stab-like sound?!

Discussion in 'how to make "that" sound' started by fraifikmushi, Jul 8, 2015.

  1. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest


    I'm wondering how sam made this stab-like sound.
    I know he uses his minimoog a lot but I can't figure it out.

    Any help?

    thanks :wink:
  3. Seckkksee

    Seckkksee Guest

    Forget about what kind of synth a purported producer uses, just learn how to make that sound on any synth. Get a nice chord, usually two or three osc synth, each pitched a half octave below the other, tune the sound musically, or not, give it strong attack with a slight release in the Amp stage. Bam, a stab. Now, add compression to give it presence, or reverb to give it depth. Or both... and more.

    BTW,I didn't even listen to the sample you gave, I'm drunk. I'm always drunk....
  4. Sonar Sounds

    Sonar Sounds Ultrasonic

    Jan 6, 2015
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    Chocolate... :grooves: :grooves: :grooves:

    It's definitely a Minimoog, try the Arturia recreation and see what happens, it's probably filtered and reverbered but the main sound it's a saw from a Moog (filter mod + short decay) :wink:
  5. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    hmm not sure myself if it's a minimoog cuz I've never used one. But the sound seems very similar to those dancey 8th note chords that were done back in 07-08.

    With that said, try giving some Unison to 2-3 oscillators and put it through a filter, then put that filter through an envelope and decrease the release to 0 and the decay
    down until you get a hard stab. And of course make sure that attack is 0 as well. Then bring the Low Pass Filter down halfway until you get a nice modulated filter stab...

    Play around with it to get varied results and have the desired effect you'd want. Of course, using a minimoog would help get it closer to that sound if you are sure a minimoog was used :D
  6. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    okay thanks guys, you got me on the right track :)
    although i think it's rather square waves than sawtooths.
    but what still puzzles me is the filter...
  7. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Make sure you are using a synth that enables you to modulate various parameters to each other, usually modular capable synths will enable you to route your filter to an envelope that is seperate from the Global Oscillator envelope.

    If you have a synth like that, then simply route your Low Pass Filter to an envelope and adjust the envelope so it has 0 attack, low decay and sustain and 0 release. Then pull down the Low Pass Filter so it triggers the envelope.

    Hmmm, if only I could find a video... maybe try this:

    It's different from the sound you are looking for, but it uses the same concept. You just need to tweak it and change the timbre etc etc.
  8. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    hehe, no, that's not what I meant :)
    I meant what kind of filter is used. It has some kind of resonancy I don't get from the minimoog (emulation).

    Where is Baxter when you need him ;)
  9. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    hmmm, yeah sounds like it could have been enhanced with a bit of processing and eq. It's a little towards the left channel. I'm guessing triads or quads were used with notes down the lower octives...

    hold on imma try emulating this sound myself on FabFilter Twin 2...

    *goes to DAW and tries to emulate*

    *half an hour later...*

    I've tried to do it with Twin 2, I've gotten pretty close, of course not perfectly exact. But I used the same concept and idea. But one thing I had a hunch about but didn't mention is
    he may have used Ring Modulation to get that interesting resonance you were talking about. I've applied that to the synth I made and ended up getting a very similar result...

    here is an image of what I did:


    It's definately some saw waves, square waves make it sound all weird and distorted for me... but it could be square as well, because you end up filtering it out anyway and subtracting it...

    I used 2 filters in the synth, a low pass and a high pass. I routed the low pass to an envelope and did the short decay + sustain crowd pleaser thingy blah blah...


    Here, I thought I'd decide to add one more filter with -24db slope and some reverb just to see if I can get it close to the sound.

    Of course, then I emulated the melody and used 2 chords at the lower octives + some small eq'ing and processing. Ran that through a quick master and ended up getting this:

    ekh, I tried... decent excercise...
  10. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    you and me both, brother :mates:
    thanks for all your effort!

    edit: i got pretty near with the nord lead and some heavy filtering...
    It's kinda funny because without the filtering it sounds very much like the brassy sound kollektiv turmstrasse used for their track "sorry i'm late"...
  11. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    the texture of the sound is also influenced and affected by the other elements of the track, especially the nature of the kick and bass and their compression, so you can never get it sounding exact since everything is creating some type of texture. Plus you can never know the way he handled the transients and what's inside the bus unless of course you see the project files.
  12. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    you are absolutely right.
    he uses this sound on other tracks on his album though:
  13. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    yeah, definately something very specific going on there. Mainly with the tuning of the track as well as the synth. Since it's a dark technoey track, it's probably all been downtuned...

    the second track sounds like it's a more better sounding 303 sound...
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