Spitfire Percussion REDUX V.1.3 keep show "your library need to be added before..."

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Sirapob Jantah, Mar 18, 2018.

  1. Sirapob Jantah

    Sirapob Jantah Newbie

    Feb 10, 2018
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    I got a problem with my Spitfire Percussion REDUX V.1.3 after I added this library and try to load .nki file it showing "your library needs to be added before..." have no idea how to fix (already try with another post but not work) I guess the problem I come from .nicnt file cuz I made this file by myself, anyone know how to fix this?
    I use kontakt5.6.6

    PS. sry for bad English.
    Screen Shot 2561-03-18 at 01.51.31.png
  3. tvandlover

    tvandlover Producer

    Aug 27, 2016
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    I had the same problem when this was first released. This was years ago and was the only library that I have ever had difficulties with.
    In the end i gave up after trying everything and used another percussion library. Just recently I tried it again with kontakt 5.7.3 portable on the same Pc and it works fine now. Perhaps try a different version Of kontakt. There is plenty of information on this site about uninstalling K5 completely.
  4. seanashmore

    seanashmore Guest

    You probably have both a .nks and a .nicnt file...kontakt doesnt like that. Take the .nicnt file out and try and load it it again
  5. thuglife69

    thuglife69 Member

    Aug 16, 2020
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    Anyone got a fix for this?

    "this instrument belongs to a library currently not installed.."

    Can't fix this issue with all moves. Create new .nicnt (while remove original nkc, nkx), check different SNPID's, etc..

    Getting to my limits with this one..

    EDIT: Fixed it. On Mac: Adding With Terminal Library Script, then Open K5.6, remove it in the Library Tab, then add it again inside K5.6. For some weird reason, this chain worked for me.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2024