Studio One v. 3.2.3 Released

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by Pereira, Jun 10, 2016.

  1. SyphonX

    SyphonX Kapellmeister

    May 23, 2013
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    Me and about 7 billion others.... So not very uncommon... :wink:
  2. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    I deleted the heated debate with mr. floyd and tapekiller.
    Wrote them personally to end this nonsense and delete our conversation and take the higher road in this matter.
    Lets all calm down and keep it positive :cheers:
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  3. SyphonX

    SyphonX Kapellmeister

    May 23, 2013
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    I knew you had it in you! :mates:
  4. Zentropy

    Zentropy Kapellmeister

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I almost don't want to even post this and risk reigniting a futile argument, but since I've already dropped a bunch of raw data earlier, might as well add to it.

    I was trying out Reaper's JS FX to see if it'd be worth me using to prototype stuff before going to the trouble of making a full blown VST out of something that might not work. I had a bunch of tracks playing random junk with JS scattered around and noticed my midi controller felt unusually snappy. Turned out Reaper was set to 64 sample buffer size. 9 different instrument tracks + my shoddy javascript code all over the place and Reaper had no trouble @ 64 samples.

    I can't use 64 sample buffer size in Studio One AT ALL unless I'm doing nothing but playing a single track, and even then, higher CPU stuff like Diva causes problems. I'm now really curious what in the hell S1 is doing. I'm also officially abandoning my favorite DAW and joining the REAPER club. Somebody drag me out behind the barn and shoot me please if the dark side twists me into one of the obnoxious fanboys who never shuts up about Reaper :suicide:
  5. Will SouthCape

    Will SouthCape Member

    Nov 19, 2015
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    it's a frigging cpu hog indeed and I hate it for it.

    But other than that I absolutely love it and wouldn't want to change it despite this serious flaw. It's the most intuitive daw I've used (maybe cause Cubase took my daw cherry, I don't think FL users would share my view) and I just get things done faster in it. It also helps that in one year of use I've yet to experience a crash. I don't use 32bit floating and all those fancy resolutions since they're not rock n roll, at all. If I did, I'd probably need to change to a different daw, I imagine.

    Also presonus team, if you're getting this. Side bars are for scrolling. Not zooming. Wtf is wrong with you?
  6. Zentropy

    Zentropy Kapellmeister

    Dec 22, 2015
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    (This isn't entirely on-topic, but...) what's wrong with them is that they're small. Like, really small. I'm a plugin dev and I found a gnarly bug in S1's VST3 handling in a weird edge case a couple days ago. I filed the bug report through the Presonus site and it turns out the people who make Studio One (Presonus "Software") are totally separate from the rest of Presonus to the point I had to resubmit the bug report to a different place where they could see it, as they're not even connected to Presonus' trouble ticketing system. I sent it and the response came from the CTO. Not sure exactly how big the team is, but it's gotta be damn small, because a CTO personally responding to a random third party dev bug report just doesn't happen.

    I still don't understand why things like the Mix FX are being worked on instead of the critical performance issues, but I'm damn impressed at how good S1 is given their obviously small team/budget.
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  7. VroundS

    VroundS Kapellmeister

    Dec 8, 2015
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    Maybe S1 have a hard time with one of the plugins in your test setup. Did you try with different setup?
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