Studio one 3.5.1[R2R] License has not issued to this computer error

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by Shanu, Nov 23, 2017.

  1. pauliewog

    pauliewog Kapellmeister

    Apr 5, 2017
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    Since my last post I haven't had any issues updating S1 to a new version. I just make sure S1 is blocked using a firewall and follow the way I posted before. If S1 isn't reading your plugins then you need to see where S1 is looking for them and what system folder they are in. I had that issue before and S1 some how changed where it was looking. It's a easy fix! Anyways, if you installed it right your home screen should look like this. Screenshot (2).png
  2. reseven

    reseven Newbie

    Jan 20, 2018
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    I tried installing kb4043961 manually but it wouldn't install. I suspect that it's been rolled up into one of the cumulative updates which I did install. I keep my machine blocked from the internet by disabling the NIC. I did enable it and there were some updates available but they did not resolve the authorization issue.
  3. t66t

    t66t Noisemaker

    May 2, 2016
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    I opened a support ticket, but after receiving some advice, I was able to dig deeper and eventually figure the issue out.

    Studio One ties at least part of its activation to the machines NIC and/or MAC address. I had VPN software installed and although it wasn't active or connected the software creates a virtual NIC within Windows. Upon every reboot, that virtual NIC's MAC address changes and S1 then thinks the machine is different and the prior license fails. This happens regardless of online or offline activation methods.

    Through some tinkering, I've found a suitable resolution. After uninstalling the VPN software, I was able to activate and stay activated after reboots. I was then able to re-install the VPN software and remain activated (tested after several more reboots). Activating S1 without that VPN virtual NIC present seems to have bound it to my 'real' NIC (being the only adapter present), so even after reinstalling the VPN software, it remains tied to the physical NIC instead and I remain activated.

    If you have license issues, check to see if you have any software that's creating or interfering with your NIC and/or its identity via MAC address or otherwise.
  4. mickey

    mickey Ultrasonic

    Jan 24, 2016
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    same problem here
  5. reseven

    reseven Newbie

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Thanks for the info, that does help shed some light on this. I don't have VPN software installed but it does give me something to think about.
    I did find a symlink installer for 3.5.1 - I haven't tried it yet to see if it works.
  6. reseven

    reseven Newbie

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Update- I couldn't find any clear instructions on how to get the symlink version working.
    I re-installed 3.5.4 and just figured I'd deal with reactivation every time. I started to do some cleanup of unnecessary things running in order to reduce my latency. My motherboard has wireless capabilities so I figured I'd uninstall that adapter since I would just be using the wired adapter to update Windows when needed. So the next day I booted up and when I ran Studio One it didn't need re-activation. Somehow disabling the wireless adapter stopped it from needing re-activation.
    Just thought I'd pass this along. It may help some who are having the activation issue.
  7. Relic187

    Relic187 Newbie

    Apr 27, 2020
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    Just to let everyone know how to solve this problem in windows,you need to go into your firewall rules you created to block studio 1 & then manually copy & paste your filepath to replace the filepath that gets entered when you browse & select studioone3.exe,what happens is that the filepath gets entered wrong when you browse for it using the browse box,so you need to manually correct it so the outbound/inbound rule knows what to block correctly. You will all find that this fixes all your problems for good. So in conclusion you need to enter something along lines of C drive/pc/program files/studioone3.exe(I can't remember exactly what file path & it will be the path to where the exe is located
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