SRC 48 to 96

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Vanx, Nov 27, 2016.

  1. Vanx

    Vanx Newbie

    Nov 27, 2016
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    hello guys, I've started using logic at 96khz for recording.
    I really love Piano in blue, so to ensure best SRC upsampling, and minimal CPU use, I exported, re saving the patch and selecting uncompressed, the library (48khz), batch converted all the samples with IZOTOPE RX 5 at 96khz, re opened the new patch on kontakt, and re saved the patch but this time ticking "compres samples" to get the NCW ones. (I copied the .NKC and .NKR from the original, makes any difference? the library was functioning even without those files in the root folder)

    Is this the correct procedure? Or do I need to make some adjustments in the library specific programming? I want to be sure that kontakt will play the 96k samples and don't try to make a double upsampling process.

    One thing, in the original library some files were still .wav, but in my version ALL the files are now NCW, can this be a problem?

    Thanks! (If this is correct I'll do this for my strings too)
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2016