Studio Gear => A New Pair of Cans

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by lysergyk, Oct 15, 2011.

  1. lysergyk

    lysergyk Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2011
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    thanks man for the info about the amp you got, that's interesting =) I have also noticed one, a behringer amp800 at more or less the same price that seems to do the job nicely...any thoughts? and out of curiosity what headphones do you use?

    after what I read about ultrasone, I must say that never have I seen so many different opinions about one brand!, so I need you to tell me a bit more...

    first which model did you try because they dont all sound the same? was it a PRO/proline...or their other line called HFi

    then how long did you listen to the model you got (5 min...30min...more than 1hour?) some people apparently need more time than other to get used to the sound of that brand and hear the sound properly..also were the cans you tried open or semi-open or closed?

    did you use an amp when you listened?

    finally were the headphones burned-in...people mention something like 500 or 600 hours of burn-in before the trebles become tamed and the cans sound like what they should.

    thanks a lot for your help :bow:
  2. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I would prefer the ART over the Behringer. Maybe it does the job nicely, but it's all plastic and looks and feels cheap, whereas the ART is a solid metal construction.
    This is it:
    The knobs are a joy to touch and turn, which is surely not the case with the Behringer, this I can tell from the picture alone.

    I choosed it, because I didn't want to spend more for an amp, and read a big shooutout-test about headphone amps from 20 - 250 Euro.
    In this test it made the second place, only beaten by the most expensive amp of all models, one from Lake People.
    I could give you a link to the test, but it's in German.

    I use the Beyerdynamic DT 770 (a customized model directly from the Beyer factory).

    To be honest, I didn't try the Ultrasones for a long time, surely you need longer time for a real judgement. It's just that because of the all plastic design it felt "cheap" for me, and also the sound didn't convince me, at least I could tell that it was not in the same league as the above mentioned models (which were all hanging also there in the shop, so I could compare directly).
    I don't know which models I tried, but definitely from the PRO line, as the shop is a shop for musicians, and they only had studio headphones there. I think one was around 120 Euro, and the other one around 180.

    But in any case, the only real recommendation one can give regarding headphones (and monitors), that you really have to try them, because everybody prefers a different sound, but also because with cans also the wearing comfort is a very important factor, which in no case should be underestimated! And only trying can reveal, if a can is comfortable for you.

    Just a tip from me for people who want really good headphones for small money: the Shure SRH 440 is very hard to beat, in my opinion.
    I tried it several times, and for this price (~85 Euro) I never heard anything which comes even close. Solid build quality, comfortable, great sound. They will be my next (secondary) headphones for tracking.
  3. lysergyk

    lysergyk Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2011
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    thanks for taking the time to anwer all my questions =)

    I'll have a look at your amp and may order it...dunno yet, I still have to think about it, cuz then it means I'll have to carry it around too!..though the fact that you use the UA25 and recommend it is a good incentive!lol

    as for cans you tried, they were in a lower category price/quality-wise (not that price means anything but we're dealing with different models from the same brand, price is an indication)

    and if the ones you tried were all plastic they were the old batch...probably 550 and 650 considering the prices ...the ones I'm planning to get are the PRO(proline) 750 and the are sold at 300 I expect them to sound better than those you tried...well hopefully! lol
    again, where I live I cant try them or any other decent models for that matter, and that's why I'm asking so many questions and reading so many threads....

    you have the DT770 (which? 32, 250 or 600ohms?) do you use them for mixing/mastering music (or playing the guitar maybe?)
    I considered the 770 as they are cheap and have a relatively good reputation but gave up on them as they were described as bassy and giving an average soundstage. I'm still very interested in the DT880 (250 or 600ohms) that I reckon should sound rather similar with the one you have..the 880 may be a bit more defined and airy...I really need a pair of can that is clinical and very close to a monitoring system
    any comments on your DT770?

    otherwise for a cheap but excellent pair of headphones, I can also recommend one...Grado RS60i.....really good and ridiculously cheap for that level of quality!..I might even get a new pair to replace an old pair of mine that I left behind when I moved home!
  4. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    First of all you have to decide for what you need your headphones, because that determines if you have to buy a closed, or open model (or semi-open).

