Strezov Sampling releases Storm Choir 2: Sustains and Staccatos

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Diabulus in Musica, Mar 24, 2014.

  1. Diabulus in Musica

    Diabulus in Musica Platinum Record

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Storm Choir II: Sustains and Staccatos is the second module in the Storm Choir 2 series and contains the meat and potatoes content of the series: women staccatos, women sustains, men staccatos, and men sustains.

    Twelve Singers - six men and six women, recorded separately
    Sustains and Staccatos (for both men and women) covering twenty-four matching syllables
    Three dynamics (PP, MF, FFF) on all patches, from a spiritual pp up to a blistering triple-forte
    Seven mic positions - Close, Section, Decca, Outrigger, Balcony, Rear Overheads, and Mixed
    Stack Functionality (overlays a 2nd take on top, at the click of a button) *
    Syllable selection via Phrase Engine (syllable sequence) or key-switching
    'Jump-to-Sequence" brings together Phrase Engine and key-switching by allowing hands-free operation with the ability to trigger in specific points in your syllable sequence, via key-switch
    Extended ranges for men and women (E2-A4 for men and G3-C6 for women)
    Syllables edited for attack consistency and playability​
    * stack feature uses true 2nd take on staccatos and pitch-shifted 2nd take on sustains