Studio One 2.0.6 bug?

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by tkrojam, Oct 2, 2012.

  1. tkrojam

    tkrojam Guest

    Why are the CPU meters different?
  3. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
    Likes Received:
    @ Tkrojam,

    The reason is quite simple to understand. Your Studio One 'Performance Monitor' shows a full 100 % usage - that's rather unusual for Studio One even with 'Kontakt 5' loaded within it. I can only suppose that it could be related to some polyphony excess limit, but I'm not totally sure of this fact... because within 'Kontakt 5' (as well as others versions), you can either choose to play your Libraries in 'DFD' mode (Direct From Disk), or choose to load a part of them in your 'RAM' memory.
    It could also be related to an excessive usage of effects (amount of VST Plugins used), but I don't see any trace of them (in case you use some) within your image...

    Whereas your 'Windows Task Manager', that shows a 9% of CPU usage, includes the 43 Processes that are running simultaneously within your system (either in the Background, or in the Front). One of these 43 Processes is your 'Studio One' DAW, and if you want to try to reduce your CPU consumption for any reason, you must try to find (and deactivate), among the others 42 running Processes, those that aren't essential to the good functioning of your system... BUT simply BE AWARE that some of them are mandatory for your system to work properly ! *yes*
  4. tkrojam

    tkrojam Guest

    Thanks for your reply.

    Doesn't Kontakt turn DFD on automatically itself? Should we still turn it on manually even it is Kontakt 5? (Since Kompakt...)
    CPU usage is 0% if I close S1 so it seems no any other applications occupy high CPU consumption

    Does it mean my audio interface is too poor in ASIO performance...
  5. ptpatty

    ptpatty Platinum Record

    Dec 20, 2011
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    USA (East Coast)
    I think it has something to do with the fact that Studio One's monitor show's the usage of the core that is carrying the biggest load where as window's monitor shows the total performance across all cores.
  6. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    tkrojam, why did you ask the question? Do you have any problem in your setup?
    Does S1 Pro's CPU meter change if you increase the ASIO driver latency setting?

    OK, this is a few days old but I'll have another guess anyway:
    A good CPU meter imho is one that shows maximum CPU values within the time intervals that CPU load is measured, because a single CPU spike is enough to cause an audio glitch or dropout.

    Windows Task manager in contrast shows average CPU load within the measurement interval, and the fastest rate it will run is about 2 measurements per second (View -> Update Speed -> High), which is much too slow for troubleshooting audio problems.

    It seems like S1 Pro shows the highest CPU load it has seen in the current measurement interval, but that's only a guess.
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