Sub Cut lets you apply precise low cuts under 220Hz - 13/10/22

Discussion in 'Software News' started by BEAT16, Oct 13, 2022.

  1. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Sub Cut lets you apply precise low cuts under 220Hz - 13/10/22

    Iceberg Audio has released Sub Cut, a VST3/AU plug-in. They tell us that Sub Cut lets you apply precise low cuts under 220Hz, allowing you to remove unwanted sub bass or make room when layering bass sounds. This is what they have to say about it...

    In AUTO mode Sub Cut will analyse the incoming audio and follow the notes of your source material. Auto mode adjusts the cutoff automatically to maximise the amount of low frequency energy removed. Choose from Fast, Default and Slow modes to suit your material. Sub Cut is different to general purpose EQs. The filters have been fine tuned for 220Hz and below to provide accurate cuts that feel right to musical ears. Choose from 3 rolloff frequencies. Each has been calibrated to produce a rolloff that is both pleasing and leaves the remaining material clean and uncoloured. Match the key of your source material. Choose cutoffs by note (e.g. G2) and Sub Cut will only start rolling off below that note.

    Pricing and Availability: $35
    More information: Sub Cut