Studio One 4

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by LALALA, May 22, 2018.

  1. ThorntonQ

    ThorntonQ Producer

    Jun 21, 2018
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    Studio One 4.0.0 R2R keygen license not accepted a new R2R keygen required for version 4.0.1 I assume?
  2. playtime

    playtime Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2016
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    Yeah, PRO is the version you'd probably want. Take a look at version comparison HERE
  3. blackbeard2099

    blackbeard2099 Newbie

    Aug 5, 2016
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    How did you get the update?
  4. pauliewog

    pauliewog Kapellmeister

    Apr 5, 2017
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    When you make a mypresonus account to download a free trial and get some of the content. I hope r2r releases a updated keygen for 4.0.1!
  5. ThorntonQ

    ThorntonQ Producer

    Jun 21, 2018
    Likes Received:
    I have the working patch/keygen for S1 v4.0.1 Pro but have no idea how to upload it for all to use.
  6. Caddell

    Caddell Newbie

    Jan 10, 2017
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    You can download from HERE

    [Edit] Removed link as it was against the rules. Sorry
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2018
  7. pauliewog

    pauliewog Kapellmeister

    Apr 5, 2017
    Likes Received:
    I just found it on another site I go to. I'll see if it's the real deal or not.
  8. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    it works fine, you dont even have to use the keygen if you already had 4.0 by r2r.
    this is just not a scene release and I guess thats why isn't so widespread yet.

    for those who have earlier blocked the exe in advanced firewall settings, remember that when you uninstall and re-install those settings will be overruled so you have to block in and out again or else you will keep getting de-registered.
  9. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    You should read the rulls, no links to sites like that are to be posted but you can PM users if ya like.

    i know ya think you are helping but if its not shared on AZ you should wait till it is.
    After looking at one version i found on a torrent site and its not patched right
    they also added old files from v4 that will mess up the update cause the bug fixes were made to the new files.
    Not sure about the version you shared but would give it a miss after seen the other copy.
  10. pauliewog

    pauliewog Kapellmeister

    Apr 5, 2017
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    Is it just a exe patch fix?
  11. Caddell

    Caddell Newbie

    Jan 10, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Sorry about that. The reason I linked that site is because it is SoftArchive, and they are listed on our "Friendly Sites". Also they link to AudioZ
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2018
  12. blackbeard2099

    blackbeard2099 Newbie

    Aug 5, 2016
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    So I have to uninstall 4.0 before installing 4.1? I already got the patch but it doesn't work, all I did was replacing the .exe.
  13. Tear

    Tear Noisemaker

    Jun 14, 2016
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    Hi friend you can send me the link with PM for patch\keygen for S1 v4.0.1 Pro? I hope your help. Many thanks and big hug.
  14. pauliewog

    pauliewog Kapellmeister

    Apr 5, 2017
    Likes Received:
    I installed 4.0.1 over 4.0.0 and patched the exe without the keygen and all seems well.
  15. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    Same way always used for v. 3 and always working
  16. HeklaCF63

    HeklaCF63 Guest

    Good day my friend! Can you PM me the patch please?
  17. usernone

    usernone Producer

    Jun 19, 2011
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    Studio One Version 4.1 is released! :D Seems like a fairly significant update too.


    PreSonus Studio One 4.1 Free Update Announced - New Pipeline XT Plug-in, Improved Tempo Options, Better AAF Support And Cue Mix Solos Fixed

    PreSonus, the makers of Studio One, has today announced Studio One 4.1 with a raft of new features and bug fixes, it is free to existing owners of Studio One 4.

    Features And Improvements At A Glance
    • Support for ATOM Production and Performance Pad Controller

    • New Pipeline XT plug-in for routing external effects

    • Extended Note Repeat with keyboard remote

    • Tempo Automation

    • Beat-linear timeline option

    • Improved manual tempo mapping

    • Tap tempo via MIDI or keyboard shortcut

    • AAF export options (including embedded AAF support)

    • Import Song Data from song template

    • New “Cue mix mute follows channel” option

    • [Windows 10] System DPI scaling option for third-party plug-ins

    • [Windows] “Enable High DPI Mode” option is back

    • New look for External Device panels and QWERTY Keyboard

    The following issues have been fixed:

