Stop stealing and support hard working developers

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by synthmaster, Sep 25, 2011.

  1. gowers

    gowers Newbie

    Jul 16, 2011
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    what a troll, why would we want that piece of shit!!!

    Man it gets me pissed.

    If your software ain't making you legit money it's not gonna appear on here, if it's good there are plenty who will buy it.

    It's like the music biz and movie biz

    The more into movies and music, the more you download and visa vie the more you buy.

    It's pretty well documented if you are into something you support it with cash. I buy loads of software, plenty more than say someone who doesn't warez anything and only tries demos.

    The majority of softs are shit and yours is too.
  2. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  3. artska

    artska Newbie

    Jul 24, 2011
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    France - Lyon
    Hi every body, i look for a plug : SynthMaster but i don't find, can you help me plz???
    Arf, it s just for the Advertising i think...3 pages on the forum, well done -.-
  4. google

    google Newbie

    Jun 18, 2011
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    in all fairness i think he was making an emotional appeal, but i think it all went wrong
  5. DivinEvil

    DivinEvil Newbie

    Oct 12, 2011
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    Everywhere & Nowhere
    8000 Man Hours divided by 24 hours in the day divided by the 4 developers credited on their site = 83.33 total days each! That leaves them all with 281.67 days of the year NOT working on this thing.

    My wife spends about that much time sewing blankets, pillows, etc with some containing special embroidery with names in script font BY FUCKING HAND TO GIVE THEM AWAY AT CHRISTMAS.

    Don't get me started I'm too new here to be going off on someone like this, but the more pretentious you get the more I want to just workout on your ass, but many have already done so... and WELL I might add, it's like they were getting paid to do it!

    Beautiful work to all those who handed him a piece, it was rather inciting.

    Vampire - I'd love to see that list... gots me some ideas of what it might include.
  6. The Producer

    The Producer Newbie

    Oct 11, 2011
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    <------------------ look at my avatar that's what his request is.........!!!!!!
  7. TkiD

    TkiD Noisemaker

    Jul 24, 2011
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    When i'm experienced/good enough to release stuff and earn money from it, i will absolutely start buying, cracked stuff is just a stop gap albeit a very useful one. And i do like the sites and peeps involved. I will start with a DAW then selected plugz.
    This is how things have been ever since i can remember, first used the Radium stuff from the 90's, but nothing serious, more into Djing (Vinyl) then, not until this year have i decided to take it seriously, i actually look forward to getting legit stuff for a change :thumbsup:
    There are masses of paying customers out there to keep the developers going, developers that are worth the time that is.
    All the users of cracked software are future customers, clever developers know this, almost everyone knows this *yes* .
    Synthmaker has created quite a buzz here, i think that was the plan eh? :rofl:
  8. google

    google Newbie

    Jun 18, 2011
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    i was always 100% crack, but now i buy a few vsts and samples.

    I say:

    "Show me a famous DJ or Dance music Musician that didn't use a cracked Cubase at some point or a pirate sample CD.(I'm talking £2000 DJ set types)."

    I also say "Do you think that there is any man who has a computer and the internet and hasnt looked at boobies?"

    Cracks can be a hassle sometimes
    Originals can be totally shit (ie no tech support or buggy, it's a real wake up buying something sometimes)

    Ironically The more stable stuff i tend to use the crack?

    "The music industry steals from hard-working musicians to one extent"

    Do you think the £2000 Dj goes "sheees that's too much how much are the guys in the toilet room getting...?"

    no he just cuts and runs..........i fucking would
  9. DivinEvil

    DivinEvil Newbie

    Oct 12, 2011
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    Everywhere & Nowhere
    Well, I know of at least one nationally released CD that, if not for Best Buy reporting their SoundScan data a week late, would have debuted at #30 on the Billboard Top 200 Charts; that was recorded using at least on cracked element. Though I should say that it is possible a license for the program was obtained prior to the records actual release date, but, this group fails to give me a reason why I would assume that.

    Also, about a decade ago, Flaw gave an interview to Guitar World (could be wrong about the source), where it was stated that to record their self released effort each member of the band applied and obtained a credit card and one by one ordered the recording equipment from musicians friend then after recording as much as they could then returned it within the company's policy for a refund while the next member was re-ordering it with his card so they could repeat the process.

    Now for a funny bit of cosmic humor: BOTH OF THESE BANDS HAVE TOURED WITH EACH OTHER with Flaw even making appearances in 'mystery groups' DVD release.

