Steinberg just posted this.....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by hackerz4life, Nov 11, 2021.

  1. Joe Crisp

    Joe Crisp Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2019
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    State of being
    The problem with all these DAW companies, Reaper and Bandlab excluded, is they're so busy worrying about anti piracy measures that their software has turned to shit, if they would concentrate on making a stable, reliable, and usable DAW, that has the fewest bugs possible, more and more people might actually "buy" it, stop adding new features, especially when the features they already have don't even work like they should, I imagine that when all these "subscription" models become the only option, these companies will lose a large percentage of their customers, only time will tell, they may have to learn some hard and costly lessons
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  2. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Well like I have said, nobody is meant to know all or to do so...
    So PT was easy for you, you are happy with that and that is okay.
    For me that was "different" experience and not that hard, just different.
    I would like to learn it, or better to say, to click with whole workflow, but and don't have that much time .
    It is nice to have it, maybe to do mixing and mastering, it has very nice mixer layout, tracks in general, but just for task that not involve editing at all, because mixing is pretty much the same process in every DAW.

    For me Reaper is just one big nightmare where i can't do some basic task with audio unlike in Cubase with ease and in no time!
    Not to mention midi, mixer, routings and all DAW can do that, but in Cubase I feel like in home, and all tasks are done in one click.
    Simply I used to it.

    So there are people who are saying, nah, Reaper licensing is the best one, what Steinberg, they are this and that...
    First of all, who cares about licensing if you are legit user?
    Who cares, if you are successful at your job and make enough money so you can afford Cubase or Nuendo or all of DAWs available?
    Who cares if you are producing music which DAW you used, if your music is good?
    There is nowhere declared under world hit songs or just the good ones, in what program that song is created.
    You see the point, nobody cares. Not listeners, if your music is pleasant to their ears and so on...
    And for reaper users, do you know why is that, music is creative process and that should remain like that...
    Nobody cares for licensing or DAW if you feel right creating music in particular software.

    Someone has written here long time ago, and if I remember good, I can not exactly quote but the point was
    "Don't ask Reaper users which DAW they use, they will tell you that by themselves" Oh lord, that is so true.
    Like using Reaper is something revolutionary, like that is special skill from another world. Who cares???
    Anyway, why they feel entitled to comment in Cubase section about their beloved DAW, makes no sense???

    I can bet that most Reaper users were former Cubase and Nuendo users
    , who either couldn't afford to buy a license for it,
    because Cubase is not cracked for a long time or they just enjoy their free software. I don't know. Actually, I don't care!

    I still know people that are using Team AiR Cubase 5 and just Nexus 2, and man, ohh yes, they are making a serious amount of money with that combo.
    Their music is very good in quality, so i didn't heard from them, ohh fuck I need so badly Cubase with x64 support or 64bit audio processing or i need a latest sampler track in Cubase 20 just to feel they better ot make themselves like they are above the others...
    No, bro, instead they siting here and bitching about Reaper licensing and act like children they are doing good job.

    I have lost 45mins writing this comment, and all of that because of REAPER TEROR !

    And to other users do not say you will not use Cubase anymore because of their new shitty licensing system or dongle. That is the BIGGEST LIE i ever heard!
    Those are all excuses, like your opinion will force Steinberg to stop protect their property in way they want and feel safe with it...
    And if you have not bought their software by now, you will not buy it ever, because there is no intention to do so.
    Just fooling yourself to make feel good.
    When the dongle was in game, it was bad, now when they remove the dongle they are bad also.
    What will satisfy you as an end user?
    Maybe to get the source code from Steinberg and get software for free? Not happening !
    Just imagine that they have introduces protection with SERIAL\RESPONSE code, wow, that radical move you will never see from someone, because that would presenting them as a weak and pathetic...
    That will never happen!

    Steinberg should be fully cracked just for fun, or for some who cant afford that.
    Are they liars? Yes!
    Nowdays everyone is liar.
    Do they deserve to be cracked and why?
    Well, yes, like i've said above , cracking is to have and extended full functional "demo", but every release group says to support developer in any way you can if you are using software and make money with it. So if you have intention to buy it, you can use cracked software for years and you will buy it when you have enough money and needs to do that, otherwise, that will not happen.
    Can I steal your song and put my name on it? NO!
    So please, face it, Steinberg is making good software, Cubase 11 is stable and good as far i am using it when i have opportunity.
    For what it gives prices for users in EU and USA is simply funny to even make a discussion over that.
    For RU or formes SSSR or third world countries there is a hope with R2R ....

