Studio One v. 3.2.3 Released

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by Pereira, Jun 10, 2016.

  1. tapekiller

    tapekiller Kapellmeister

    Oct 5, 2015
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    remember who you are talking with, an user that came here talking shit about a software in a "update" thread.
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  2. Bassmonsta

    Bassmonsta Ultrasonic

    Oct 12, 2014
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    S1 is a powerful DAW.
  3. tapekiller

    tapekiller Kapellmeister

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Spare me your bullshit, if you want to bring up S1 issues you can create a topic for that and start your circlejerk elsewhere. Just as many people already know you for your blind and naive worship of your beloved Cubase, so you can bring your self entitlement in another place.
    I came here in a "studio one v3.2.3 has been released" thread and I have to read how Cubase is superior. If that is totally normal for you then you should question your mental sanity.
    Besides, I didn't speak to you, if you have issues with my ignorance you can just ignore me and move on with your life. Or you are going to start another fight with me where you say you can hear audible differences between the summing engines? I wouldn't be surprised at all.
  4. tapekiller

    tapekiller Kapellmeister

    Oct 5, 2015
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    If what you call adult conversation include memes I can really stay away from that, your approach to the matter really shows the level of the conversation you want to have, furthermore what I'm fired from? Besides if you deny how propaganda your post look then again you should really take a step back and read your post from a different perspective, but probably you won't be able to.
    But at the end of the day I don't even have anything against you personally but against what you represent. You just happen to be the apotheosis of that.
    It's hilarious, tho, how your last reply pictures perfectly the way you are.
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  5. tapekiller

    tapekiller Kapellmeister

    Oct 5, 2015
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    I never said that you are a Steinberg employee, If you were acting on behalf of a company you'd behave like an adult (like GN does). Furthermore, if you reached the point where you have to put words in somebody's mouth it means that you start lacking arguments to sustain your point of view. But hey, you keep replying with such sarcastic tone, this must be the "adult" way you have to handle such things.
    Like always, I'm more and more tired about this kind of behaviour, because it adds nothing to the discussion and just wastes space that could have been used to give me a proper reply instead of jokingly answer with nothingness. Besides, if you still believe I have something personal against you (despite me stating otherwise) you can keep that tinfoil for yourself. You are just throwing gas on fire with this kind of behaviour.

    In conclusion, I apologize to everybody for this waste of space, I'm pretty sure that this is adding nothing to the original topic and it's my bad if I wasn't able to manage the fallout of this OT chain. I'm sure vonsteyr is clever enough to agree on that and can move this discussion in private (not that I want to, but it's better to stop this public pollution).
  6. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    You two get a room
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  7. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    If one is able to read, and I have some doubts for someone, he will be able to find the answers inside these pages; and please, never mind the "creative" aspect, we only talking about low level technical aspects; if we were real artists we would not be here.

    And many thanks for the "shit" related suggestion; we will keep in mind that for some members to discuss about a product pitfalls calls for their scatological side; let's hope they are not suffering from intestinal diseases or coprophagic tendencies.

    No way, this is not a forum for audio related discussons, it is a repository of resentments and and fighting desires as low level supporters. No one has been able to challenge with true and real data the evidence provided by big_lebowsky, while in almost all forum is spoken of as the fundamental flaw of S1.

    And without prejudice to the premise: we all love this DAW
    No way, only shit ....involved propaganda .. having also the courage to speak about low level conversation.....
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  8. tapekiller

    tapekiller Kapellmeister

    Oct 5, 2015
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    That's literally what I said in the end.
  9. tapekiller

    tapekiller Kapellmeister

    Oct 5, 2015
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    I actually replied but you know what? Fuck it, I don't have time to keep replying to sombody claiming that a daw sounds better than another, and that in every S1 related thread chimes in to say how better Cubase is.
    Try to do that in real life, go to a Harley Davidson convention and start shouting how Triumph motorbikes are better, then come back and tell me how it felt. Everybody can draw their own conclusions, but I have yet to see somebody hearing src artifacts on mixed real life material.
    I admit I did speak about cpu efficiency a while back, somebody then (not von-steyr of course) did some tests which were more than welcome. He actually backed up his claims instead of linking images and memes. I could probably be wrong, but somebody did some actual research and threw out some data. To also be taken into account there is this, from s1 forum:

    Now, if the kind guy above didn't get it yet, I am against his behaviour and sense of self entitlement in every S1 related thread.
    AND AGAIN, if he really wants to keep going, we can move this conversation elsewhere, as I already said.
  10. Piszpunta

    Piszpunta Kapellmeister

    Jun 11, 2016
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    You both are wasting your time and energy, because neither of you will ever convince the other one. And the rest of us is just bored with this fight.
  11. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Take it outside! :rofl:

  12. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Von_Steyr, if you are happy with whatever other DAW which is not the subject of this (and many other) thread, what is the purpose of repeatedly criticizing S1 here and always with added Cubendo praise?

