step arp timing is driving me nuts

Discussion in 'Live' started by poka chip, Oct 18, 2024.

  1. poka chip

    poka chip Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2022
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    hi, livers !
    i installed live 12.1 and the sequencer pack artic provided.
    running a simple drumloop and the arp is playing a simple operator patch, i can hear a lot of starting delay or drifts in timing.
    recording a midi clip from the step arp channel shows a delay about of a 32nd note.
    so i tried a null test.
    i copied the step arp channel and flipped the phase. but there is never a silence.
    actually both channels should do calculate the same. instead there is a totally mess up in timing.
    cant see any random parameter.
    the old standard stock arp is playing tight as ever.
    seems like a max 4 live problem on my machine.
    any thoughts of what`s going on ?
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  3. Radio

    Radio Producer

    Sep 20, 2024
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    The causes

    The latency is too high. Delay values of more than 15 milliseconds can cause serious timing problems when recording. The main cause of latency is buffer values that are too high in the audio interface driver. In Windows systems, the missing ASIO driver can also be a cause. If latency suddenly occurs, individual plugins that have just been loaded are to blame.

    The solution

    Basically, the smaller the buffer (it is set in samples), the lower the latency - but: the higher the CPU load. For most recording scenarios, buffer values of 64 or 128 samples are sufficient. Most drivers achieve latencies of less than 15 milliseconds with this.

    So look in the settings of your DAW to see what value the buffer of your audio driver is set to and adjust it if necessary. When recording audio, also check whether there are options for direct monitoring on your interface or the included driver software.

    This way, the monitoring signal goes directly to the headphones without going through the computer and without latency. If not, first feed the audio signal into an analog mixer. This allows you to listen to the signal without latency before it goes into the interface.

    Second source of error: the missing ASIO driver. On Windows systems, DAWs set the interfaces Direct/MME, DirectSound or WASAPI by default for many audio interfaces. These drivers often have too high latencies even with small buffer values. You can achieve better values with the free ASIO4ALL driver.

    Alternatively, some manufacturers also offer their own ASIO driver. Before installing the driver, close your DAW and then unplug the USB/Thunderbolt cable from the interface. Restart the computer after installing the driver and only then reconnect the interface. Now you can select the ASIO driver in the DAW's audio settings.

    If the latency appears to occur suddenly and wasn't there just a short time ago, it's due to a plugin that you've just added. The main culprits here are CPU-intensive limiters, delays and reverbs. As you can see in Figure 3, many DAWs offer the option of displaying the latency caused by each individual plugin. Once you've found the plugin in question, it's usually enough to deactivate it for recording.

    Last edited: Oct 18, 2024
  4. poka chip

    poka chip Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2022
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    i tested buffer size from min to max.
    nothing. still swinging randomly.
    i tried another midi m4l device like polyrandom. here the notes go straight whrere they belong. right on the grid.
    so no midi issue here and of course a null test was perfect .
    oddly that i`m the only one who gets this prob with the step arp. couldn`t find anything about it on the web.

    btw. a simple drum rack clip trying to null also doesn`t perfectly null. the kick is gone but some hihats fractures comig through. as if round robin or some random parameters are tweaked. but i doubt that.
    whereas you can null a clip playing a simpler patch like whistling theremin it is complete silenced.
    anyone can confirm this ?
  5. Radio

    Radio Producer

    Sep 20, 2024
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  6. poka chip

    poka chip Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2022
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    latencymon ran about 12 minutes and gave a good result. so no prob here.
    i tested the step arp m4l device in live 11. same prob as in 12.
    so far, thanks for the help, radio.
    one last favor. could you try to null test on your machine, if you have the step arp m4l device ? or someone else ?

  7. Radio

    Radio Producer

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Hello poka chip, here are 2 more links:

    Arpeggiator m4l sync issues -->
    m4l delay compensation bug -->
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