    See ya in next thread :)
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2021
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  3. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    NI makes good bucks with Kontakt libraries and they will redo the Kontakt GUI with scalling and shit for v7 soon.
    Reaktor, Absynth, etc - they dont care, the usebase is way to small that they will ever consider doing a GUI makeover. Heard this from a guy who works at NI.

    But lets compare to this Steinberg - Cubase/Nuendo is their major product, it drives the whole company - I think it is time for them to get their ass out and redo certain parts of Cubase/Nuendo.
    (Its a good DAW - with good ideas, creative tools)

    What i read and see Presonus S1 might not be complete in terms of features, but it does have a proper HD+ GUI, which is important, because people for music production use only 1080p plus. And not something less ...

    About the being online, WTF.

    All Hail to Ableton, you can offline activate still and the license will always work.

    For the Cubase/Nuendo users, i hope R2R can help out ... otherwise i feel sorry for people, who are stuck with such a DAW and such a company plan.
  4. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    That part of working software forever is something best they have done, but again Steinberg will offer completely offline 1yr authorization.
    So main computer can never go online, but the only and the biggest flaw is , that license is working just for one year.
    I believe they made that decision because protection would be more weaker comparing to eLicenser which is strong as hell.
    They really made a good move for all their legit users and for users who will use crack. But users with crack will must remain offline all the time, because probably they once connect on internet that will check the license if is legit or not ...
  5. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I over read its 1 year offline license. Thats okay i think. I mean, you constantly update.

    I mean you write Ableton a mail with your Hardware code and then they send you back the missing things you need for authorizing your Ableton copy offline. Not sure if Steinberg does the same.
  6. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    yes, they have said that option will be introduced very soon after new licensing system will be alive.
    Offline authorization can be done from another PC, and carried activation file on USB thumb drive and authorize with Steinberg Activation Manager...
    That reminds me of Native Instruments Service Ceneter where you could generate AUTHORIZATION REQUEST file and AUTHORIZATION RETURN FILE .
    How easy and cool is that?
    It will be a mixture od Activation code and HWID ... We will se :)
  7. RitchieM

    RitchieM Rock Star

    Nov 6, 2020
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    Near Liverpool
    I don’t get the hate either, I love Cubase and see no reason to to change.
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  8. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Music developer Native Instruments laid off 100 employees
    The Berlin software and hardware developer is laying off 20 percent of its employees. The music company is changing its strategy.

    However, former employees and users are discussing in various forums whether the realignment is necessary because the concept introduced in 2017 did not work. Back then, the investor, EMH-Partners, put 50 million euros into the company. This should initiate an international growth phase. Dismissed and dissatisfied employees vent their displeasure on the Glassdoor rating platform. Many accuse management of deficiencies in communication and fear of innovation. Meanwhile, other manufacturers are reacting to the mass layoffs. For example, the manufacturer Behringer is offering former employees of Native Instruments new jobs in its development department. Behringer only recently started producing synthesizers.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2021
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  9. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    I am not against changes in the world, technology etc, but why is it that whenever a change is made these days, its usually a step backwards instead of forward.
    We already had the freedom of owning the software, now this rental stuff will give anxiety to a healthy person let alone one that is already driven by anxieties.
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  10. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Like i wrote they focus on Kontakt libraries as you can see in the last 5 years. It just brings easy $$$.

    Ofc it would be to create new innovative products, but as we have seen Massive X was innovative, but poor executed maybe?
    I still like to use Massive more than MX, it does what i need it for 10x more efficent and runs on older HW just fine.

    If tomorrow R2R comes around and cracks/releases Cubase i am willing to try it. Last Cubase i have tried was 3.11 (hehe used for a mastering session i did after the trance experience book) and v5.

    Its good DAW, but feels just very old in some parts.
  11. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    I am not against changes in the world, in technology etc., but why is it always a step back rather than forward when a change is made these days? We already had the freedom to own the software, now this rental material will scare a healthy person, let alone one who is already driven by fears. Fear is always a bad advisor, because fear narrows the horizon of perception. These are the new business models of the future, based on the numbers that the internet generates every day.

    That is "customer loyalty", one tries to bind the customer to the company with tricky psychological marketing tricks. The companies know their competition very well. There will also be more new players entering the World Wide Web. The companies still want to make money in 10 or 20 years.

    Money is being made with fewer and fewer employees. Ni fires 200 employees and still makes 100 million sales. The company's profit no longer flows into investments and new employees, but the profit goes to the stock exchange and is increased there with speculation. You already know that the customer of tomorrow, not even born, has to be courted.

