Steinberg new VST Transit is a huge SCAM

Discussion in 'Software News' started by wouala woualouf, Apr 22, 2016.

  1. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Is it me, or the new steinberg vst transit is a huge scam disguised as a happy 'fuckin expensive' collaborative thing?

    This is clearly a way of making tons of cash from monthly subscriptions WITHOUT putting the main apps (cubase, nuendo , halion, wavelab) behind a subscription system (that people tend to hate, like avid protools, slate digital...models).

    Have you seen those crazy prices? Cubase vst transit comes with 1gb of traffic, and 500mb of storage. Of course, anyone using the system will eat that in just a few days, and will need to buy premium FOREVER.
    Why FOREVER? Because once you have a few guys 'collaborating' , you will want to keep it forever, and never 'breaking the almighty friendship collaborative 'links. You get trapped, until 2050.

    Why is it a huge SCAM?

    -uploading is totally free, to incentive you and get you used to upload whatever files or projects you have a beta project with 200mb of unused samples, on your pool? No problem, uploading is free !

    - if course, you pay each time you download something. Your download quota also shrinks, when 'friends' download your projects. Let's see how it works :
    - you upload a 200mb project. You invite 4 friends, for some 'collaborative fun'
    - your friends download your project. Each one will eat up 200mb. You already 'ate' 800mb of traffic.
    - each friend adds a new track, say, a synth track, as an idea for the project. You download it, to hear the new changes. Another 200mb gone. But wait! The other friends will download the new version one friend has made: not her 3 X 200mb= 600mb.
    - you listen to it, you accept some ideas, and you add a new vocal track, with 4 adlibs tracks and several versions. At 4 minutes for each new track, the project is now 300mb. You upload it, because uploading is free (of course, it's the main part of the scam)
    -your 4 friends get a notification of the new version. They will download the whole project, once again. 4x 300mb = 1.2Gb of download traffic.
    - you do this several times in just a few days, and 1 week later, your good to PURCHASE MORE PREMIUM TRAFFIC, BECAUSE 20GB WILL MELT AMD disappear IN JUST A FEW DAYS OR 1 WEEK.

    Now, imagine you have 4 or 5 'older' projects, since 2 or 3 months, with eventually 10 or more 'PAID BY STEINBERG' BUDS (you know, like meetic or other websites do, to have top-models-like female members, to attract more people), that will appear as virtual random users, but could actually be some steinberg staff, or people working for them, to increase the 'vast transit members' list.

    One could easily be eating up 2 or 3 GB of download traffic PER DAY !


    Today, terabytes of Internet traffic COST NEARLY NOTHING. How could then companies like Sony, or dozens thousands Internet providers, content back-up, etc, SURVIVE, if they had to pay fortunes, to upload, download and store PETABYTES of data.? This 'free upload, paid download' system smells like AMAZON S3 servers. If that was the case, then steinberg prices AR EVEN MORE expensive then they should be. Today, anyone with a few thousands euros or dollars can create an uploaded /rapidgator/etc file hosting website. This, to say Internet bandwidth, upload and download traffic, and huge file storage COST NEARLY NOTHING. Just like an SMS costs 0.00000000001 $/€ to companies, and many cell plans still ask 10 or 20cts for an SMS, or 1 euro and more when roaming. How could many companies survive, if they had to pay 5cts for a 2minute video upload or download? How can an ISP let people upload/download/stream live video, 24/7, for a little 10 euros a month ( full hosting with unlimited traffic, space, db's, emails, FTP, everything): yes, it is THAT expensive, of course..

    This vst transit will work like a drug : because it's free, people will look for some fun, at first, thinking the system is a Facebook with audio projects sharing, editing, etc. Really funny stuff. But once you try your first 10 free joints, or 5 free lines of coke, you will want more, believing one will still offer it to you. But no. It has a price now, you must pay for it.

    - a question, are the project updates done incrementally, the same way a virus definition update won't be downloading the 200mb full definitions each time, but will only download 'the difference'. ?
    Because if someone adds 2 tracks to a project, WHY would people have to DOWNLOAD EVERYTHING AGAIN, instead of only downloading the 2 new added tracks?

    again, because there weren't a lot of people buying the VST CONNECT PRO UPGRADE (that basically only added hd background file transfer, and a few other options), that people buy only ONCE (steinberg gets paid once) VERSUS the new VST TRANSIT, where people could be PAYING A RANSOM to steinberg like 100-500 euros in just a few months (RANSOM, because the first time people login to vst transit, upload a project, and search for a few buds', they are TRAPPED FOREVER, and will have to pay FOREVER, because they won't want to break those solid frienship/collaborative/etc links), steinberg decided to add this vst transit thing, that could cost millions euros to many Cubase users, that will be forced to buy storage and bandwidth packs, just like a young guy would have to buy more drug, to satisfy their needs.

    This is what we would call, in the video games world, ' MICRO-TRANSACTIONS'. Like all those games who attract people with free motivating game play schemes and upgrades, all for free, to later make those people use and abuse of their visa card.

    Instead of giving Cubase users new tools, innovative features, new analysis tools, instead of the toys inside cubase (will soon write a huge post about it), along new synths, new plug-ins, etc etc , instead of giving to Cubase users a feature like the new wavelab 9 'masterRig plug-in manager, steinberg asks 50 euros for a .5 upgrade, and dare almost making an announcement at the Superball, for the new 'click to duplicate' feature, as it was something the whole humankind always needed.

    Instead of that, they rather come up with features like this new vst transit, in order to grab tons of cash, really easily, with no effort at all (only effort is checking how many millions 'storage/bandwidth' packs were bought, and presenting the great net incoming graphs and stats to the shareholders).