    If you just want it for mixing and mastering (and listening to music), then an open or semi-open model is usually recommended.
    If you want to use it for recording, then you need a closed model, so that you have as little overspill as possible to the microphone.

    I use my DT 770 mostly for recording, and to hear some details which I can't with my monitors. For example, if I make cuts, or put two takes together, I always check with headphones, because there can be some clicks which you don't always hear with monitors, but with cans you do. Also very useful for detecting slightest amounts of hiss, buzz etc.
    For mixing and mastering I use my monitors.

    For the differences between the various ohm versions check the manufacturer HP please.

    I am very satisfied with the DT770, I don't really understand why many people claim they are too bassy, I think that is just in comparison with open models. If you want to hear headphones with too much bass, check the Audio Technica ATH-M50 or the KRK KNS 8400 (absolutely ridicoulous).
    The 880 is said to have the most balanced tone, though.
    You can't really go wrong with one of the 770/880/990s.

    If you have 300 Euro to spend, then I would even consider buying a closed AND an open model, Shure SRH 440 and AKG 701 together would be even a bit under 300 Euro, for example.
  5. lysergyk

    lysergyk Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2011
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    yep I know the difference between closed/semi/open and the influence on the sound, I've used all kinds and my favourite is definitely semi open / closed
    I dont like open cans that much tough it's true they sound a bit more natural

    about the DT770 impedance, I was asking about YOUR model, I already checked all the different version (have spent so much time on finding the right headphones, I could write a book! its becoming ridiculous! lol)

    good you talked about the KRK cuz I considered this model and the ATHm50 too...funny as they've good pretty good reviews actually...but already had a look at the frequency reponse chart and what you say confirms what I tought (especially for the KRK)...but saw mentioned in no test/review

    well with all his I still dont know what i'll eventually get now (lol) ...but I might go the GRado SR60i/DT770 or K701+ART way as you I cant try any, I'll probably be better off with "reference" headphones...after checking, the 880 seems not very sturdy actually and no detachable cord...I'll keept bay! ^^

    thanks for all the info man
  6. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Mine is the standard version with 250 Ohm, I guess.
    Yes, this one, just with nicer colour:

    The ATH-M50 does sound good indeed, it's just really not neutral sounding. For listening to music, I could definitely recommend them, but not for studio work (just for recording they are OK, of course).
    The KNS 8400 on the other hand has so much bass that it would be even too much for me just for listening to music. I don't understand how they can market these as neutral studio headphones... which they are in no way.
  7. lysergyk

    lysergyk Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2011
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    that's the problem, most reviews or opinions about HP are from a listener some of the cans that are recommended are not fit for purpose at all....
    after all this I'm still considering 2 options: DT770+Gradosr60i//shure shr440 or ultrasone 750 ...and in all cases I'll get the ART amp

    thnaks a lot for your help and all your advice man! :wink:

    EDIT: ordered the ultrasone and the amp....will see when I get all this (mid December)
  8. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    You are welcome :mates:

    Don't forget to write a small review after you received them.
    Why does it take so long?
  9. lysergyk

    lysergyk Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2011
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    sure I will =)

    it takes so long cuz I asked to have them delivered in Europe (got em from thomann)..and I live in are coming over in Dec :boombox: :grooves:
  10. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    I went to a local Sam Ash with a CD i knew inside and out and managed to demo every pair of cans on the wall. Ended up buy the ultrasone 650's.

    Another recomendation, unless youre a DJ in a loud club, get something with off set drivers. That way the headphones use your outer ear to reflect the sound into the earhole, more like real hearing. Center mounted driver fire strainght into your ear. good for listening, but terrible for a mixing reference.

