Code: StatCounter - Visitor Analysis for Your Website I use this tool since years now, it's very useful! Read more about it's features HERE: Code: All these features are part of their free service: * Log-Size * Invisible Counter Option * Configurable Counter * Configurable Summary Stats * Magnify User * Drill Down * Popular Pages * Entry Pages * Exit Pages * Came From * Keyword Analysis * Recent Keyword Activity * Search Engine Wars * Visitor Paths * Visit Length * Returning Visits * Recent Pageload Activity * Recent Visitor Activity * Country/State/City Stats * Recent Visitor Google Map * ISP Stats * Browser Stats * O.S. Stats * Resolution Stats * JavaScript Stats * Email Reports * Multiple Site Management * User Access Management * Public Stats * Blocking Cookie
For me StatCounter is much better! *yes* It's not complicated as Google Analytics.... + you have the possibility to embed a counter on each site you have.