    Am I the only one who almost didn't notice this 'scam plan' from steinberg?
    Because I don't agree and I'm not happy with paying for these 'upgrades', only to have this kind of scam shit maybe less than 2% will use, instead of having some great new innovative features/plugins/instruments 100% of the users will be happy to get and use.

    again, I'm not happy with steinberg shady methods.
    Again, for those who think this is another huge comment, as usual, you have several options:
    - read it
    - not read it
    - ignore me
    - think I'm an idiot
    - go fuck yourself

    and you, steinberg,

    my love for you is vanishing, each week, each day.

    and those who say 'oh, that's business', I would say 'just leave Cubase alone, and make a separate app people may buy or not, for these collaborative purposes, instead of adding thousands of useless lines of code to scubase, making it bigger, slower, and using it to hide these micro transactions /subscription-based features called vst transit.'
    Because if steinberg released a standalone app like the vst transit, everybody would be screaming 'thieves', websites and journalists would be calling it 'scam', specially because of the insane prices and plans, and few people would get trapped. The standalone app would work as good, or even faster, without the Cubase fonts,layout, window size, etc etc settings.

    but by releasing it inside Cubase, it's like a Trojan horse. And with a special menu for accessing it (file, edition, help, VST TRANSIT,), people can't really miss it.
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  3. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Mostly agree with you.
    I have no problem paying 50 eur for an upgrade but do consider your customers and their problems with bugs etc.
    But then again im one of those who arent experiencing a lot of bugs,actually cant remember Cubase so stable and light on cpu.(Cubase Pro 8.5.15)
    I am now creating powerful projects,orchestra,synths,sound design 200+ tracks with tons of groups,routing and automation going on and Cubase doesnt crash or stop my creativity.
    First time in my life a DAW is working like i have envisioned a few years ago.
    Lets not just bash it because they do bring a lot to the table at the same time.
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  4. Jazz-N-Stuff

    Jazz-N-Stuff Platinum Record

    Nov 25, 2015
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    as i mentioned in another thread, there is a wannabe "Steve Jobbs" in Steinberg, who is NOT related to the needs of ppl. He thinks he is a kind of AppleBoss in music DAW industry. And because most of the competition is run by similar simpletons, he might maybe win the War of DAWs.
    Sad to recognize, i hope Reaper will stay "different" and dont jump the bandwagon.
    Meanwhile Cubase is still the most advanced of all, if you compare what u get for your money ( not for pure EDM which could be made easier in Ableton).
  5. popeye

    popeye Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    It's an optional Service offered which is not a bad thing and cosidering that they could just do nothing, it's good. Beside's no one's obliged to use it but it's nice to know it's there
  6. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    I think the whole idea of 'leasing / renting' a DAW or similar services on a monthly basis, is a weird concept with nothing else in mind than to make extra money on the idea that the participants (read: paying tenant) belong to a 'elite-ish' community. Avid, Ohm Studio and now Steinberg. Although Ohm Studio is a hell of a lot of fun and free for the most part.
  7. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Are you for real? Who works on a project forever? When it's done, it's done. At the end of the project everyone downloads the project files and call it a day. That is, if everyone involved has the rights to do it because as I see it this platform is also for collabs like "hey guitar guy, I have a track but I only need your solos here & there" and the guitar guy has access to only the drums track and his own track in the project.

    But hey, let's complain once again for things out there we are not even forced to buy and which does not affect us in any way. Let's complain.
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  8. Wuji

    Wuji Kapellmeister

    Mar 20, 2016
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    This. It's not like you are forced to keep it there. And if you don't use it why complain? I never get why people have the need to feel screwed by companies. You can use Cubase without Transit, you can share files the old way. Cloud server space costs money, the more you want the more you need to pay. That's it.
  9. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    My problem is more on the "artists give/share everything, we make money with what they give...and give nothing in return to them".

    Remember NI Stems format ?
    How many ppl will make nice tracks, and share them ?
    A "big head" come, and steal your tracks, because you are stupid enough to share them already prepared to be ripped.
    Already in stems , yeah !
    Without a single penny for you.
    Same way with any music "community".

    I deserve more. I will keep my DAW closed. Once the track is complete and uploaded, only ME (and close friends on the project) will touch individual tracks.
    Not on any fuk*n "community" server.

    That's what Steinberg, NI and much more (Soundcloud, Indaba...) want for our future.
    Some "big heads" just having to pick what they want from us, peasants. Without a dime.

    I do the same with my photos : i keep high resolution (for print) on MY computer. Even if someone steal the screen version, i don't care.
    You want the real thing ? You will only get the print, not the file.

    It is time for ppl to understand all this bullsh*t is created by exploiters.
  10. tidus1990

    tidus1990 Producer

    Aug 23, 2014
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    use dropbox
  11. bigboobs

    bigboobs Kapellmeister

    Oct 10, 2011
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    No! Rent a small vm server with unl. traffic (there are enough hosters!) and run owncloud. It's almost the same like dropbox, but in YOUR hands, open source, scalable and FREE!
    Most small vm server coming up with 200-1000gb space - way enough for projects to share.
    Then install the client on all devices you need (your, friends, collaborators,..., on win, mac, android, ios,...), share the project folder and you have a very good collaboration basis for all daws.

    Did you know the collaboration feature in REAPER? Well, it's not officially a "collab feature", but with such an owncloud install it becomes one! It's the "subproject" feature. Just group parts like bass, synths/leads, vocals, drums etc and put them into seperate subprojects. Now, your collabs can work in these parts on their own computer and merge their work into the main song! Because everything is synced with owncloud, you'll get the changes from your collab as fast as his internet connection is :D
    I may write a tutorial for this issue.... ;)

    Check sub projects in Reaper:

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