Strange hanging behavior on new machine

Discussion in 'PC' started by lordradish, Dec 23, 2023.

  1. lordradish

    lordradish Kapellmeister

    Apr 20, 2018
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    Do you know what they are?
  2. lordradish

    lordradish Kapellmeister

    Apr 20, 2018
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    I will do this and report back with the results, thanks.
  3. AudioSox

    AudioSox Ultrasonic

    May 17, 2023
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    I have

    ASUS App Service - Disabled
    ASUS Link Near - Disabled
    ASUS Link Remote - Disabled
    ASUS Optimization - Running (Automatic)
    ASUS Software Manager - Disabled
    ASUS Switch - Disabled
    ASUS System Analysis - Disabled
    ASUS System Diagnosis - Disabled

    in Windows Services.

    Actually I left the Optimization service running, because it prevents the battery from charging to 100% and prolongs its life (a setting in MyAsus). And disabled the other services to optimize the performance and lower the latency, as suggested in various online posts.

    You can experiment with these settings while monitoring the DPC in Latencymon.
  4. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    check out this video, you don't have to watch the whole thing but watch the 1st 20 minutes or so

    this is the guy that wrote the software and he explains how to use it to figure out system problems.

    basically leave process explorer running all the time, it doesn't use much system resources, so it won't be a problem.
    when you have a problem, pop it open, and click on the header where it says "CPU" this will sort system tasks by the amount of cpu time they are consumming. The more cpu cycles a program uses (Or HOGS) the slower everything else runs, another important consideration is the priority of the task (or program) the higher the priority of the task, the less cpu time is available for all other processes. By right clicking on a task you can see and change its priority. You can also suspend or kill a task.

    as well you can set the processes affinity - This allows you to designate which cpu cores a task is allowed or not allowed to use to run its processes. You may want to dedicate several cores just for your DAW, and see what happens. These affinity changes you make go away the next time you reboot your system.

    They are ways to make the changes permanent, and Mark might go into that in his youtube talk. I didn't watch the whole thing yet. Consider these changes for now, troubleshooting tools.

    The long black bar at the top right hand side of the process explorer is a timeline and if you put your cursor in there you can see which process is using the cpu and if its doing a read or write. if you click on the bar you'll get a mini console that gives you more info and you can see how much cpu is being used via a real time graph as well as memory history and info.
  5. Guru Bug

    Guru Bug Member

    Dec 18, 2023
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  6. AudioSox

    AudioSox Ultrasonic

    May 17, 2023
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    It's also worth noting that you can drastically lower the DPC on any laptop or desktop by disabling all the junk processes that hog the system. After some Windows optimizing and de-bloating my latency is now 8 times lower than it was on a fresh install.
  7. lordradish

    lordradish Kapellmeister

    Apr 20, 2018
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    Excellent, I will check this out. Thank you.
  8. lordradish

    lordradish Kapellmeister

    Apr 20, 2018
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    Okay, an update. So, last night, I turned off all of the ASUS graphics stuff that wasn't needed, as well as Windows Security. It was a little better, but still some droputs. I ran Latency mon while checking. I also switched over to the Intel CPU for another run... it was a lot worse, got the red flag thing reaper puts up. So, I have attached both of my Latency Mon reports, the first one is when running on the NVDIA GPU, the second is the intel. I have no idea how to decipher any of this, though, or if this tells me what the problem is. I thought it was the GPU because it mentioned the NVIDIA kernel, but it got worse when I switched to the other one, so I don't know if that matters.

    Again, my last 5 laptops have all been NVIDA gaming laptops. But only this and the last one have had these same problems, and they are both ASUS laptops.

    I really appreciate all of the help here, as I'm flying pretty blind and have never been really able to get my head around what's under the hood of operating systems.

    Another question... is there an app that I can configure so it will automatically kill some processes if I run a particular program? Like, something that detects when I run reaper and shuts down whatever processes or services I specify?

    Attached Files:

  9. shinjiya

    shinjiya Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2018
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    A ton of really "dangerous" suggestions here, keep changing stuff and forgetting to revert once it does not make a difference, and you're basically making your PC worse for zero gain. I would've made a restore point, tried everything and rolled back once confirmed it's not working.

    That said, I didn't see any information about the specs of the machine other than it having an nvidia card (which one? Where did you get the drivers? What version was it?) and a lot of ram (what kind? speed?). Can you please post the full specs of the machine? One thing you might wanna try is to give your chipset drivers an update. Manually download it from the maker's website, not from Asus. While you're at it, get the network drivers directly from Intel or Realtek, depending on who made the network adapter in your PC.

