Sounds To Sample is makin' changes

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by HalleBnLilSis, Dec 12, 2015.

  1. HalleBnLilSis

    HalleBnLilSis Member

    Dec 5, 2013
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    Greetz All In The GREAT!!! Audioz/AudioSex Community,

    We;re not sure how many Audioz'r were aware of this, but Sounds To Sample is makin' changes az followz:

    Thank you for visiting Sounds To Sample. We appreciate all the loyalty and support our customers have given us over the years.

    But it’s time for a change. In order to continue providing you with the best possible retail experience for your sounds, loops, and samples needs, Beatport Sounds will replace Sounds To Sample at the end of the year.

    Sounds To Sample will remain operational until Dec. 31, 2015, at which point all traffic will automatically redirect to Beatport Sounds, where the same catalog at the same prices will remain available to you.

    Thank you again for your loyalty and support. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact [email protected].

    Head over to Beatport Sounds now and get started with 30% off your next purchase using code S2STOSOUNDS.

    Don't know who carez or who don't give a s*^t, but we just wanted 2 pass this info along.

    Happy & Safe Holidayz 2 All in the Audioz Community. 2016 WILL B A GREAT!! Beginnning 2 MANY CHANGES 2 A Better Life 4 ALL. :wink: :yes: :bow: