Steinberg discontinues support for VST2 plug-ins

Discussion in 'Software' started by Deceptive, Jan 20, 2022.

  1. Direct drive

    Direct drive Producer

    Dec 16, 2020
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    Some people dont like change!! i was thinking of upgrading to Windows XP but il stick with 95:rofl:
  2. marveljam

    marveljam Ultrasonic

    Sep 21, 2020
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    It is about time for developers use the new VST3 devkit. It is simply better all the way around and was released long ago. I, like many, will be sad to see some VST2 unsupported in modern DAWs. I am very sure that good plugin VST hosts will be created for the in x64 platforms. Sadly, new M series Mac users will soon lose the ability all together as I understand.
  3. Tele_Vision

    Tele_Vision Platinum Record

    Jan 27, 2021
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    I've never used SteinBERG VSTs so no issue for me. Only install the AU versions and you will take up less HD space and support a solid plugin standard.
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  4. marveljam

    marveljam Ultrasonic

    Sep 21, 2020
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    AU spec is ready for an overhaul as well. Look over the VST3 features and think about the possibilities. Look over the AU spec and it is aging. Truly the high point for AU is that Apple is truly interested in keeping up the standard for all it's products. Microsoft put out the DX plugin standard and never really supported it. I switched from AU to VST long ago to keep me mostly platform agnostic. Then again, I also don't use my copy of Logic for the same reason.
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  5. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    But that is not a way and not a solution to a problem. So a company dictates how you are?
    The big tech companies are about to destroy the free internet.

    I will not join a funeral procession. I don't make music to have something taken away from me. I've put a lot of money into
    plugins and now it's about being able to continue using these plugins. I use PreSonus - Studio One for recording and editing.

    For older 32 bit and 64 bit plugins I use Cakewalk Sonar and an older Image Line - FL Studio. Everything on Windows 10.
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  6. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    As I see it, 32 bit is twice as good as 64 and VST3 is 50% better than VST2. I'm not convinced about the CLAP thing and will continue to wear a condom to avoid catching it from Steinberg as they seem to be trying to screw everybody.
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  7. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    This is the kind of post that makes me feel happy to use Studio One instead of Cubase.
    Anyway, I use too many VST2 plugins to switch to VST3.
  8. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    The inventor of anything has the ball and can choose to do whatever they want with it. That is pretty common. They said they were moving to VST3 quite a while ago, over a year. They could have been like some developers and said discontinuing in 3 months instead of 24. It's not like they are failing to give notice. Calling them proprietary is completely inaccurate. Calling AU and AAX proprietary is accurate. VST made their code available to any DAW developer. They could have been like Logic and ProTools. It is also why VST runs natively in every DAW except ProTools (runs with with Patchwork) - with AU and AAX = not.
    It's big news because it affects most DAW's.
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  9. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    For 4K monitor owners, these 64 Bit plugins are not to be used in Studio One. The GUI is too small. List is not complete.

    2nd Sense Audio - Wiggle VSTi - 64 Bit
    Admiral Quality - Poly-Ana VSTi - 64 Bit
    Air Music Tech - Hybrid 3 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Air Music Tech - The Riser VSTi - 64 Bit
    AIR Music Tech - Xpand!2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    BeepStreet - Sunrizer VSTi - 64 Bit
    BigTick - Rhino 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Cakewalk & rgc audio - z3ta+ VSTi - 64 Bit
    Cakewalk - Dimension Pro VSTi - 64 Bit
    Cakewalk - Rapture VSTi - 64 Bit
    Cakewalk - z3ta+ 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Camel Audio - Alchemy VSTi - 64 Bit
    D16 Group - LuSH-101 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Devine Machine - Krishna Synth VST - 64 Bit
    discoDSP - Vertigo VSTi - 64 Bit
    Dmitry Sches - Diversion VSTi - 64 Bit
    E-MU - Emulator X3 v3.0.0 VSTi
    Full Bucket - Tricent MK II VSTi - 64 Bit
    FXpansion - Cypher 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    FXpansion - Fusor VSTi - 64 Bit
    FXpansion - Geist 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    FXpansion - Strobe 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    GForce - impOSCar 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    GForce - M-Tron Pro VSTi - 64 Bit
    GForce - Oddity 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    GForce - Virtual String Machine VSTi - 64 Bit
    Hamburg-Audio - Nuklear VSTi - 64 Bit
    Image Line - SimSynth Live VSTi - 64 Bit
    iZotope - BreakTewaker VSTi - 64 Bit
    Lethal Audio - Lethal VSTi - 64 Bit
    LinPlug - CronoX 3 VSTi - 64 Bit
    LinPlug - Octopus VSTi - 64 Bit
    LinPlug - Rob Papen - Albino 3 VSTi - 64 Bit
    LinPlug - Spectral VSTi - 64 Bit
    MuTools - MUX Modular VSTi - 64 Bit
    Native Instruments - Absynth 5 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Native Instruments - FM 8 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Native Instruments - Kontakt 5 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Native Instruments - Massive VSTi - 64 Bit
    NI - Reaktor - Flesh VSTi - 64 Bit
    NI - Reaktor - Kontour VSTi - 64 Bit
    NI - Reaktor - Polyplex VSTi - 64 Bit
    NI - Reaktor - Rounds VSTi - 64 Bit
    Nils Schneider - Nils K1v VSTi - 64 Bit
    Novation - V-Station VSTi - 64 Bit
    Ocean Swift Synthesis - Aeolian Dream Box VSTi - 64 Bit
    Ocean Swift Synthesis - Aeolian Meditation VSTi - 64 Bit
    Ocean Swift Synthesis - Defiant WT VSTi - 64 Bit
    Ocean Swift Synthesis - Enterprise VST - 64 Bit
    Ocean Swift Synthesis - Polyphenom 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Plugin Boutique - Carbon Electra VSTi - 64 Bit
    Rob Papen & John Ayres - B.I.T VSTi - 64 Bit
    Rob Papen & John Ayres - Blade VSTi - 64 Bit
    Rob Papen & John Ayres - Blue II VSTi - 64 Bit
    Rob Papen & John Ayres - Predator 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Rob Papen & John Ayres - Predator VSTi - 64 Bit
    Rob Papen & John Ayres - Punch-BD VSTi - 64 Bit
    Rob Papen & John Ayres - RAW VSTi - 64 Bit
    Rob Papen - Blade 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Rob Papen - Quad VSTi - 64 Bit
    Rob Papen - Vecto VSTi - 64 Bit
    Roland - Zenology Pro v1.52 VSTi
    Softube - Heartbeat VSTi - 64 Bit
    Softube - Model 72 Synthesizer System v2.5.9 VSTi
    Softube - Parallels v2.5.9 VSTi
    Solcito Musica - SuperTron VST
    Steinberg - Backbone VSTi - 64 Bit
    Steinberg - Retrologue 2- 64 Bit
    SugarBytes - DrumComputer VSTi - 64 Bit
    SugarBytes - Factory VSTi - 64 Bit
    SugarBytes - Thesys VSTi - 64 Bit
    Superwave - P80 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Superwave - Performer VSTi - 64 Bit
    Superwave - Professional VSTi - 64 Bit
    Superwave - Sirius VSTi - 64 Bit
    Superwave - Tarkus VSTi - 64 Bit
    Superwave - Trance Pro VSTi - 64 Bit
    Superwave - Ultimate VSTi - 64 Bit
    Superwave - Wavelight V.M.I. VSTi - 64 Bit
    Synapse Audio - Dune 2 - 64 Bit
    Tone2 - Electra2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Tone2 - Gladiator 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Tone2 - Icarus VSTi - 64 Bit
    Tone2 - Nemesis VSTi - 64 Bit
    Tone2 - Rayblaster 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Tone2 - Saurus 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Tracktion Software - BioTek VSTi - 64 Bit
    Waldorf - Largo VSTi - 64 Bit
    Waldorf - Nave VSTi - 64 Bit
    Wusik - Wusikstation 8 - VSTi - 64 Bit
    Xils-lab - PolyM VSTi - 64 Bit
    Xils-Lab - Stix VSTi - 64 Bit
    Xils-Lab - Syn X 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Xils-Lab - Xils 3 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Xils-Lab - Xils 4 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Xils-Lab - Xils 505 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Xils-Lab - Xils V + VSTi - 64 Bit
    XLN Audio - Addictive Drums 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    XLN Audio - Addictive Keys 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
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  10. scrappy

    scrappy Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    bowels of the skullery at the court of king boris
    Future historians and musicologists can wave goodbye to any chance of reproducing the last twenty years worth of world wide projects from archives.
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  11. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    It was meant to be humorous. This is a tough crowd!

    Last edited: Jan 20, 2022
  12. Rasputin

    Rasputin Platinum Record

    Jun 29, 2012
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    The thing I don't think anyone has mentioned yet is that the codebase for VST2 is already there and very well-established. Very little cost in maintenance would be required to keep VST2 support indefinitely until some major platform shift necessitates a broad rewrite.

    In other words: This appears to solely be a flex by Steinberg for some market politics reason rather than a legitimate industry-wide concern or added benefit to the consumer.

    Why extinguish VST2 when supporting it is negligible and doesn't piss off your customers who want to load legacy projects? They're attempting to strong-arm people for some (read: money) reason, yes?
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  13. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    The point is, it's Steinberg's software standard that they're free to discontinue as they please. VST3 has for example explicit support for resizable GUI, multiple outputs and changing the number of outputs on the fly, the plugin can now specify which category it is (Delay, Reverb, EQ, etc - eg. Cubase, Studio One will automatically detect this and put your plugin in the proper folder), a bunch of stuff like that which has been somewhat forced into the old VST2 standard by using nasty hacks that need to be done differently for each DAW, sometimes even the same DAW on a different OS needs different trickery. The only reason we're still using VST2 is because it takes time and effort (= money) to move everything to the new design.
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  14. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    so have they fixed the no sidechaining issue for FX plugins yet?
  15. Happiness

    Happiness Ultrasonic

    Nov 29, 2021
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    I wish the same progression could be done to finally get rid of all 32 bit programmed software to be 64 bit only.
  16. Slavestate

    Slavestate Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Its been well over a year hah. The VST3 spec came out in 2008, everyone has been well aware that at some point Steinberg was going to drop VST2 (they stopped selling licenses for VST2 plugins years ago as well so you CANT develop a new one if you want to). I dont know why everyone is freaking out now and not back in 2008. Steinberg's been catering to lazy developers who don't want to bother upgrading stuff because they won't make tons of money off it but now its time to finally let it go. They announced 2 years time and people are STILL losing their shit over it, the end is still 2 years away. It's more like its time to go bother the lazy devs that don't want to update their software and stay stuck in 2005.
  17. Atlantis84

    Atlantis84 Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2021
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    :dunno::dunno: Lets see said the blind man to the deaf woman ''''''create a problem to give birth to more problems the way of life '' shakes head when u create enough problems u can sale them your solution and sit at the round table and make money off the ignorance
  18. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Again, just to be clear, but now seriously lol. It's ok the discontinue an old standard, VST2 is very old.
    And most plugin companies can make already good vst3s. The problem for devs is that VST3 is over-complicated. And there're basic things missing.
    This is one of the most bleeding:
    This is something that even using JUCE gives a lot of headaches. I'm just a beginner with these things so don't quote on this but I think I read somewhere just three months ago in the change list of a new VST3 minor version:
    - added legacy support for MIDI to MIDI instruments

    Legacy? When you don't have a modern version what does legacy means...

    PS. Knowing myself and other pals here I expect people quoting me in seconds. When you now it's just gonna happen :rofl:
  19. dia manu

    dia manu Producer

    Dec 6, 2021
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    emulators will take care of this
  20. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    This is a thorny subject so I'm not going to get into reasons why I think Steinberg is forcing the issue now.

    This was always in the cards ever since VST3 was released and the biggest fuck up Steinberg did was not to announce a solid timeline for transition, instead they let it linger and here we are where the devs are backed into a corner in some instances. People on the developer tip can recognize this as similar mess as Python 2 -> 3 "transition".

    Personally, I'm gonna backup all VST2 gear that I've got, and update my "legacy" VM with all of the shit installed. It means that at least I can print out tracks from older projects if needed even if I can't use them real time.
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