killed drummers
    DAWs Killed Sudios

    Drum machines created genres like hip hop and house
    Daws Made the average user could sound pro
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  16. curtified

    curtified Rock Star

    Feb 3, 2015
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  17. curtified

    curtified Rock Star

    Feb 3, 2015
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    I meant use it in a creative way. for instance I chose this path. (this isn't the only way)

    I worked with chatGPT to help me write these lyrics about giving up and all along I should have seen the warning signs. I went back and forth with GPT till I got something I liked and then added my taste to it.

    I then took those lyrics put them into suno. Chose "euphoric trance" as the genre. I generated a handful of takes until I found one that felt right.

    I then took those lyrics and put them into Replay and used a new vocal model to re-sing what I generated using a blend of AI voice models to taste of what I wanted it to sound like:

    Took that new acapella and put it into ableton and blended it with my song. And now I have a full song with lyrics over my demo:

    Im considering changing it to a different genre now. but here it is starting as an AI demo to a finished song with me having a hand in the entire processing making the song feel the way I wanted it to feel.
  18. shinyzen

    shinyzen Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2023
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    a large majority of those uploaded songs are "ai" songs uploaded by people / labels trying to milk the system. they arent real competitors, they are fake songs, often times the same song uploaded with a different artist name, title, and album artwork.

    Labels stopped offering advances years ago, when they stopped making money. Now, they will see the opportunity to create their own catalog using AI, get those licensed, and not have to pay their songwriters any longer.

    This situation stands apart from the drum machines will replace drummers etc argument. The labels , music supervisors etc will 100% choose the cheaper route. Very few will continue to be able to earn a living. You will for sure have to embrace AI, for songwriting, sound design, song creation, beat making, marketing even mixing and mastering. If you dont, the next guy will. The ones who will earn a living, will have and use all of the tools, but, what will set them apart is their taste / curation, and their network / marketing skills.

    EABODOM Guest

    just one very big problem with your theory, during all this changes independent artists were still able to thrive and earn livable royalties. Spotify (formerly aka utorrent, napster) destroyed the independent artist in favor of fabricated major label pop star and ceo personal wealth in the tens of billions each person. Meanwhile claiming they made everything better for artists and fans, and operating at a loss out of the goodness of their hearts :suicide:

    Hey fans, you do realize by supporting Spotify you only make it more impossible for your favorite independent artist to continue making the music you love. Sheer idiocy.

    aka major label "team" system, which was extorted into submission and partnership by "free music for everyone" Spotify career criminals.

    The person who said musicians are stupid, unlike every other sector of society that strikes, walks out, demands rights and fair pay etc you are 100% correct. We hold the keys to the castle and collectively could control our own destiny. That is until these AI "push button = make finished song" makes us all redundant. now is the time to take the stand to ensure our future and for next generations. But it wont happen because we are too stupid and lazy and scared to band together and do something about it. :trolls:

    A solution is to make AI music a separate category/genre of itself , mandatory. and laws that protect the real artist of the world, especially non-major label, and punish theiving monopoly platforms like Spotify..
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2023
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  20. shinyzen

    shinyzen Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2023
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    there are some groups working on initiatives, and i personally am set to talk with my publisher first week of the new year about what course of action they are taking, if any. One good thing, is brands like to be associated with cool / up and coming artist. So an ad for Target, apple etc, wants that cool factor, they will continue to pay for it, rather than license AI catalog music.
  21. El Cycer

    El Cycer Producer

    Sep 9, 2023
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    As long as AI art remains low quality (as it is today) I will continue to enjoy human art. But I have no prejudices: the day that AI will be able to generate better art forms than humans, then I will prefer AI art. Yes, maybe artists will have to find a new job, there is a great need for carpenters, waiters, mailmen...
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