    The NI scouts used to be in the clubs to track down the new trends. It is conceivable that NI somehow wants to go to schools to advertise your products there. They are tricky ...! Of course the world has changed and the world will continue to change. It is the digital achievement and the greatest invention of modern times, the Internet.
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  12. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    I think that you have the old Massive VSTi, now called Massive X, a real marketing ploy to sell this product better. NI is really sad and Steinberg somehow have the wrong bosses. NI got Massive X out quickly and the manual wasn't finished yet. Also a cheek. The Massive X is independent and has no arpeggiator and it is not the Massive as we all know it. Greed eats the brain?

    2 Steinberg developers went to Presonus in America. You had the know-how and wanted to do something that you weren't allowed to do at Steinberg, Studio One is a DAW with a very good workflow. You succeeded. 2 Ableton developers are now working at Bitwig. You were also able to realize your ideas with Bitwig. Some Steinberg employees now work at Behringer. Know how transfer to China. Behringer is pleased that he continues to make the competition look old with new products.
  13. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Then ask
    If you are happy with the new system, well.... Just ignore it. :wink:
    We have one
    I use Reaper :bleh:
    Yes, who cares?
    Just... Why??? :rofl:
    ... you're triggered
    TERROR !

    Don't be mad. I am just kidding :bleh:
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2021
  14. kh_minusone

    kh_minusone Guest

    i use arch reaper btw
  15. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Thanks for spelling corrections man you are the GREAT indeed!
    That's all i have to say! Indeed that TERROR without one R was funny as hell, same as REAPER is...
    Even the Google spellcheck has been wrong, it was not mistake by me, you have to believe me on that.I questioned myself also, since i am not native English i have meant that GTranslate was not wrong... Try it by yourself. (fck, now is working)
    But this is a Cubase \ Nuendo \ Steinberg thread, why would you give us a notice about your love story with Cockos ? Who cares ? :bleh:
    I can admit that i admire you , in case that world shuts down, you Reaper will still work...
    That is so innovative and futuristic, now back to the real talk about the actual post
    Don't be mad, I am also kidding :winker:
  16. ziked

    ziked Producer

    Nov 30, 2019
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    Cubase users have been making fun of "Fruity" users for not being "professional" enough, so it's good to see them be treated this way.

    I only take DAWs seriously if they have a native bit bridge, that way I know they at least care about users.
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  17. Joe Crisp

    Joe Crisp Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2019
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    State of being
    That, and it takes some of the heat off Pro Tools
  18. DJMani

    DJMani Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Actually almost everyone Frauned upon and
    Laughed at Fruity Tracks, Fruity Loops not just Cubase users.

    And, Up until Ableton v8 (plus marketing,paid spokesmen)
    it was also laughed at for being a Toy unprofessional Daw. The Creator of Ableton mixed/master his music in Logic

    Reaper was laughed at as a toy unprofessional daw as well
  19. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    You're welcome :winker:
    I don't like google.
    You know why. Exactly: I love Reaper.

    No, seriously, there will be people who don't want such a license model and want to switch. I refer to an alternative. No need for drama, right? Right??
    You. Obviously...
    Don't worry, I'm rather amused
  20. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe

    OMG, cant you read. Who is how treated. I don't give single fuck if you use FL studio or Reaper but if you are not asked why would you say which DAW you use, because in this case is kind of topic everything that not concerns Steinberg... I think you take that to personal and i hope you are now satisfied because FL justice has been fulfilled... please stop the earth i wanna to jump off...My dear goodness, you have totally missed the point, here is Steinberg a subject and no other DAW, and because of ppl speaking stupid things i was triggered. Mind your business in FL Studio forum , because you are trolling and i am oftopic because of you! READ THE TITLE we don't care , i dont care what do you use, okay! I sm using Cubase and i am very happy with it.
    And yes compared to Cubase Nuendo Ableton Studio One Reaper Bitwig Cakewalk etc., FL Studio is just a little advanced toy, good enough just for beatmaking and not to get job done completly. I have been used FL Studiofor years as my main DAW but once i felt uncomfortable i learned other daw and switched to. I still use fl for basic beatmaking, it is good for that purpose, but for complete production i feel not. Maybe for hiphop and EDM, but for some other genres first thing which sucks is the mixer nd automation. So bro i feel you when you get mocked by other people because they have right and you have bad intentions in terms that offending others makes you happy, or you like to someone get in conflict because of your believes even when you were not involved at all, and again you missed the whole point!
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