Strezov Sampling Afflatus chapter I strings - Missing content

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Nandoly23, Jun 3, 2019.

  1. Nandoly23

    Nandoly23 Guest

    I just installed a cracked version of Afflatus Chapter I Strings, and after successfully registering it with my kontakt 6.0.3 portable whenever i load any nki file it cannot find the required samples.

    In the sample folder it only contains AfflatusChapterIStrings_X.nkx files (and a matching NKC), while kontakt is looking for way more specific files like "Arvo_4_Celli_Dyn1_Close_Sus_48".

    Anyone know why kontakt doesn't recognize the nkx files? I'm doing a "Collect Samples/Batch Compress" as we speak to extract all the ncw files but i bet this isn't the cleanest/fastest way of fixing this problem.

    Thanks in advance!

  3. toshfox

    toshfox Noisemaker

    Sep 15, 2012
    Likes Received:
    hmm I have no problem with the 1.5 version.
    I have 40 nkx, AfflatusChapterIStrings_0.nkx to AfflatusChapterIStrings_39.nkx
  4. tgunz020707

    tgunz020707 Kapellmeister

    Oct 14, 2013
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    Im not around kontakt but when you batch resave theres a box to the bottom left to search different file format then was saved in that might help ?
  5. Nandoly23

    Nandoly23 Guest

    Thanks for the suggestion, i tried it with the "Allow alternative file types" turned on but it did not work. I also noticed the nkx were read-only but turning that off also didn't do anything.

    The "Collect Samples/Batch Compress" did extract the missing files out of the .nkx but it did not load the samples correctly and also with a messed up UI. I guess i'll try a complete reinstall.
  6. Nandoly23

    Nandoly23 Guest

    Best Answer
    Alright, clean install of the library fixed all issues. Guess some file must have gone corrupted at one point!
  7. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    what is your version?
    I think you don't read update 1.1 to 1.2 instruction at strezov blog and now you have this problems.
    before copying update files you need:
    1. delete v1.1 "nicht" file
    2. delete v1.1 "nkc" and "nkr" files
    3. Completely(!!!) remove old "Instruments" folder
    now you can copy new files to library folder.

    sure... cuz the latest version - 1.2 ;)