    To the one who unmasks this mystery band I'll diddle your asshole wrinkles while we watch Micky Mouse cartoons in my moms basement, but PM the answer, no sense in lifting up anyone's skirt for the watchers on this one.
  10. synthmaster

    synthmaster Newbie

    Sep 25, 2011
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  11. google

    google Newbie

    Jun 18, 2011
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    dude you are officially making a tit of yourself

    If you keep on fighting crime i'll get you a cape FFS!

  12. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    God grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  13. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
  14. Sfum

    Sfum Newbie

    Feb 29, 2016
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    Completely get the guy's point. I am a software developer as well and have created some plugins that most of you guys use from warez sites, instead of buying. My company is very popular among producers but its been working on minus over a long period of time, so I am moving away into working on other projects, rather than developing music software anymore. I know a handful of sample pack label owners and developers who are also struggling to make both end meets and one by one they start looking into other fields. The music industry is the most unthankful industry not to mention the huge amount of time worth pennies and thousands of stolen copies, so more and more developers will leave the field as the time passes. Good luck
  15. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Dude, i'm a kid with no money but your "plugin" sucks. Go to KVR and cry more there.
  16. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    I bust my butt and bang my head against a wall for a solid fortnight, recording and mixing an album – and people want, expect or demand to get it for free. So I used cracked software, because I have no money in my musical economy to pay for it.

    If enough people stop settling for what they can rip from Soundcloud, or hear in sampler clips, in low-bitrate quality, and start coughing-up the price of a craft beer or a pack o' smokes for my hard work, I'll be able to pay developers for their comemercial labors o' luv.

    When film makers cut the turkey burgers, gourmet coffee, mahi tuna and "aoli" (whatever that is) out of the craft services budget to make room for original or licenced music for their films instead of expecting me to feel compensated with "opportunity for exposure," I'll be able to pay for software.

    When digital distributors and online vending platforms stop nickel-and-diming musicians for "tiered" service and "pro" features which don't warrant the expense and pose no inconvenience to offer, and they start bothering to prevent the public from being able to rip low-quality streams or download high-bitrate files via browser plug-ins, I might be better able to buy me some o' that software.

    When streaming services yield the equivalent of what airplay is supposed to yield to authors and publishers (that is, if BMI were to deign to pay-out to members below a certain line for radio play, even), I would probably be possessed of greater "consumer confidence" regarding software.

    When "music" stops being this conceptual commodity whereby musicians' dreams are jerked-off and new means and standards for their exploitation are introduced constantly, there might be a better "platform" for the idea of fiscal reciprocity among those of us producing non-tangible audio-oriented commodities.

    When digital vendors (Hey, iTunes!) stop charging archaic, exorbitant consignment-shop percentages for digital downloads, I might have some money to put toward software which I'd love to own legitimately and have officially supported with updates and better stabiltiy.

    I'm not saying that musicians should use cracked software, of course. I'm pointing-out that musicians should be paid for what they (we) do, as well. So that we can pay for software, o' course.
  17. MarkSlater

    MarkSlater Producer

    May 16, 2012
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    You're right man, but it's something wrong with the industry and people. Everybody is struggling. The newcomers in the music industry, they are struggling too. The majority of them really can't afford to pay for all the software they "borrow" from these sites. Actually they download everything believing that it's having all those tools that will help them becoming successful. Most of them will learn in time, that they are using only a bunch of the software and a lot of them will buy the products that really help them, when they will start making money with the music. Shame on those who don't do it! Let's take my case: I used not-legit software that I couldn't buy at the time when I started. I produced a few successful songs, made a few money and bought all software that I used. If I wouldn't have used those software, for sure, I couldn't have created the songs that made me afford buying the software. So the companies that created those software made sells this way.
    About the time and money involved in creating new software, yeah, I completely understand the situation, as I created myself sample packs and also working on apps.
  18. MarkSlater

    MarkSlater Producer

    May 16, 2012
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    Honestly, I think of another model of business that could come as a solution for some companies. As a producer, I would gladly compile a declaration of software and sample packs used along with the declaration for author rights. And x% to go to the software/sample pack developer, instead of buying the software. I don't know...
  19. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Brave New World
    Aoli = Aioli = Garlic Mayonnaise

    ... and for the rest of you ... capitalism is great, isn`t it? true freedom ... no?
    ... I really don`t know what to be about it ... sarcastic ...?
  20. xectis

    xectis Noisemaker

    Sep 20, 2013
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    In a world of greed I champion those clever people who expose certain software programs by companies that charge ludicrous amounts which is nothing more than pure robbery. '8000' man hours for passionately buildilg good hardware then yes but sitting on a chair inputting ones & zeros and charging 5 figure numbers is NOT ACCEPTABLE. Reaper is a fine example of generosity hence why many on this website have bought it.
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