    • [macOS Mojave] Scrambled icons in message boxes
    • [macOS] Accessibility zoom breaks context menu
    • [macOS] Deadlock on clicking main menu bar with system file selector open
    • [Windows] Help Viewer doesn't adapt to different monitor DPI
    • [Melodyne] Editor not immediately opening on edit
    • [Chord Track] Wrong detection inside arpeggios
    • [Chord Track] Accidentals not displayed correctly in the pop-up selector
    • [Drum Editor] Unwanted double notes when duplicated
    • [Drum Editor] Duplicating notes with swing are placed in wrong location
    • [Track Inspector] Automation controls background missing
    • [Track Inspector] Event FX container doesn't remember size
    • [Track Inspector] Automation parameter select-box text is hidden by color field
    • [Presence XT] Ping Pong looping issue with short samples
    • [Presence XT Editor] Crash on copying zones
    • [Impact XT] Amp envelope should be exponential
    • [Impact XT] Missing "Cancel" button on initial sample search
    • [Impact XT] Pad Names are overwritten while editing (user vs file name)
    • Macro toolbar scripting error
    • Pitch editing doesn't accept B from keyboard, changes it to A#
    • Enabling Note Repeat aftertouch + playing aftertouch causing infinite note
    • REX file import issue when song sample rate is different from file
    • Playback of stretched audio sometimes incorrect
    • Remotes do not generate undo steps for all parameter changes
    • Wrong waveform drawing when creating loop range
    • Potential crash when opening detached audio editor
    • Channel macros lost connection to parameters on Import Song Data
    • Steps placement is incorrect when duplicating a Pattern
    • Plug-in thumbnail icon not inverted in light theme
    • Applying Mute on mouse down causes audible clicks
    • Crash on save after removing Multi Instrument
    • GUI artifacts while scrolling w/ TAB thru track name fields
    • Copying an event from a folder pastes it on a new track
    • Song parameters are reset when Time Base is changed to Frames
    • Wrong inverted note selection in a duplicated (shared) part
    • Wrong automation result after moving arranger section
    • "Move" and "Copy" w/ Ripple Edit on the same track deliver different results

    Studio One 4.1 New Feature Highlights
    Cue mix mute follows channel” option

    Something mentioned by us in our recent article Three Vital Professional Features Still Missing From Studio One We Need Now - Our 2018 List. For anyone using cue mixes with external talent then you’l know how frustrating it has been to hit solo in the control room and interrupt the mix the talent can hear in their headphones. The new Cue mix mute follows channel” option means this is no longer an issue.

    Soloing a channel in the console no longer mutes other tracks in a cue mix when this preference is disabled (Preferences>Console>Cue mix mute follows channel). The new behavior is now default (unchecked). Check this box if you prefer the original behavior.

    NOTE: buses are ignored. cue mix sends are always created directly for audio tracks, even if they’re routed to buses. Therefore, the cue mix will not contain bus level, pan and FX.

    Pipeline XT Plug-in

    The popular Pipeline plug-in has received a major overhaul for this release. Pipeline XT comes with a complete user interface makeover, as well as following new features and improvements:

    • Automatic latency compensation: instead of sending a “ping” through the external effects processor and adjusting the delay manually, you can now simply click the “Auto” button after setting up the send and return connections and the latency will be measured and compensated automatically. You can then use the Offset parameter to make manual adjustments

    • The maximum delay has been increased from 5,000 samples to 32,000 samples

    • The stereo Pipeline XT plug-in now supports mono sends without losing a second hardware output. This is particularly useful for external processors such as digital reverb units or guitar pedals with mono inputs and stereo outputs

    • Adjustable background color: as with Impact XT and Sample One XT, click on the PreSonus logo to cycle through eight different background colors

    • Custom image support: take a snapshot of your external effects processor and drag it into the Pipeline XT center display. This allows you to capture hardware settings for later “manual recall”. Click on the image to expand to full size. You can switch between image view, ping view and oscilloscope.

    • A new note pad allows you to add text notes to your presets (for example you can include specific setup instructions or parameter settings for your external hardware processor)

    Of course, background color, device name, custom image and text notes are saved with your Pipeline XT presets.

    Finally, using Pipeline XT no longer forces real-time export and bouncing when Pipeline XT isn’t in the current audio signal chain.

    Improved Tempo Features

    Tempo Automation - One of the most popular feature requests by composers. Editing tempo on the Tempo Track now uses the familiar automation editing tools. This includes ramps and curves, faster editing and better visibility. This goes hand in hand with the next feature...

    Beat-linear timeline - The time ruler options context-menu now has a new timebase option “Time-linear”. It allows you to switch between time-linear and beat-linear timebase. This option comes in handy when editing tempo events on the Tempo Track. With timebase set to Time-linear, the grid no longer jumps under the mouse pointer. Bars and beats always have the same size, only the cursor speed changes when the tempo is changed.

    “Time-linear” is still the default setting. Of course, this setting shows no effect when there aren’t any tempo changes (both time and beats are linear in this case).