    Some people here will jump at nvidia's throat based on the latencymon results. I had an nvidia card for over ten years and never had latency issues. Recently, I've switched to AMD and performance is exactly the same. No better or worse, audio just works. I think the issue might be something else. Another thing to try is to run DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) in safe mode and get rid of the Nvidia drivers. Try running latencymon again and let's see what it says when there are no display drivers installed.
  10. lordradish

    lordradish Kapellmeister

    Apr 20, 2018
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    Thankfully, I haven't done any of the dangerous things, just went in and killed processes.

    Will I be able to reinstall my Nvidia drivers with no problem if I use the DDU?

    Here's the specs. Everything is up-to-date in terms of chipset drivers and such:

    OS version: Windows 11, 10.0, version 2009, build: 22631 (x64)
    Hardware: ROG Strix G614JV_G614JV, ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC.
    BIOS: G614JV.321
    CPU: GenuineIntel 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-13650HX
    Logical processors: 20
    Processor groups: 1
    Processor group size: 20
    RAM: 65155 MB total
  11. shinjiya

    shinjiya Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2018
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    Yeah, DDU is completely safe. How did you get your Nvidia drivers? If you got it automatically from Windows Update that might be your issue. Run DDU in safe mode, download the newest drivers directly from Nvidia and see if that helps.

    Sometimes the screen gets fucked up if the BIOS is not running in UEFI, so I suggest you downloading the drivers before running DDU to speed up the process in case you are stuck in a low resolution after rebooting. Don't forget to do it in safe mode (clean and reboot option in DDU), then install the drivers you got from Nvidia.
  12. Guru Bug

    Guru Bug Member

    Dec 18, 2023
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    The Nvidia Geforce RTX cards are the ones with the highest DPC Latency (see below). I checked your latencymon-report and i can see 3 problems. 1) the high latency of the nvidia (maybe with a clean driver installation as lordradish said may help. 2) the wdf01000.sys is the real problem - but it´s not the driver, i think it´s any device that is connected via USB (this is easy to check). and 3) your cpu slows down to 260 MHz, use a other power profile in your windws energy settings or your bios settings are on cpu energy saving and they slow it down. Windows should control the cpu energy settings, else you can´t control them all. upload_2024-1-3_0-28-37.png

  13. shinjiya

    shinjiya Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2018
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    It is an Intel 13th gen, so there's also a chance it's fucking up the audio by sending it to E-cores instead of P-cores. That was (or still is) a common gaming issue, framerates crapping out because the processor is putting high load software in a low load core.

    One of many sources:
  14. Guru Bug

    Guru Bug Member

    Dec 18, 2023
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    To test if reaper is the problem, give Samplitude Pro X8 a try, the workflow is 1:1 like reaper. I use it since 1992, it´s fast and stable ...

    Edited by mod: Warez links are not allowed here.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2024
  15. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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    Have you disabled USB power suspension for all ports? That was once my problem with high DPC
  16. shinjiya

    shinjiya Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2018
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    AFAIK sister site links are not allowed here, you might want to remove it before getting a warning.
  17. AudioSox

    AudioSox Ultrasonic

    May 17, 2023
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    Well, here's the problem.

    From Latencymon Nvidia:

    Highest DPC routine execution time (µs): 1231.559401
    Driver with highest DPC routine execution time: nvlddmkm.sys - NVIDIA Windows Kernel Mode Driver, Version 546.29 , NVIDIA Corporation

    From Latencymon Intel:

    Highest DPC routine execution time (µs): 2603.793436
    Driver with highest DPC routine execution time: nvlddmkm.sys - NVIDIA Windows Kernel Mode Driver, Version 546.29 , NVIDIA Corporation

    In both cases the Nvidia driver is causing huge DPC spikes over 1ms. For comparison on my non-Nvidia laptop the highest DPC is 117µs, more than 10 times lower. Disable/uninstall the Nvidia driver completely and your system should run fine.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2024
  18. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    One of the main reasons we are seeing many nVidia problems is because for those same 10 years you mention; how few people were using Cubase. There were artist and extended versions, but you know how people in audio need the "pro version" of everything or they will not use it. We have plugins that use GPU acceleration too, but usually you can turn that off. Also, with many of the stem separation and other AI uses; we are also seeing more GPU use with CUDA acceleration. Their audio market share has increased. Linux users have had similar issues with their drivers for a long time.
  19. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    one of the 1st things I learned doing IT work, was KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) every layer of complexity adds another level of possible failures, its like spaghetti code, impossible to fix. Music is one of the easiest tasks for a modern computer and hence the need for all these extra layers of things intended for graphics and ai just add more failure points.

    But consider it an education, you get to figure out how your computer works. Me I like making music so I use old computers and old software. The luster of the new has faded completely for me.
  20. lordradish

    lordradish Kapellmeister

    Apr 20, 2018
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    I get the drivers right from NVIDIA, but I'll try this, thanks.
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