Speakphone + Logic =Validation Issues

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by ontariobeef, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. ontariobeef

    ontariobeef Newbie

    Nov 22, 2012
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    hey everyone,

    as the title already suggests, I'm having severe problems trying to get the Speakerphone AU up and running in Logic 9.1.6 on a 10.6.8 Mac OS. has anyone encountered similar issues / knows how to fix this? the only data I receive, when trying to validate is the following:


    any help is very much appreciated. thanks in advance.

    MARJU GRLYO Noisemaker

    May 17, 2012
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    What's your language ? (German or something ?) I can't remember which plugin it was, Ozone 5 I think, we had to change the language and choose "USA" in System Preferences/Text & Language/Format (It's an approximative translation)

    Then you had to rescan the plugin and it worked.

    I would try this, also try to run Logic in 32 Bits (If you're in 64) or vice versa. You can try to install the VST too (Sometimes, if the plugin is a wrapper you need the VST to be installed)

    Did you read the .nfo file if there's one ?

    That's all I can say... I don't think I had any problem with Speakerphone... What version is it ?
  4. ontariobeef

    ontariobeef Newbie

    Nov 22, 2012
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    Thanks. I've tried the language thing, and, unfortunately, it didn't work. I get the exact same error message. I'm trying to use Speakerphone version 2.0.3, which can also be found on audioz.info... The download doesn't come with a proper info file, and the odd thing is that I've tried to install other versions of Speakerphone as well - none of them did work. I'm sorta clueless as to what to try next. Suggestions anyone?
  5. Alraun

    Alraun Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    i know this problem. It´s some time ago....i try to remember what i have done to change it.

    First of all Speakerphone is calling home during validation. Did you consider that?
    This might be the reason for /Library/Frameworks/SpeakerPhonePublicSupport.framework/Versions/A making problems.

    You said you´ve tried different versions without success. Did you make a complete Uninstall each time? The Speakerphone uninstaller as well as most uninstaller apps don´t delete all files.
    Find them all with EasyFind. It´s for free and makes a far better search than Spotlight does. You will be surprised, how many files this precious little app shows up, even the invisibles......

    Aside from the files localized in: Audio/Plugins, Programs, Library/AppSupport, Library/Preferences and Library/Frameworks, you should delete com.Audioease.Suite.Speakerphone.☆★✭✬✩✫.plist in User/Name/Library/Preferences/byHost too, before reinstall. This is everything i remember right now.

    You can run Speakerphone with Parallels. In that case you need another DAW than Logic, of course.