Studio One 4

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by LALALA, May 22, 2018.

  1. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Yes, but I got it working somehow, sorry I don’t remember how... so, just a heads up that it should work after some trial and error...
  2. iam_groot

    iam_groot Newbie

    May 29, 2018
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    maybe is not the best DAW (yet)
    but, i love using it.
  3. voidSeeker

    voidSeeker Kapellmeister

    Oct 22, 2016
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    This thing is great like Cubase without the old bloated code. I wish the GUI was a little more 3D but they seem to be working on it. Once they add Articulation maps, it's so close to Cubase functionality with the zip of Reaper but without the sloppy GUI, menus and the rest, that I never want to open that dinosaur Cubase again.

    I actually sold my copy of Cubase Pro in a fit of insanity, so praise R2R for bringing this to us so quickly!!! I've been a bit low in funds to buy this which I will soon given this update and where they are going...
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  4. mickey

    mickey Ultrasonic

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Please Guys, How do we get StudioOne Add on (Grooves, Macros and Additional Presets) from Presonus Exchange. Is it possible anyone have it and could upload it.
  5. voidSeeker

    voidSeeker Kapellmeister

    Oct 22, 2016
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    That would be lovely. Can't figure it out so far other than to buy it legit...
  6. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    I'm disappointed with this S1 released some days ago on the sister site...
    I couldn't make it working unless my internet was diconnected.I tried to block it via my firewall(windows Defender,win10) but it didn't work.
    Once I tried it after I disconnected my Ethernet port,I was really badly surprised by the "new"("new" because not much things have been updated) GUI,which I find more horrible yet than the v.3.5(and the v.3.5 was really not nice).The new track inspector is really not a success for me.
    I loaded one of my projects from my v3.5 and I have been nicely surprised with Omnisphere,Serum,and 2 or 3 vstis not working and missing...

    This is too much for me,nothing have made me liking this v4.
    I have uninstalled it and come back to my v3.5 which has no porblem anymore.And at least as beautiful as the new one.
    Really disappointed,I hoped something really new,and not this tiny chord track/drum patterns and some small improvements on their sampler and GUI.They had a lot of work to make their GUI more beautiful and they haven't done it.There is no comparison with the Cubase's GUI.
    What I think is daily positive is the midi editor.But all these bugs/issues have put me off before I can try them.
    Last edited: May 29, 2018
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  7. virtualsound100

    virtualsound100 Member

    Feb 16, 2016
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    Studio 4 Problems ?
    here again a summary

    Ok, here are some temporary solutions, if someone has crashed much vst plugins through the plugin scanner from studio 4, the studio one.exe (studio4) and the PlugInScanner.exe should run for LAN in the windows firewall or with another firewall make free, but first clean the vstblacklist of the crashed entries under C: \ Users \ yourname \ AppData \ Roaming \ PreSonus \ Studio One 4 \ x64 \ PluginBlacklist.settings, VstBlacklist.settings and Vstplugins.settings all should be clean, ok then scan it all over again , I myself only use the Windows Firewall with the tool Windows 10 Control Pro, where I have set the Studio One 4 and the plug-in scanner on LanOnly or LANGame under Programs, so the scan should run smoothly.

    For those who have problems with the studio 4 add-on, if you have studio 3 installed, make a backup of all studio 3 and addons licenses with winrar and delete all license after that, before you install studio 4, the key will regenerate the new licenses for studio 4 and after starting in the program studio 4 you choose the new (only for studio 4) licenses and start studio 4 new, so you can use the plugins for studio 4.

    Ok, if someone has a hangover when scanning the plugins instruments and studio 4 freezes, you can delete the instruments.dll, and the start will work, but unfortunately the impakt XT and presence xt, the new sampleone not existence, To use these instruments anyway, you should first install studio 3, unless you already have it installed. 1. Make a backup of the user.license of studio 4 and after the backup overwrites this file with the user.license file of studio 3, launches now studio 4 as usual, you are asked at each start with the license, but you load the Studio One 4 Professional.license from studio 4 and then the instruments ( impact xt, sampleoneXT... ) from studio 4 work, unfortunately this process has to be done at every start of studio 4, 1. copy user.license of studio 3 go to the studio 4 folder where your user.license from studio 4 is, overwrite this and then start studio 4, on request, the Studio One 4 Professional.license load, so he scans through. Maybe new patch fixed this problem. greetz by me
  8. miguel88

    miguel88 Member

    Jan 20, 2016
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    if you wanna have studio one 4 working just buy on the store, I cant understand that peoples even they don't buy the daw I can understand to use some plugins and instruments from sister site that are expensive but studio one is very affordable not like Cubase, Ableton or pro tools that cost a fortune
  9. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    I hope it works if you buy it...But today I haven't 389€ to buy it.I don't think you can say it's cheap.I read on a site that their Fat Channel costs 500€!!!And they are not vsts,you can just use them with S1.

    EDIT: Error,their Fat Channel Collection (5 EQ,6 compressors) costs 526 €.

    Thanks a lot for your advices @virtualsound100 ;I'm trying a new install and I will see.
    Last edited: May 30, 2018
  10. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    @virtualsound100 you are the best! Now S1 opens and my Serum works!
    Thanks a lot man!:mates:
  11. 21rae

    21rae Newbie

    May 29, 2018
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    [Quote = "Mickey, post: 335.549, člen: 25458"] Prosím, kluci, jak se dostaneme StudioOne Přídavná (Drážky, maker a doplňkové předvolby) z Presonus Exchange. Je možné, někdo ho a mohl nahrát. [/ Quote]

    Jsem stále hledají na internetu a čekat na někoho, kdo se o něj podělit. Bohužel, já jsem jeden z těch lidí, kteří jsou skutečně chudí a nemohou si dovolit utrácet takové peníze na software. Chápu lidi, kteří jsou nadává, že jsem nekoupil originální software, ale ještě pochopit lidi, kteří si to nemohou dovolit, i když chtějí
  12. wakiki

    wakiki Noisemaker

    Nov 5, 2013
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    Exactamente igual te podria contestar con cualquier plugin o daw, puesto que mas barato o mas caro la pelicula es la misma. Yo tampoco puedo entender a la gente como tu que dice que es lo correcto y lo que no en temas que ni le van ni le vienen. Ahi tienes mi opinion campeon, que como cada uno tiene la suya y algunas son como el culo, es mejor decirtelo sin usar palabras soeces. A buen entendendor pocas palabras bastan. Verguenza la tuya.
  13. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    when you buy it legit you can login with your account . dont expect everything for free .
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  14. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
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    sister site or not, this is useless to me when I can't even get basic transport controls working on Komplete Mk2. I don't understand why something like that isn't universal in today's world.
  15. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    Any chance some of use can jone in over on the fl studio 20 post
    its had 4 updates in a week and only 3.500 views .
    While studio one 4 had no updates after the final releast and has 40.000 views
    use also have 11 pages of wrighting and we only got two :dunno:
    All SPAM is welcome :rofl:
  16. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    Yeah, the 4 update is working well here. I don't bother with the grooves and shit, but the new impact libraries are worth having.
  17. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    same in this case , you can only buy those impact libs , but you needs to buy Studio One as well , it does not work with an cracked version if you have buy those expansions if its worth for you to have . thats sadly the truth .
  18. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    Agree, and hope they don't get released here, well not too soon anyway.
    I'm okay with the crack being fair game to all, but the extras are what us legit buyers do to keep the developer in business.
    Without us, they, and warez users would both be shit out of luck.
  19. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    Just make your own Impact XL kits guys, it's easier than ever as you can just grab 128 samples and drag and drop them to make a kit.
  20. LALALA

    LALALA Kapellmeister

    Oct 26, 2015
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    I've been thinking about it too, but unfortunately all my kits saved as B4 monolith kits.
    I knew something like that will happen, when I've been saving all those samples by that way.:deep_facepalm:
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