    I wonder why would anybody spend so much time posting and fighting against something that he doesn't use.
    In contrast I could easily come up with quite believable theories why would somebody search opportunities to praise other DAWs in competing DAW's threds.

    It is also strange that despite numerous people telling you the same nothing makes impact on your direction as if you enjoy creating mess (numerous irrelevant photos in your posts show that passion).
    It is perfectly understandable why would OP or me criticize S1 as we actually use it and desperately want it to be more efficient and improved.

    Some of us would appreciate if you'd keep Cubendo out of S1 discussions in the future unless it brings something relevant to the topic.
    You know that you are free to start S1 vs Cubendo thread and enjoy yourself to the fullest there.
  13. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    "Fanboy", "Fanatic"?
    Told you that you can't have opinion?
    Maybe you should read post again.

    I politely invited you to have opinion in a dedicated thread. Not interested? How come?
    BTW you didn't answer questions (if that was an attempt) by stating that you demoed it. We understand that, you tried it, didn't like it, no need to spam us over and over with it. Because we cannot help you with that.
    Let's move on.
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  14. tapekiller

    tapekiller Kapellmeister

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Yea guys I'm done, sorry again for this annoyance.
  15. SyphonX

    SyphonX Kapellmeister

    May 23, 2013
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    Hey guys! Give Von_Steyr some slack! What you all do not see is that Von_Steyr is a POWER-USER!
    Cubase gives him the POWER to spam the whole board with comments about the greatest DAW of all times: Cubase.
    He makes projects with 200+ tracks (that's what POWER-USERS do...) and still has POWER left to fill the whole board with comments.
    So don't blame him: He just has to much POWER!
    And above all: He means well....
    So keep calm and put your ears on.... :mates:

    P.s. I used Cubase on ATARI a long time ago and it really was the best DAW. But hey, times change.... :yes:
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  16. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Hahaha ... very funny. Since Mister Faoki left us, then we have to find another punching ball. And because we're just a bunch of internet cowards, we must smash him all together. So fair.
    Everyone has a big mouth here, but as soon as it comes to the facts... woops... there is no longer anyone.

    Here are the facts (again):

    1. I'm not a "power user", I just want to work with more than 3 (YES, THREE) VST instruments and 1 (YES, ONE) reverb without having to deal with audio glitches
    2. I don't work with CUBASE but with S1
    3. I LOVE S1 for its unsurpassed workflow
    4. I HATE REAPER for its substandard workflow

    Now, my laptop is a shit, okay, but why can I work with 2 or 3x more VST instruments and FX in REAPER than in S1 if it's not because S1 CPU optimization SUCKS HARD?

    Answer to THIS question with logical / valid arguments or... STFU!
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  17. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    ... and all that just because you want best for us, right?
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  18. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Nobody here is denying that optimizations sucks and we already covered everything logical.
    There are better optimized DAWs if you want them, there are more powerful computers if you can afford them.
    We doubt that Presonus will fix this soon as it seams that with each major upgrade things get worse.

    Having said that, on my system (which is near identical to the one OP has) I can run over 70 simultaneous VSTIs and over double that of VSTs (on higher buffers) before I have to think about freezing tracks which would give you a lot more depending on HD you have.
    But I am sorry, that is nowhere near 300 tracks that you need to have to be called (by some people here) a "professional" or "power user" which reminds me how we shouldn't have good soundtracks and anything worth listening until 300 tracks were invented by Steinberg.

    Actually, Mr Von_Steyr, would you be so kind to send us a link to one of your songs or soundtracks featuring Cubendo with 300+ tracks?
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  19. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    ^^THIS :wink:.
  20. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Nobody assumed anything about your personality. You received several complaints about you spamming us with the same stuff and this is your behavior not your personality so personal remarks that you chose in response to that aren't really called for.
    If you count personal remarks that you did to several members (just in this thread) you might come to a better conclusion about who's personality is what.

    Again you "fail" to see that we agree 100% on S1 CPU efficiency problem so why pretend that this is the point we ask or argue in response to your posts?
    BTW I do send my feedback to Presonus and if you didn't do the same already now would be a good time, that is if you cared about better outcome for the S1.

    In effort to better understand your comparative statements let me ask you again; would you be kind enough to post a link to your 200/300+ track song (or embed it or a part of it here)? That would be pretty informative to all of us who work in S1 especially if you mention the computer configuration that you used in making that song.
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