  11. lysergyk

    lysergyk Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2011
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    yep that's why I went with ultrasone, most of the mainstream reference cans actually use a pretty old 2D technology...time to move on and see what's next!
  12. lysergyk

    lysergyk Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2011
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    well I have had the ultrasone 750 for a few days now so I can give you my opinion on theses:

    first I burned mine in for more than 500 hours (3 weeks day and night)...

    then, my "setup"...PC->UA25 output max ->ART headamp4 output max->pro750
    player: foobar2000

    now what about the sound after so much burn in....

    the bass is really good, it goes very low, is very deep and tight. Honestly it's very close to what you get on monitors, so I'm very satisfied with it. It's definitely not smearing or "encroaching" on other parts of the spectrum.
    The mids are fine...they may not have the flattest curve ever but I found no particular emphasis or bump/sag anywhere (I read comments
    about some sort of a metallic quality...I heard nothing of that so far!)
    The trebles are also great, very detailed and "sharp" but in no way aggreesive. They give away a lot of details and you can clearly hear the nuances and subtleties of a musician's playing/technique

    a word about the S-logic thing that seems to be so controversial...from what I have experienced I'd say that if you listen to music (most cds/albums I'd say) it's not that important in my opinion and you wont really hear it that much (at any rate I dont!)...when mixing actually it turns out to be very helpful as you can clearly hear where you place things (actually I mean by that sort of clearly hear if things are competing with each other)...when watching films/gigs or listening to "soundscapes", I have to admit that the S-logic thingy really shines and is quite amazing as you DO feel like you're in the middle ...or it DOES sound like it's all around!

    I use these headphones for mixing audiov(and also playing the guitar) and I'm very satisfied with the accuracy and the quality of sound they offer. It's very easy to mix with them and what you do is not too far from what you'd do on monitors, so they are especially suited for that purpose IMHO. Also they give you a very clear picture of the quality of a track.

    I tried almost all styles of music and all sounded quite good.... but of course the pro750 handles classical music/acoustic instruments especially well .....but just to give you an idea, below are some of the bands I listened to with em (flac / mp3 320CBR / mp3 256 VBR):

    amon tobin - cult of luna - Godspeed You Black Emperor! - bjork - Herbie hancock - Renaud garcia-fons - BB king - Papa wemba - beastie boys - Cypress hill - Necro - Slayer - Sepultura - suicidal tendencies - Coprofago - Ribspreader - Hypocrisy - Septic Flesh - Genghi tron - Naked city - KMFDM - Nine inch nails - White zombie - Elend - Joe satriani - Ozric tentacles - Burning Spear - Dub Syndicate - Serge Gainsbourg - Dire strait - G.G allin - Radiohead - Monster Magnet - Tchaikovsky - Wagner - Laurent Ho - Foxtanz - OQP - Capsule Corporation.....

    OVERALL RATING: :wink: :wink: :wink:
  13. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Thanks for the review!
    Glad you like them *yes*

    And how do you like the small ART amp?
  14. lysergyk

    lysergyk Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2011
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    actually, as I expected I didnt really need it to drive the 750 (only 75ohms or so) but I'm enjoying it all the same, as I can now have my 3 pairs of cans all plugged at the same time (incidentally it did good to my AKG 240->600ohms) and I can quickly and conveniently switch from one to the other to monitor different things. It's compact and sturdy, doesn't hiss, hum or make any noise, its power cord is long enough to accommodate most set-up ...a pretty good piece of gear in its category =)

    thanks again for your advice
  15. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
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    surprised no one mentioned the Sony MDR-7506's

    lovely headphones.....
  16. lysergyk

    lysergyk Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2011
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    not for mixing or playing the guitar, which was the point of this no wonder nobody mentioned em actually
  17. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
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    ive mixed quite a few tracks on the 7506's and have had some great results...

    what have headphones got to do with playing guitar?
  18. lysergyk

    lysergyk Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2011
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    I know these headphones and they are not very good for mixing, better suited sound recording (like on a TV show)...I'm not gonna start a debate, you like them and that's fine...I don't...they sound quite trebly and cheap IMO...there are way better cans out there for the price if your purpose is to mix with em

    besides if you know your cans inside out, you can (pre) mix with almost anything...

    Finally FYI, loads of people play the guitar through headphones, it's nothing new or special....and as I created the topic, it was part of my the fact you're not interested doesn't mean no one else is.
  19. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    akg k271
  20. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
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    what are you talking about dude? i think maybe you read to much into things...

    i just mentioned some headphones i liked?

    why are you always so defensive?
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