    Customizable Tempo Display range - To improve tempo editing and visibility, the Tempo Track display range can be narrowed down to a musically meaningful range. Minimum and maximum tempo can be set independently. These settings are saved with the song.

    Improved AAF Export Options

    There’s some great AAF updates which will be welcome for those using Pro Tools, for example both the split stereo tracks to mono and better options to choose between embedded or referenced audio.

    The following options are now available when exporting a Studio One song as AAF file:

    • Embed audio: with this option enabled, the WAV or AIFF audio files will be embedded instead of referenced

    • Split stereo tracks: you want this option enabled when exporting AAF for Pro Tools which doesn’t support stereo tracks in AAF files

    • Convert audio files: creates copies of audio files in another format. Choose between WAV and AIFF, with options for resolution and sample-rate

    • Trim audio files: this option helps reducing the file size by eliminating unused regions in audio files. Set a head or tail to keep some audio outside the event ranges for controlling fades or crossfades

    • Export pan: keep this unchecked if you’re exporting AAF for an application which doesn’t recognize pan automation (such as Logic Pro)

    • Legacy mode: improves compatibility with older applications (AAF v1.0 instead of v1.1; use this option for Digital Performer)

    Extended Note Repeat

    The note repeat option is now more powerful and makes sense when put into context with the recent announcement of the PreSonus ATOM controller.

    Note Repeat has been vastly improved and works great for both recording and live performance.

    The Record Panel now has a cog wheel icon as button to open the new Note Repeat settings panel. Note Repeat now has its own section in the Record Panel. Here you can activate/deactivate Note Repeat, select a repeat rate, activate/deactivate Note Erase, and access more options by opening a new Note Repeat panel.

    Click on the wrench icon or activate Key Remote to display the new Note Repeat panel (also available in View menu or via assignable keyboard shortcut). Choose between basic note repeat, single and multi modes. The Note Repeat panel has the following functions

    • Active: turns note repeat on or off (cmd+shift+R)

    • Rate: sets the note repeat rate

    • Gate: sets the gate time for notes

    • Quantize: when active, notes snap to the song grid which all playing notes are aligned to (similar to “Quantize” option in Impact XT). When inactive, notes are triggered instantly when a key or pad is played. Repeat rate always follows the song tempo

    • Aftertouch: when active, key or poly pressure can be used to control note velocity (recorded as velocity for individual notes)

    • Single Mode: turns single mode on or off. In single mode, the last pitch played before single mode was turned on is triggered from all remote keys at different repeat rates

    • Base: sets the base note for remote keys

    • Pitch: sets the sound triggered by the remote keys

    • Key Remote: enables key remote mode for controlling all Note Repeat functions from a keyboard controller. Can be used in combination with Single Mode.

    • Base: sets the base note for remote keys (make sure to use a range outside of your drum kit’s or instrument’s note triggers)

    • Range: sets the remote keys range (the higher the range, the more functions can be controlled via remote keys)

    • Note Erase: enables note erase mode. When active and while in record, playing a key will erase any note events recorded on that key.

    Note Repeat works great with any keyboard controller. However, you want to make sure that the base notes for Key Remote or Single Mode are set so the remote key switches don’t conflict with your instrument trigger notes.

    For Windows Users
    Studio One 4.1 adds a new System DPI Scaling option for third-party plug-ins on Windows so that they appear at the normal size expected by the user on high-DPI 4K and 5K screens.

    This new option is available from each plug-in window options menu (“Enable System DPI Scaling”). When enabled, plug-in GUIs are bitmap-stretched by the operating system to the higher DPI size. The GUI will appear blurry in this case, which is expected when the plug-in doesn’t provide native high-DPI graphic UI resources.

    This feature requires Windows 10 with the April 2018 Update (version 1803). Please note that System DPI Scaling might cause graphical glitches in third-party plug-ins that Studio One can't fix.

    For complete high-DPI compatibility these plug-ins need to be updated by the vendor.

    How To Get Studio One 4.1
    Existing Studio One 4 owners can update using the Update function within Studio One 4 or by logging into their My PreSonus Account on the PreSonus website.For Windows Users
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2018
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  18. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    Downloaded and running sweetly so far.
    Good update :wink:
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  19. usernone

    usernone Producer

    Jun 19, 2011
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    I hope to get to test it out soon... It's on my short list of apps to consider purchasing either this black friday, or holiday season.
  20. XImpalerX

    XImpalerX Ultrasonic

    Sep 14, 2018
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    Anyone know if you can apply the 4.1.1 update over the 4.1.0 R2R release or does it need to be patched again?
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