Spartan Sounds / Orion Sounds, Very Important!

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by Evorax, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. Leanne Keary

    Leanne Keary Newbie

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Hey there, sorry to break up the witch hunt against Spartan Sounds but I have been a sound designer working with the label for the past month and have had absolutely no problems. The guys at Spartan Sounds have always behaved is a very professional manner towards me. I don't think it's fair to address this post which is no more than a cheap attempt to damage Spartan Sounds good reputation. Myself and a few other designers from auidosex are very pleased with our time working with the label and look forward to the coming year with much enthusiasm.
  2. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    If there's any negative publicity for Spartan Sounds it's their own fault for acting so disgracefully not Evorax's fault for telling the truth about his experience. I know the guy well and I have never heard him talk bad about anyone, he's actually a very friendly and trustworthy person that I am honored to have as a member here. If this were a witch hunt I'm sure he could have come up with a lot worse stuff to say than what he actually did. And if you're really from AudioSex how come it says that you just joined yesterday? You would have had to have been a member to even have responded to the search for sound designers a month ago so something doesn't add up. Perhaps this is just a cheap attempt to preserve the name of Spartan Sounds in light of negative publicity.
  3. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Hey there,

    This is not his only cheap attempt,

    He's exactly the guy you suspect to be. He even made a fake facebook account yesterday with an old dude picture on it(who apparently bought an EDM soundbank, hmmmm, that's so legit), leaving negative comments on RevealSound's Facebook wall where my product was posted by Reveal itself, saying that my pack is bad, not worth buying and so on. He even left messages on my Orion facebook page asking for refund for a pack because "he was not satisfied"(the same old dude, registered on facebook one day ago). Guess what? Once i asked him for a purchase proof/receipt, he said he'll get one "tomorrow", but he just disappeard.(that's because a legit receipt features a valid purchase date).
    He started also to comment on my soundcloud demos, writting bollocks like "not enough low-end".
    Also he asked me once about some production tips in December, then he posted them on SS's Twitter page with the hashtag #SpartanTips.
    In December as well, he left me desperate messages on both AudioSex and Gmail, presenting himself as "Tadgh Williams from Quali T Sounds"(one of his college buddies) that he's interested in sound design business, a cheap attempt of having me back as the main sound designer, but i rejected him politely. He used "Tadgh Williams" facebook profile to comment negatively on my product posted on RevealSounds as well. He does really thinks that everyone is stupid and gullible to think that T. Williams have nothing to do with him.

    I'm not even going to respond to his immature actions in the same manner. He just proves how much time SpartanSounds spends in his trolling attempts instead of working out their products in order to deliver a good value for the money.

    So.. this is the actual Spartan Sounds LLC at the moment. A frustrated guy who no longer owns the "work horse" responsable for the prestige of his company.

    Now i'll get back to work.

    Have a great day everyone!

  4. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    I got a message from Quali T awhile back looking for sound designers.
    I never messaged back. :dunno:
    I had a feeling something was funny about it...
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